Forest Cv P2/FP-CS000412May-Og-O0 07:31A 9?2 304 3~14' City of Coppel3 972 304 ROBERT W. POI~'E & ASSOCIATES 4011 W. PLANO PARKWAY SUITE 104 PLANO, TEXAS ?5093 (972)964-8801 - FAX (972)59&6547 P.01 April 12, 2000 Ms. Jan Bertrand Building Inspector City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Forest Cove Addition Phase II Dear Ms. Bertrand: In October 1999 we requested, on behalf of Newmark Homes, release of Lots 13 and 23, Block A, Forest Cove II; the request was granted based on our commitment to amend the deed rest~ns to allow the Forest Cove Homeowners Association the right and ability to maintain the wa, r~ on these lots in the same manner the screening wall along Sandy Lake Road will be maintained. Although we started the process of amending the deed restrictions in November 1999, we have just now received the enclosed copies of the recorded amendments to the deed restrictions. These documents provide a maintenance easement on the lots adjacent to the walls and add the walls to the maintenance responsibilities of the Association. We would appreciate your acknowledgement of receipt of these documents. We assume homes on tl~ese lots~an be released for final inspectio, ns (subject, of course, to satisfacti0n'ofthe s.tanglatd requirements of the City). Thank you f~r working with us in the resolution of this matter. Please let us know ify'ou, have any questions. cc: Dave Schramm, Newmark Homes Mark Messer, Pacific United 'co~sts~pqng ='41 uodn suonoLtlsal ptm suo:i!p'.'o:~ 'slueu;.*.oo ?uo!:]pp~; uml--.~o osodtt!.! ol uo]l=-a~l aaCI atN pu~tue pue lU~T-9,',Icidns ol aiq:.z.map u s Laaap uo!~,s, iaos.~¥ ac.~ 'Sv~ a ~ ptm :ttolm?o~s¥ ~.6Ii p=qs!Iqe~sa 'joa:~q lzed '~ oputu ptm o~aaoq peqoell~ ;,¥,'; ~!q!qx3 'uo ~,,tto.:s!^!pqn.~,, =L.n~ %u×ai '.~unoD s~[I~C3 ',.'l-"~tloD 3o ,(lid oql ol uo!l!ppu u~,~,2'~i~.Si' _~a^oD ~sa.~o.T s~ t~O,L!~ £1~doad [ea~ =ql Jo :~doN.,~ap pue~,~bu,¥,o at[1 su u~doi~a~0 'gv3',t.:lll.~ ' :H J,~T $ S 3 N £ lAS. § svgqvC] f0 ~< ~0 ' ~ 6;'6l~6g~t~TE ~3'19:~J ~ ,Ls'~GI~ .NtqQH ~I :£I 00k3E-IO-83n t~I~Z t~Oi~ ~L6 lladdo:) ~o ~'q..L9 VIE:ZO O0-60-,feH May-O9-O0 07:31A City of Cop~pell 972 304 FEB-~l-2~.08 15:1-~ t,ICm!N' miDLE'¥' & MILLER 3514 P. 03 Tke Declaration is hereby Para:_4raph tS of the Declarat[on: ARTICLE I su.~plemcnted and ar_,cndcd by addin~ the following ~o 1.1 Additional Association Maintenance ResponsibilitigS, in addition to maintenance upon :he Common Area, and as provided in Section 6 orthe Declaration, the Association shall also pr~{~ide maintenance upon ~ rcIainin$/screenin~ wall constructed in the Subdivision along Sandy L~e Road on the rear of Lot Thiaecn (13), Block A, ~d ~ac side orLot Twenty-thrE~ (23), Block A ('"Screeni~'all"). Such m~ntanance shall inclcde maintaining, r~p~ring, removing,, replacin~ o[~upgrading or ~hc Screening Wall. ' ~ 1.i ~I~intenanc~ Easemeut, ~e Association and Developer r~s~'e a' noa-~xclusiv~ ' pe~e~:~a! easement ia. to, over. under, along ~d ac~si Lot Thhleen (13), ~tock A, Lo~ Twanty- three (2~), Block A, and Lot Twenty-four (24), Block A, solely for the pu~ose of mainzaining. rcpaia~, removing, replacing, or upgrading the Screenin! Wall ("Mainten~co Eaemen~"). N~ithcr the Association nor ~hu Developer, using tl~e Mainten~ce Easement, shall be liabl~ for a~y damage dor. e by ~h. em or their assigns, their agents, employees or servants to any prop~y of tko 0wncr. ARTICLE II 2.1 Duration. The Supplemental Covenaats and Rest:'ictions of this Supplemental Dec:at'ariel', shall run and bind the Subd:.v~.sion, ar.d shall inure to the benefit of and bc enfo~'ceable by the AJsociation. Th!s Supp'.emental Declaration shall be effective until January 31. 