Reschedule of HOA mtg. memo,6-14-199~ 9:lSPN FRON WAINSCOTT. ASSOC INC. 214 447 9110 " I / .... MEMORANDUM DATE: T('): I:ROM: RE: August 31,2001 Waymon I.,evcll Ga ry 1.,. S/cb, Director oJ"P [arming and Corn a~u.,nity Se,'vi cos Andrea Roy. City Planner Marcie Diamond? Asst. Director of.' Phmnh~g I~.obcrl l.lager. C'.Jty Attorney Marl< Wainscolt RESCH ED'ULED WYNNPAGE Ii OME OWN ER'S ASSOCIATION MEETING "l'he Wynnpage I lome O~vncr's Association meeting originally scheduled lbr last Monday evening has been ,-cschcduled .Ii>'}~ WEDNESDAY er{ming, Sel)tCmber 5, 2001. al 7:01) pm. Both the meeting format and tine Iocadon sil'e at Lib:ary w/Il ,'ci'uai.~t rhc same. Again, I ~vould gread'y a.pl~reciate it if)mu cm~ld .inin me at this meeting to help clari I'y ',:my concerns or issues II,at the ho~t/¢owncr's tnight have. Il'you have any qu~'stions priur {o Ibc meeting, pJeasc call me. Thank yOu. 4815 Keller Springs Road · Addison, Texas 75001 · E<nail: info@stidingwainscott, com Office: ~9721 $31~3014 · .Fax [972] 447-9110