Nlake 635(5)/Re-AG990413 AGENDA REQUEST FORM r"~~~L~7;TEETING: April 13,1999 ITEM # ~ ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Northlake 635 Business Park, Replat of Lot 1, Block D and Site Plan, to allow the development of 2 office and warehouse buildings totaling 240,800 square feet on 32.83 acres of property located at the northwest corner of Beltline Road and Lakeshore Drive. SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb rvlc~es~]* ~ TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Se STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: March 18, 1999 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. Commissioner Kittrell was absent. McGahey, Lowry, Approval recommended as follows: The Replat was recommended for approved, as submitted. The Site Plan was recommended for approval, subject to the following conditions: 1) Show limits of the protected wetland areas along Beltline Road on the site plan. hedge. (CONDITION MET) CONDITION MET) 7) CompliaJ~ce with the Leisure Services Department comments (attached to Staff Report)(~J~' l't'l ["l'/G,tl~l'O kl t~'~D Pr~r ~ Staff recommends approval oY'-this request. DIR. INITIALS: ~~t FIN. REVIEW: ¢ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: enda Request Form -~Revised 2/9 9 Document Name: ~NL635BP CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARK, REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK D, AND SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: March 18, 1999 April 13, 1999 LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: At the northwest corner of Beltline Road and Lakeshore Drive. 32.83 acres of property; Phase I: Total 2 Buildings: Building A: 105,600 sf Building B: 135,200 sf LI (Light Industrial) Replat at Lot 1, Block D, and Site Plan review. Owner: Transwestern Beltline, L.P. 12221 Merit Dr., Ste. 450 Dallas, TX 75251 (972) 233-1022 FAX: (972) 991-4247 Engineer: Halff Associates, Inc. 8616 Northwest Plaza Dr. Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 346-6248 FAX: (972) 361-5573 HISTORY: A preliminary plat for the entire Northlake 635 Business Park was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission in 1984. However, the road system of this business park received Final Plat approval on January 22, 1985. A preliminary plat for this site (also known as the Vari-Lite site) was approved by City Council on January 9, 1996. The Planning and Zoning Commission was designated as the final review authority on the Final Plat which was approved on January 18, 1996. TRANSPORTATION: Beltline Road is an existing 6-lane divided major arterial in a 120'- wide right-of-way. Lakeshore Drive is an existing C2U, two-lane undivided road built in a 60'-wide right-of-way. Item # 11 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - East - West - Industrial development; LI, Light Industrial Industrial development; LI, Light Industrial North Lake; City of Dallas vacant; LI, Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is proposing a two-phase industrial development. The two-office/warehouse distribution buildings proposed for Phase I would be constructed immediately. However, Phase II will be developed at a later date. The proposed building facing Beltline Road measures approximately 105,600sf. About 70% of the building space will be devoted for office use and 30% will be devoted to warehousing. The second building, overlooking Lakeshore Drive, measures approximately 135,200sf and will be evenly split between office and warehouse space. The two buildings are U-shaped and the interior courtyard area of each building will be used as truck courts, thus concealing the loading areas from both Lakeshore Drive and Beltline Road. The buildings will be painted tilt wall construction, very comparable to the existing structures to the north and south of this site. The replat document indicates that along the northern property line, as well as along the eastern property adjacent to Beltline Road, are areas recognized as wetlands. Staff was informed that most of the wetlands along Beltline Road occurs in the ditch that parallels the road. The landscape plan shows trees being planted along Beltline Road. Staff would request some form of documentation from the applicant that the proposed landscaping would be allowed as shown. Also, there are utility poles in the ditch along Beltline. Originally, the poles were 40' in height. TU Electric cut down the size of the poles to 20' when they relocated their line to the east side of Beltline. Staff was informed that GTE and Paragon Cable are presently using the 20' poles. Staff would request that the utility lines be placed underground