Woodlands of C/FP-CS 95111511/15/1995 1G:14 2149311321 FINLEY DEVELOPMEN"[ 2149211321 FINLEY DEVELOPMENT PAGE I~lOV, 1 5 lee5 FAX (214) 931-1321 LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTA~ 16801 Addi~o~ Road, SMte 250 Addison, Texts 75248 TELE~PHONE (214) 931-1312 DATE 11/15/95 COMPANY T.~'~ ~ c~ ~ c~..~=- P~I. o cc O r~o. '304- PROJECT ~ 0 o 0 L~ ~. ~-, ~ 0 NUMBER OF PAGES BEING TRANSMITTED (Including this sheet): 01 IF THERE IS A PROBLEM MTH THIS TRA~VSMI$$1ON, PLEASE CALL [214}, 951-151Z 11/15/1995 16:14 2149311321 FINLEY DEV PAGE 82 STAT£ OF T~XAS 5 COUNTY OF DALL~ S KNOW ALL MEN BY TgRSE PRESENTS The - undersigned, W.O.C. INVESTMENTS, INC.. a Texas corporation, being the Declarant defined in Chac certain "Declaration o~ Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The' woodlands of copgell" (uhe t/DeclaratiOn"), dated October 17, 1995, which Declaration is recorded in Volume 95~04, Page 03610 o~ the Deed Records o~ D&ll&s County, Tax&s, after having obtained the written co~esnc of at le~sc ~Cy-onc percent outstaDding votes Of all members in GOOd Standin~ as described the Declaration and required pursuant co Article IX, Section 9.5 the Decl&racion. does hereby &mend the De¢lar&c~on as ~ollow$: 1.~ AREAS OF COMMON RESPON~IBILITY. "Areas of Common Responsibility" shall m~an (i) the south parkway along Coppe%l Road, (ii) the varied w&li and landscape easement to the Association on Lots 1, ~0, 21, 27, 2~ and 29 Block A, (iii) common area 3-A, owned by =he Assoc~a=ion, in the west parkway o~ Winding Hollow Lane adjacent to Lo= Zg, Block A. {iv) common area 3-B, owned by =he A~sociation, in the median o~ winding Hollow Lane, (v) common area ~-C, owned by the Association, in the eas~ parkway of winding Hollow Lane adjacent ~o Lot %, Block A, Ivi) private utility and floodplain maintenance access e&$emenC, to the Association. between Lots 1 and 2, Block A, (vii~ private floodplain maintenance access easement, tO the Association, on ~he back o~ Lots I through 6 inclusive, Block A. {viii) ~loodplain maintenance easement, ~o the Associa=&on, on floodplain areas where 9lopes are ~rea~er Chart 4:1, {ix) drainage easemen%~, Co th~ Association, on Lot~ 1 through 9 in¢!u, ive on Block S and (x) ~n~aved east parkway o~ A, and such o~her ~mprovemen~s, i~ any, including scre=nwall, entrance monuments, the entry median strUt:ute, community signs, all masoDr¥ tree well~ located in &Dy dedicated riaht-o~-wav and/or easement~_ k~-~%~--f~Cure improvements as may b~ design&ced by ~he Board o~ Direr=ors of the Association for the preserve=ion, protection and enhancement of ~he proper~y values and ~he general heal=h,' safety or welfar~ of Owners. 2. ~. Declarant harmby acknowledges and thau the aforesaid Declaration shall remain in full ~orce and e%fec~ without modification except as expressly set forth herein. 952t90Z ILi. 3 11/15/1995 1G:14 2149311321 FINLEY DEV PAGE 83 Accordingly, all remaining =e~ms, conditions, and provisions of here~n, un,ess o~herwiee amended. Whenever ~he ~rov~s£~ne o£ Declaration, ~he provisions herein shall IN WITNESS WNE~EOF, =he un~ermigne~,~ng the Declarant herein, has hereto set its hand thi~ the day o~ November, 1995. w.O.C. INVESTMENTS. INC. '~R. Thompson, STATE OF TEXAS ~ , COUNTY Og DAL~ ~ This tnett~men~ Was acknowledged ba~o~e me on ~he ~'day o~ Nove~er, 1995, bY J.R. Th~pson, p~esident of W.O.C. I~S~ENTS, INC., a Texas Co~raDlon, kno~ ~o me to ~ the person whose name &~ gubscrib~d to the ~oregoing inS~rummn~ a~d acknowledged to me therein ~reesed an~ In the capacity ~herein sCm=ed OENTQN~MSO$S~D HEREON I$ ~cO~N~, T~S ------~YWOT "~ P~L~C, ST'ATE ~F TE~ '. MY ~MIS~ ~PIRE8 My C~miseion' ~Xp~eS; ~ ~_~O ~q : Zi~R~r AMEI~DI.[F-NT TO TH~ DI=CLAItATI~)M ~1 WO~D ~,MI~ID',J IOA~iD~C X -AMO 95.219