List of HOA attendees 9/5/01?-04-199~ 11:19PM FROM _ tirl. ing BUILDERS, INC. WAINSCOTT. ASSOC INC. 214 447 9110 P. 1 '~ '-' CTURAL DESIGN / BUILD FAX (INCLUDING COVER) COMMENTS: IMPORTANT: This mcasage is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copyiqg of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this communication in error, please call the number below. 4815 Keller Springs Road . Addison, Texas 75001 . www, wain$cot$-in¢.com Office: [972) 9~14~014 · Fax [972) 447-9110 7-84-199S 11:2OPM FROM WAINSCOTT, ASSOC INC. 214 447 9110 P. 2 WYNNPAGE PLAZA SOUTH PRESENTATZON TO THE WYNNPAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ATTENDEES: 7:00 PM - SEPTEMBER 5, 2001 - COPPELL I_[BRARY name: Peter Szczachor Barbara Szczachor Steve Carlson David Kerbow Jackie Kerbow Mr. Arlyn Campbell Mrs. Arlyn Campbell Robin Duhon David Flesher Larry Proctor Janette O'Brian Dale Burrows Peggy Burrows J.E. Stenman Patricia Gallo-Stenman Jane Stenman Margaretta Stenman Anita Mehryari Paul Shea Drew Halsey Jay Pugliesk Cindy Weeks Nancy Rahim Mary Ann Dunkum Sharon Griffiths Dale Gdffiths Glenn Harvey Marca Hiller Dan Pugliesk address: 104 Hearthwood Drive 104 Hearthwood Drive 251 Tealwood 100 Hearthwood Drive 100 Hearthwood Drive 255 Tealwood 255 Tealwood 147 Wynnpage Drive 116 Wrenwood 112 Wrenwood 105 Wrenwood 118 Wynnpage 118 Wynnpage 136 Hearthwood Drive 136 Hearthwood Drive 136 Hearthwood Ddve 136 Hearthwood Ddve 108 Hearthwood Drive 259 Tealwood 129 Wrenwood 145 Hearthwood Ddve 146 Wynnpage Ddve 134 Wynnpage Drive 141 Hearthwood Ddve 126 Wynnpage Ddve 126 Wynnpage Drive 133 Wrenwood 139 Wynnpage Drive 145 Hearthwood Drive phone number: 972-393-4781 972-393-4781 972-745-2604 972-304-9655 972-304-9655 972-393-3584 972-393-3584 972-393-1283 972-393-5405 972-462-8648 972-462-1741 972-393-1731 972-393-1731 972-304-8354 972-304-8354 972-304-8354 972-304-8354 972-471-2792 972-393-7052 972-393-5574 972-462-7130 972-304-5446 972-393-5387 972-462-8005 972-462-7402 972-462-7402 972-745-3055 972-393-5027 972-462-7130