Commerce Ctr P1/Re-AG010109COPiSELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM * ~'~~'~-4 ~ . ~ ~ ~ CITV~ COUNCILMEET~G: January 9, 2001 ITEM ~ ~ ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Coppell Commerce Center, Phase 1, Replat and Site Plan Amendment, to amend and expand the existing Site Plan to allow the development of an additional office and warehouse building on 19.386 acres of property located along the north side of Burns Street, between Freeport Parkway and Hammond Street. SUBMITTED B~.' Gary L. Sieb TITLE: ~ Director of Plann_i, gg'and Community Services STAFF COMMEN2~7 Date of P&Z Meeting: December 21, 2000 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: ...~........o;"'~;"-*'~o .h_... ....... v*'-'v.-.*'.., ....... ,.,-,~ ,.o !8.918. (CONDITION MET) nan ~_,~ ~,~n n'~ (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 1 ...... * tq~.- h~*h Dh .... ~ T £~ TT (CONDITION MET) Please see next page for additional conditions. Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 FIN. REVIEW: CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ~CCCrsp COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER, PHASE 1, REPLAT & SITE PLAN AMENDMENT (CONDITIONS CONTINUED) vj (CONDITION MET) Comply with Section 31-3(Off-Street Loading) of the zoning ordinance, one loading space shall be provided per 20,000 square feet of space, requiring 4 loading spaces for the north building (Phase II). (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 11\ 1 '2\ REPLAT CONDITIONS: ....... fO ; .... ; .... *; ..... ;+U *";O "'~+ (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 3) The applicant shall work with TXU Electric and Gas to obtain the necessary easements along Burns and Hammond Streets and for the location of the proposed switchgear. (CONDITION MET) Staff recommends approval. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER PHASE 1 REPLAT and SITE PLAN AMENDMENT P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: December 21, 2000 January 9, 200 l Along the north side of Bums Street, between Freeport Parkway and Hammond Street. Approximately 19.386 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial). REQUEST: Replat and Site Plan amendment approval to consolidate the property into one lot and to allow the development of an additional office/warehouse building containing 76,797 square feet. APPLICANT: HISTORY: TRANSPORTATION: KCD-TX II Coppell Investment c/o Koll Corporate Development 8411 Preston Rd., Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 696-1700 (214) 373-3108 Fax Architect: Alliance Architects 1600 N. Collins, Suite 1000 Richardson, TX 75080 (972) 233-0400 (972) 233-2259 Fax The subject site was originally platted as part of the Coppell Commerce Center Phase I, containing a total of 32.34 acres. On November 14, 2000, City Council approved a replat and site plan for the subject site, allowing the applicant to subdivide the property into two north/south blocks (Blocks 1 & 2) and to develop two office/warehouse buildings, each containing, 76,797 square feet, on the southern portion of the site. Freeport Parkway is a 4-lane divided road in an 80'-wide fight-of- way. Freeport Parkway is proposed to be expanded to a six-lane roadway in a 110'-wide right-of-way. Item # 10 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant; "LI" Light Industrial South - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial East - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial West - Minyards Corporate Headquarters, "LI" Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is again requesting to replat Blocks 1 & 2, Phase I Coppell Commerce Center to consolidate the two north and south blocks into one Block (Block 1R), creating one lot containing 19.386 acres. As stated in the above site history, the original request for site plan approval included only the southern half of the site for the development of two buildings. The current request for site plan approval includes the entire site to allow for the development of an additional building on the northern half of the site, proposing three 76,797 square foot buildings with accessory parking and truck service areas. In order to clarify this request, the applicant has labeled the previously approved southern portion of the site as Phase I and the northern portion of the site as Phase II. The site is designed so that the two southem buildings in Phase I face outward and the more intense truck court/service area is located between the two buildings. The truck court area is screened from the south and north sides by four 8' high decorative walls, allowing this area to be exempt from the landscape requirements. The northern building within Phase II will mirror the adjacent building to the south, with the exception of the decorative screen walls, as this truck court will not be exempt from the landscape requirements. The northeast quadrant of the site will remain as an open grass area unless a demand for additional parking arises. A detention basin will be located in the northeast comer of the site. Numerous existing trees are located along the northern property line. The applicant has made an effort to preserve as many trees as possible and therefore, no additional tree mitigation is required. The applicant proposes a maximum of 54% office uses, with the remainder of the buildings to be warehouse/distribution uses. While the plan indicates that 523 parking spaces are provided, staWs calculation indicates that only 504 parking spaces are provided. The reduced level of parking will limit the maximum percentage of office space to approximately 51% and not 54%. The architecture of the proposed warehouse/office buildings will be two- toned painted