Wynnpage Plz/SP,MP-NR010924 (2)~i~ Wi{t:RE' Uee~ng From: To: Date: Subject: "Stover, Douglas" <douglas.stover@eds.com> "'Glenn Harvey'" <Glenn. Harvey@WDPartners.com> Mon, Sep 24, 2001 12:04 PM RE: Meeting Glenn, it was a pleasure meeting you. I have activities going on every night this week. If we need to visit this week, the best way is by phone (I have lunch appointments all week). Call me and leave me a message of the times during the day we can talk. I will then get back to you and let you know what fits into my schedule. I am willing to listen to your comments. However, the other night when we met I thought you wanted to talk about something your HCA was looking at. I had no idea there was a P&Z item coming up until I saw the posted agenda. I have always held the belief that ethically all information sharing and discussion on public matters should be of public record so please understand when I tell you I can't respond to something until I understand the total picture from the developer, city, and homeowner side. I make it a point not to watch P&Z meetings so that I can have an open mind when the item comes to council meeting. Again, I am willing to hear your comments to better inform me of what's going on from the neighborhood's perspective, but I can't offer a response on how I will act on that. Please call me rather than email. This whole public record thing is very tightly controlled. Once you sent me an email, this became a public record. The attorney general's office has indicated personal email is considered a public record so I am sending a copy of this to the city for filing. Douglas N. Stover EDS - Global Compensation and Benefits MS H3-1A-58 5400 Legacy Drive Piano, TX 7'5024 * phone: 972-797-6305 fax: 972-605-1926 * mailto:douglas.stover @ eds.com ..... Original Message ..... From: Glenn Harvey [mailto:Glenn. Harvey@WDPartners.com] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:44 AM To: Stover, Douglas Subject: Meeting Hi Doug, It was nice talking to you after the City Council meeting last week. I wanted to see if I might be able to meet with you briefly this evening at the CCs Coffee House on Denton Tap, rather than during lunch as I had suggested? I would be available any day this week except on Friday (I coach my daughter's soccer team.). I would like for you to be better informed on the issues facing our neighborhood, and I would welcome your insight. Please let me know a convenient time. Warmest Regards, Glenn Glenn Harvey Studio Engineer WD Partners (214)956-3421 (214)351-2095 (FAX) Glenn. Harvey@ WDPartners.com Open your store faster and maximize sales weeks by utilizing the full scope of services offered by WD Partners, "A Strategic Development Partner." WD Partners has experts in all areas - from real estate through construction completion - along with the e-advantage (www.expeSITE.com) to assist its partners in optimizing project delivery and reducing costs. CC: "'jwitt @ ci.coppell.tx.us'" <jwitt @ ci.coppell.tx.us...