or relocated to a less conspicuous location on the site. The submitted site plan shows that the applicant is providing a total of 724 parking spaces for Phase I, approximately 151 parking spaces over city code. The plan also shows future locations of two monument signs. The first sign is shown at the southeastern Item//11 driveway of Phase I and the second sign is shown at the southeast corner of the property at Beltline Road and Lakeshore Drive. Staff is comfortable with both locations, however, requests some dimensions and elevations of the signs. The landscape plan generally complies with city regulations. However, there are three changes that staff request of the applicant with regards to the plan. First, the parking spaces along the northern property line are partially screened with a 3' tall berm. However, the majority of the parking spaces are not screened. Staff realizes there is a minimum of 60 feet of open space between the proposed parking spaces and the northern property line. A portion of the open space is designated as wetland area that contains trees, shrubs and tall grasses. Nevertheless, the zoning ordinance is very specific that it requires all off-street parking spaces to be screened from all abutting property lines with a 30" high hedge or berm. Therefore, staff requests a 30" high hedge be installed. Second, the Texas Ash is not a tree listed in the city approved plant palette. Substitute it with one that is listed. Third, provide documentation that the proposed landscaping along Beltline Road is acceptable. Lastly, the tree survey indicates a total 1,047 caliper inches in Phase I. The plan shows replacing only 193 caliper inches. According to the landscape architect the remaining 1,047 caliper inches do not have to be replaced because those are injured trees that are exempt from mitigation. Most of the injured trees are Mesquites that have significant bark damage or brown flux, or large limbs are missing. The City's Park Planner and Landscape Manager has confirmed that a vast majority of the trees on site can not be saved. However, the Landscape Manager has indicated some of the trees on the survey could be saved and that some trees were not shown on the survey. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: The planning staff recommends the following: REPLAT RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the replat. SITE PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following conditions being met: 1) Show limits of the protected wetland areas along Beltline Road on the site plan. Item # 11 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Staff requests that the applicant provide documentation that the proposed landscaping along Beltline Road is allowed as shown. Staff requests that the utility lines be placed underground or the poles be relocated to a less conspicuous location on the site. Screen parking spaces along the northern property line with a 30" high hedge. Substitute the Texas Ash tree with a tree on the city approved plant palette. Submit dimensions and elevations of the two monument signs. Compliance with the Leisure Services Department comments. ALTERNATIVES: ATTACHMENTS: Relative to the Replat: 1) Recommend approval of the replat 2) Recommend disapproval of the replat Relative to the Site Plan: 1) Recommend approval of the site plan 2) Recommend disapproval of the site plan 3) Recommend modification of the site plan 4) Take site plan under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Replat Site Plan Building Elevations Landscape Plan Irrigation Plan Tree Survey Departmental comments Applicant's Memo Regarding Relocation of Existing Overhead Utilities Item # 11 03/11/99 10:3G CITY OF COPPELL LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT OFFICE MEMO DATE: Mm'ch Il, 1999 TO: Gary 5ieb, Director of Planning f. FROM: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landscape Manager ~ SUBJECT: Tree Survey Performed on the Northlake 635 Business Park, Phase I I visited the above mentioned site this week in order to familiarize myself with the site characteristics and condition of the existing trees. As you are aware, the tree surveyor for this project has omitted from the reparation list, several trees which would ordinarily fall within the size and species guidelines for being protec:ted trees. All of the trees being exempted from the protected list are of the species Prosopis grandulosa (mesquite). While several specimens at this location are desirable of preserving, most are not in a condition which would generally be classified as a tree to be protected and preserved. Many of these trees have suffered si~iticant bark damage