tilt wall structures (tan/beige) with clear glass windows and silver/gray mullions. The main building entrances will be highlighted with a Item # 10 darker gray tilt wall, projecting approximately 5' beyond the roofline and will feature architectural stone walls. This feature will give depth to the building and break up the massing. Additional architectural features have been added to the comers of the buildings at the request of the Planning & Zoning Conmfission when they reviewed the original proposal. Two 36-sq. fl. monument signs are requested to be located on Freeport Parkway. One sign is proposed to be located at the second entrance into the site and the other sign is proposed to be placed at the intersection of Freeport Parkway and Bums Street. While the subject site complies with the necessary size and frontage requirements to locate two monument signs on site, no more than one sign may be placed on each street. Staff has included a condition requiring the applicant to revise the placement of the proposed monument signs. As shown on the submitted elevations, the applicant has indicated proposed areas for possible future attached signs. These outlined areas are in compliance with the sign regulations and wilt allow for individual tenants to obtain signage as they occupy the buildings. Alternative Layout The applicant has again shown an alternative parking layout on the site plan that allows the flexibility to provide up to 100% office area based on specific tenant needs. In this case, all track courts would be converted to passenger vehicle parking areas and the open grass area in the northeast comer of the site would become passenger vehicle parking. An alternative site plan layout sheet is provided; however, there are some inconsistencies among plan sheets and additional information is required for staff to confirm that the alternative parking areas will comply with City regulations. According to staff calculations, the alternate parking layout will provide the necessary level of parking to sustain 100% office, but inaccuracies must be addressed. Staff has included several conditions related to the inconsistencies The alternative layout provides eight required loading areas for Phase I, but does not provide the required four loading areas necessary to serve the 76,797 square foot building in Phase II. Staff has included a condition requiring the applicant to provide the required four loading areas for Phase II. Staff believes this change can be made without significantly decreasing the provided parking. Additionally, the alternate parking layout for Phase II does not comply with the interior landscape requirements; two trees must be provided per landscape island serving a double row of parking. Staff has included a condition addressing this deficiency. Further, the Alternate Parking Layout for Phase I does not show the 8' high decorative walls that are indicated on the first site plan. While the interior court on the Alternate Plan does not contain the extensive service/loading area as shown on the site plan, these eight (8)-loading areas must also be Item # 10 screened from view. The 8' high decorative walls must either be shown on the altemate plan or berming and substantial landscaping must be provided to adequately screen this area from view and City Council must approve a living screen in lieu of a solid screen wall. Staff recommends that the solid screen wall remain at this location as originally shown on the plan. Landscaping All perimeter, interior, and non-vehicular landscape requirements appear to have been met. The applicant has revised the landscape plan to provide additional trees along the 3' high berm screening the track court of the northern building (Phase II). Review of the landscape plan has also revealed that some landscape islands within Phase 1I do not meet the minimum width or total square footage required by the zoning ordinance. Staff has recommended that all landscape islands comply with Section 34-1-8 (B.3) of the zoning ordinance. Replat As previously mentioned, the proposed replat will now consolidate the two north/south blocks into one lot. The replat clearly indicates the 24-foot wide fire lane easements surrounding all three proposed buildings. At the request of staff, the applicant has indicated the dedication of 15' of property for Freeport Parkway right-of-way. Some minor changes must be made to the plat prior to recordation; these changes are noted below as conditions. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the site plan amendment and replat, subject to the following conditions: SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: 1. Remedy inconsistencies between acreage on site plan and replat; the site plan indicates the property area as 18.825 acres and the replat indicates the property area as 18.918. 2. Remedy inconsistencies between site area on site plan and landscape sheets; the site area is shown to be 820,040 and 820,025. 