Forest Cv P1/FP-CS 97091709¢15/97 MON 15:57 FAX 214 638 0447 C & B DALLAS 444 PACIFIC UNITED DATE: Sept. 1 ' , ..... ~ ......... 3- Applic.,, Terry Mitchell e Carter, Burgess, Inc. ~44~Jj 1950 Elmbtook~. J~O ga'lla~',/ T~_~{47 ...... Street Clt~ -grate z~p Phone ~ (214) 638-0q45 4. rJrm rreaaring Street City Stere Zip Phone #. 5. Ptopexty O~er Pacific United Oeve]opment Address --L~[5-i~¥SWay.R. gad ~'--C'~F~ollton, TX 75006 Street CLty State Phone #...~)72L~47-0401 6. Develover, (Same as Owner) kddrese Phone #, Street City grate )ip All Correspondence relative to this a~plication should be directed to whom: Carter & Burgess, Inc. Name Terry.#itche11_ City. State, 2iP._./3a2_La.~... TX- ]&Pa7 __ . Gene=al LocatiOn O! Property , ~,000 feet wast of Denton ~aP on the south side of Sandy Lake Road What il the present Zoning DistriCt? SF 7 any toning cJumnge? no ~le # ..... Zoning d~s~z~ct ~queated? 10. Proposed Suldivisiou Contains; I~B~trial , Public S~r~et Ryw . P~ks. Public No. of bots or Units 44 .... 8UBAPP Acres (for ea. uae) 13'~435 214 393 0948 01-16-95 IO:54AM PO03 #50 DATE 09/16/97 INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION Fc~sst Cove Estates, Phase 1 Subdivision Application AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT $1,380.00 Detach stub before depositing PACIFIC UNITED, L.P. 2445 MIDWAY RD., SUITE 106 CARROLLTON, TEXAS 75006 PACIFIC SOUTHWEST BANK FSB Corpus Christi. Texas 88-7359/3149 No. 001077 1077 One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty and no/100 COP100 PaY TO mE ORDER OF CITY OF COPPELL · '.~L' it.J..,k~ ' L.('. ' Received From Address J~,~~_. ~.I ~u '- - ~NCE ~EY DUE ~. By