Forest Cv P2/FP-CS 971030 214 ~3~ 044? 10/31/97 FRI 11:52 FAX 214 638 0447 C & B DALLAS ~ OOl Carter. Burgess - Consultonts in Engineering, Architecture, FA C S ! M I L E Plonning and the Environment TRANSMITTAL DATE: I°1 TIME: FAX NUMBER: q'-'/~ -- %0,4- '5 5'7o FROM: CARTER & BURGESS, INC. 7950 ELMBROOK DRIVE, SUITE 250 DAI.LA~, TEXAS OFFICE PHONE: (214) 638-0145 FAX PHONE: (214) 638.0447 COMMENTS:. NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): Carler & i~ lng. 7950 Elmbrook Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75247-4951 (214} 6380145 Me~o (214) 263-2019 Fax (214) 638-0447 £0/31/g7 FRI 11:52 FAX 214 638 0447 C & B DALLAS ~002 Lone Star Pipeline Company 1931 East Sixth .St. Irving, Texas 75060 Phone: 214-579-0232 RECEIVED OCT 0 9 1997 ,..;ARTER & BURGESS, INC. DALLAS T. W. Rudd Supervisor / Dallas Un/t Metroplex Di*trict October 6, 1997 Mr. Terry H4. Mitchell Carter & Burgess 7950 Elmbrook Dr., Ste. 250 Dallas, Texas 75247-4951 Re: Forest Cove Estates Dear Mr. Mitchell: The plans for the Forest Cove subdivision have been reviewed and, subject to the following provisions, are acceptable to Lone Star Pipeline Co. - There is to be no construction within thepipeline easement withaut as least 48 hours prior notice to this office. Such notation should appear on the flnal prints. - Although Lone Star Pipeline wouldprefer more ora right angle to thepipeline at the point of intersection with Hickory Ridge, the alignment is acceptabla There is, however to be no machine tamping directly over the pipeline. Any crossing of the pipeline with heavy equipment is to occur at a single point and that point is to be ramped to prevent damage to the pipeline. The sanitary sewer profiles for lines D & E indicates sufficient clearance between the sewer and pipeline, however the proposed grade seems to indicate insufficient cover over the pipeline. There must be at least thirty inches of cover over the pipelin~ Also, the sheet for lines F& G indicates a lack of proper clearance between line G and thepipelin~ A minimum of eighteen inches is required between thepipeline and all other utilities. Utility crossings are required to be at ninety degrees to the pipeline and, as stated above, be a minimum of eighteen inches from the pipeline. All telephone, electric, cable tv and other such utilities must be encased in steel conduit for a minimum often feet either side of the pipeline. There is to be no construction of a permanent nature within the easement, Le., buildings on found_a~ons, swimming pools, eta Outbuildings will be considered on an individual basis as will sidewalks and driveways. t0/31/97 FRI 11:53 FAX 214 638 0447 C & B DALLAS ~003 - Though not encouraged, fencing is allowed over the easemen~ Fences may cross the easement at right angles and may parallel the easement along one side only. They will not be allowed to cross back and forth over the easement. There is to be no drilling for fence posts within ten feet either side of the pipelin~ - Landscaping and other encroachments will be considered on an individual basis. I trust this provides the information you required. Ill can_ be offurther assistance, please let me know. T. W. Rudd