at the base, are emitting a brown flux or ooze and are dropping large limbs. This situation creates an unsafe, weak wooded tree which is in obvious decline. I also noticed the tree survey performed at this site is not complete. There are a few trees of note which are not reflected on the survey and need to be added to the list of trees for which reparation is due. Also, a few of the trees should be mitigated which are listed on the tree survey but are not proposed to be replaced. In particular, trees with tag numbers 24, 27, 43 and 91 should be mitigated and reparation made as damage to these trees is minimal and with trimming and care, they could make acceptable landscape trees. Please let me know if you need additional information. BR ~1~1 ~fl §§73 WED 17:32 FAX 214 361 5573 HALFF ASSOC INC '" Halff Associates, Inc lid · ENGINEERS · ARCHITECTS · SCIENTISTS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS 8616 No~'wvast Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 75225-4292 (214) 34e-S200 Fax (214) 361-5573 [~0Ol · . UB ECT' MEMORANDUM Isabelle Moro DATE: March 10, 1999 Coppell Planning Dept. AVO: 17695 Jim Gaspard Transwestem Property Company Todd Abbott, E.I.T. Emaih tabbottOhalff.com Utility Relocations PROJECT: Coppell Commerce Center Block D, Lot1 Northlake 635 Business Park The following is an update on the status of the relocation of the existing overhead utilities along the west side of Beltline Rd. between Lakeshore Dr. and Wrangler Dr., as requested by the City of Coppell. Per conversation with Tim Brancheau, TU Electric has relocated all overhead lines along the above referenced site to the east side of BeEline Rd. TU Electric has, however, currently maintained ownership of the poles tocated along the west side of BeEline Rd. Additional utilities are on the poles. We are currently in the process of verifying which utility companies have facilities located on the TU poles. Approximately three weeks ago, TU Electdc topped the poles to a height just above the remaining utilities. It is our understanding that the poles may be sold to the remaining utility companies 30 days after the poles are topped. Per conversation with Gary Casteel, if GTE has facilities along the TU poles, the facilities may be relocated at no expense to the property owner if the City of coppell requests that the lines be relocated. Mr. Casteel is currently in the process of verifying that GTE facilities are, in fact, along the west side of Beltline Rd. We are currently in the process of contacting Paragon Cable and Southwestem Bell Telephone to determine if they have facilities that will be impacted. This information will be forwarded to you as soon as it becomes available. We would request that the City of Coppell make a formal request to TU Electric that the existing poles not be sold to the remaining facilities' owners and that the poles be removed. We would also request that formal requests be made to GTE and Paragon Cable for the relocation of their existing facilities along the west side of Beltline Rd. if, in fact, they are present. Please find attached sample letters for your use. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me at your convenience at (214) 346 -6248. X Attachments: Sample Letters Copies: File 03/16/99 TUE 09:0Z F.~ Zl4 061 5573 HALFF A830C I~C ~002 'ill '" Halff Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS · ARCHITECTS · SCIENTISTS · PLANNERS · SURVEYORS 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Dallas, Texas 752.25-4292 (214) 34e-~ZO0 Fax (214) 361-5573 MEMORANDUM TO: CC: Isabelle Moro Coppel! Planning Dept. Jim Gaspard Transwestem Property Company Bill Morgan Paragon Cable DATE: March 16, 1999 AVO: 17695 FROM: SUBJECT: Todd Abbott E/naih tabbott @ halff.com Utility Relocations PROJECT: Coppell Commerce Center' As stated in a previous memorandum, we have been in the process of contacting Paragon Cable to determine what utilities may be affected by the removal of the overhead poles along the west side of Beltline Rd. between Lakeshore Dr. and Wrangler Dr. I was able to speak with Mr. Bill Morgan of Paragon Cable yesterday. According to Mr. Morgan, Paragon is in the process of constructing a fiber optic system along Beltline Rd. Once this system is completed, the existing overhead lines along the west side of Beltline Rd. will be relocated to the east side of Beltline Rd. The relocation should take place in approximately 60 days. A~though I am unaware of the project limits, it does include the frontage of Block D, Lot 1. If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please contact me at your convenience at (214) 346-6248. Attachments: Copies: File