2026, after wP, ich time ~uch covenants and resV, ictions shall be automatically extended for successive ten-year oc:~cds. '.,n!es~ th-= Association by a se,,,~n~'-~,ve pcrcen~ (75%) vote or,ts m~mbers detem'.ined by atloca::ne votes as orovided m :he Decl;,ratlon, shaH'in wddng, change or modi['v same in ,,,,'hole or in part by acUon taken during tke year 2026 or dunng the [aat year of any succeeding :eh.year :enewal pe:iod. 2.2 Amen~dments.. Notwithstanding Section 2.1 of this Article, this Supplemental Dcclai:ation may be amended need;or changed by a seventy-five percen~ (75%} vote of the members of the A'ssociatior,, de:ermined by allocating r. he votes as prove, tied in the Declaration. No such amendment shall beco~.e effective ~'1 any event unless contained in a dui)' executed at~,d authorized mst:-.:me,'~.t filed ut :he office of the Cou::W Clerk of Dallas Co:tory. Texas. except that pr~or to Sanua:v 1. 2002. ~o such amendment shall be valid or effective v, itho :c. thejoinder oftke Developer. No amer, dm~nt shall be e~[ecl, i,,e un:'.'l chh'ty (30) days after recording or until all requisite go,~cmmer, tal app:ovals, if zr.y. have been obtained. 2.3 Conflict with Deelaratlon. If any provisions oft. l',is Supplemental Declaration conflict ~,,:ith th~ proviso, on in the Declaration pertaining to ~,e same subject, the provision that is more r~St;'!.cL~, -'. ~r that contzins the most stri:'.gcn: :equire.m..ents sha'.l control. .~'.p.~ts~.--.er.'. ;~-?'~A.~:endmcnt to Declaration of Can~J~ns al:d Res:r:c:ions -%: Forest Cove '356" ~.1 " z, 058 May. Og-OQ 07:32A City of Coppell 972 304 3514 FEB-O1-2~ 13:15 WOLIM' RIDLE'f & MILLER 2149394949 p.04 P. 04/~ 2.4 Defined Terms. Each term utilize~n th~l~plcmentaI Dcclaration~wi~¥its initial letter capitalized and not otherwise specifically de~mcd hcr¢in shall be giveu the me..aning a~.ribed to such term in the Declaration. ~'. IN WITNE$~I~'HER£OF, thc Afsociation and Developer have caused this instrument to be ° executed as of the data set forth in the first paragraph of this Supplemental Declaration. By: FOREST COVE ES'rATES ASSOCIATION~ INC. a Texas non-profit corporation I'IOM£OWN E RS PACIFIC UNITED, L.P. a Texas limited partnership By: Pacific United Development Corp. a Nevada corporation, its sole GcneraI Partner Supplemem and Amendment to Decla~aUoa of ¢onditiona and P,a.~ictior~ for Forest Cove ?ag= 3 058 !.'., 356 MaJ/-Og-O0 07:32A City XE~-OI-L~O !3:t5 of Coppe 11 .J]LIN' RICL~:Y g MILLER 97:~ 3O4 3514 P.05 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Mark Messer, President of' Fore,st Cove Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., a Texas non-profit corporation, know-n to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing ins.q-ument and ac:.cr, oxvledgcd :o mc that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. tn the capacity stated, and a.s the act and deed o£said corporation. -'7. OF' OFFICE this the~_7~) day o£-" ' ' . 2000. Given UNDER .~¥ HAND AND SEAL ,N'(~i;~ l%§li~-ln and for State'o~,-~ Commission Expir:s: M.y , ', ...:: Lt.-' ';:'::7 '-:: COUNTY OF dC I~EF'ORE 31£, .'.he unde. stgned authority, on ~i$ day personally appeared 'rk~ · l~,¢~..k// ,? .'~ ~ ~:'~ 5, ,(~:~ of Pacific United D:velopmcfit Co~.. th~ sole General Pair. er of Paci,~c United. L.P., a Tex~ limited p~tnership, known to me to be the person whose name ~s subscribed to the foregoing ins~dment ~d m~owledged to me ti:at ha/she :xecut~d the sam~ for the pu~oses and consideration therein expressed, in ~e capacity stated, and ~ tko act and deed of said co~oration. _~~ ~ I/ '9' - -~ ,'~ ee ~ ~ / ! // / _ ~: _ ~ _~: :Not~vPuohcm~dfo. Stat~of ~ /~ ~ . · ~_.~_ ' .... a'c.~%7.." ~ ~ ~/ ',,,,,,,.,' ~Lpplemee~ and A~ndm~et ro ~<IaraliQn OF Cov¢:tant~. Cor. d:t:o~s ar.d Rts~:{cho~s for F~st Cove ~s:,~:~ ~age 4 058 03567 May-09-O0 07:32A City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.06 EXHIBIT A Ph~e I s (:xT~d'~m' w. A :mST. MCE (:ir 1~&.OO r~'r ~ A S,/1' glen 81:10 ~ May-09-00 07:33A City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.07 Phase II O3569 97~ ~04 3514 ~4ay-Og-OO O?:35A City of Coppell g?8 304 3514 FEB-01-~8 ~:1~ WOLIN' ~[OLEY ~ M[LLE~ P.O1 SUPPLEMI?NT AND/L~IE,%'DMENT TO DECLAtC4 ]"ION OF COFEJVdNTS, CONDITIONS dP, rD RESTRICTIO;¥S FOR FOREST COVE ESTATES THE: STAT~ OI-' TC;(,.A.$ COunTY OF DALLAS Deed 03/23/00 8045543 ~1.00 This Supplement and Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Sond~tions'm{d'Restrictions for Fo:est Co0e Estates (the "Supplemental DeclaratH~]") is made ti:ds Z .~.. clay 2000, b~,l~st Cove Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., a Texas nb,n-profit corporation (tlcr¢in~eferred to as the "Association") and Pacific United, L.P., a Texas Fruited partnership (here|troller referred to as the "Developer"). WITNESSETH: WIIEREAS, Dcve!oper. as the owner and developer of thc real property known as Forest Coves Estates, an addition to thc City of Copp~lI, D~.llas County, Texas (ute "Subdiv:.~on ), described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, established the A~$ociation; aud WHEREAS. Developer has heretofore subjected the Subdivision to certain covenants. conditions, restricnons, easemcnts, charges ~.r,d lim~'s, as set forth in thc Dcciarat!on of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Forest Cove Estates filed with the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas. on lune 23. 1998, as Instrument No. 189662 (the "Declaralion"); m~d W~Ut. REAS, thc Dcclara'.ion tuns with the Subdivls:on a.-.d is binding upon and inure~ to the benefit of Developer and all owr, er,~ or purchasers ofthe Lots within thc Subdivision, and upon tl~eir heirs, successors, executors, administratars and assigns; and %¥H£Rr-AS, all the owners of the Lots, including the Dcvclopcr, ore required to b, mcmbcrs of the Association and thc Association is entitled to supplement and amend thc Declaration; and W~;ERZ,s.S, thc A~soclation deems ~'. desirable to supplement and amend the Declaration to impose cc.-tmn additional covenants, co:'.ditions emd resections upon tl;c Subdivision. NOw '['HER£FOR. E, the Asso¢;.ation declares that tko all Lots skuated in :he Subdiv;.sion arc and shall be held. transferred, sold, conveyed, used and occuoicd, subject to the following covenants. condition~, restrictions, casements, charges and liens (somctimes re fen'ed to as thc "Supplemental Covenan-'.s and Restr;ctions"), herein set lb.,'th. supplement and Amendment to Declaration of Cav~[~n[~. ~ ~ ~ocdinons ~nd Restrictions for Forcs: Cove F~utes 53~4~_2.'fi0715 00~2 ~ ' ~ Z 058 0356 , Page I