3. Revise total number of parking spaces provided on site plan layout to read 504 parking spaces and remove note "Does include alternate parking layouts" 4. The standard site plan layout shall be limited to a level of office uses (approximately 51%) that can be supported by the proposed level of parking (approximately 504 spaces). Office uses beyond 51% will require the applicant to construct the alternate parking area. Item # 10 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Indicate number of parking spaces per row on alternate site plan layout for both Phases I & II. Revise parking calculations for alternate site plan layout. While the level of parking is in compliance, the amount actually provided is well below 1,033 as noted by the applicant. Comply with Section 31-3(Off-Street Loading) of the zoning ordinance, one loading space shall be provided per 20,000 square feet of space, requiring 4 loading spaces for the north building (Phase II). Comply with Section 29~4 (C) ii, limiting the placement of monument signs to one sign per street frontage. Revise placement of three Bald Cypress trees proposed to be located adjacent to the Hammond Street cul-de-sac and spaced similar to other perimeter landscaping. Substitute Dwarf Burford Holly for Dwarf Wax Myrtle within Phase I. Comply with Section 34-1-8 (B) and provide one tree per parking row; a landscape island serving a double row of parking requires two trees (Alternate Landscape Phase Il). Provide 8' high decorative walls in front of the loading areas on the alternate parking layout for Phase I. If the applicant wishes not to provide the 8' high walls, this parking area can not be exempt from the landscape requirements and the applicant shall provide a landscape plan in compliance with Section 34-1-8 (B) of the zoning ordinance. Comply with Section 34-1-8 (B.3) planting islands shall have a minimum area of one hundred (150) square feet and a minimum width of nine (9) feet (Phase II). Revise Phase II Landscape Tabulations to indicate the type and number of trees to be installed in conjunction with the alternate parking layout. REPLAT CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall abandon both existing 10' drainage and utility easements in conjunction with this plat. 2. Revise label on both 20' x 20' waterline easements to read Water Utility Easement. 3. The applicant shall work with TXU Electric and Gas to obtain the necessary easements along Bums and Hammond Streets and for the location of the proposed switchgear. 4. Revise all dates noted on the replat to indicate the year 2001. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat 2) Site Plan Layout 3) Alternate Site Plan Layout 4) Exterior Elevations Item # 10 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Phase I Landscape Plan Phase I Landscape Details Phase II Landscape Plan Phase II Landscape Details Existing Tree Chart Item # 10 EXISTING TREE LIST CAMPER SIZE CANOPY NUMBER COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME (DBH) ORDINAL POINTS COMMENT 1 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 8" 20 TO BE REMOVED 2 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis lavigata 25" 35 Severe Trunk Damage (exempt) 3 Hackberry Celtis lavigota 15" 25 TO BE REMOVED 4 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 8" 17 TO BE REMOVED 5 Sumac Rhus copallina 10" 15 TO BE REMOVED 6 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 4" 6 TO BE REMOVED 7 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 24" 30 TO BE REMOVED 8 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" ,5 TO BE REMOVED 9 Sumac Rhus copalllna 6" 7 TO BE REMOVED 10 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata .5" 7 TO BE REMOVED 11 Hackberry Celbs lavigota 6" 4 TO BE REMOVED 12 Hockberry Celtis Iovigato 4" 4 TO BE REMOVED 13 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" .5 TO BE REMOVED 14 Hackberry (Mdb-Trunk) Celtis lavigata 8" 5 TO BE REMOVED 15 Hockberry (Multi-Trunk) Celbs Iovigoto 6" 6 TO BE REMOVED 16 Hockberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis Iovigato 11" 20 TO BE REMOVED 17 Hackberry Celbs Iovigoto 5" 8 TO BE REMOVED 18 Hockberry Celbs lavigata 6" 10 TO BE REMOVED 19 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 7" 8 TO BE REMOVED 20 Hockberry Celtis lavigata 5" 4 TO BE REMOVED 21 Hackberry Celtis Iowgota 6" 9 TO BE REMOVED 22 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 18" 20 TO BE REMOVED 25 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" 8 TO BE REMOVED 24 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 4" 8 TO BE REMOVED 25 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 6" 8 TO BE REMOVED 26 Hackberry Celtis lawgata 4" 10 TO BE REMOVED 27 Hockberry Celbs Iovigoto 2" 5 TO BE REMOVED 28 Sumac Rhus copoll~no 20" 25 TO BE REMOVED 29 Hockberry Celbs Iovigoto 10" 12 Severe Trunk Damage (exempt) ;50 Eastern Red Cedar Jun~perus virgimono 6" 10 TO BE REMOVED 31 Eastern Red Cedar Junlperus wrg~mana 9" 8 TO BE REMOVED 32 Eastern Red Cedar Jumperus virginiana 8" 8 TO BE REMOVED 53 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virgimano 6" 12 TO BE REMOVED 54 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celbs lavigata 45" 35 Severe Trunk Damage (exempt) 55 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 6" 10 TO BE REMOVED 36 Hockberry (Multi-Trunk) Celbs lavigata 21" 25 TO BE REMOVED 37 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celbs lavigata 30" 30 TO BE REMOVED 38 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 6" 8 TO BE REMOVED .39 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis Iovigata .30" ,:30 Severe Trunk Damage (exempt) 40 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 6" 10 TO BE REMOVED 41 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 8" 15 TO BE REMOVED 42 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 8" 15 TO BE REMOVED 43 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 19" 50 Severe Trunk Damage (exempt) 44 Hockberry Celbs Iovigota 19" 20 TO BE REMOVED 45 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 12" 15 TO BE REMOVED 46 Hackberry Celbs lavigota 4" 5 TO REMAIN 47 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 9" 5 TO REMAIN 48 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 4" 4 TO REMAIN 49 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 6" 5 TO REMAIN 50 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 5" 4 TO REMAIN 51 Fruitless Mulberry Morus alba 15" 8 TO REMAIN 52 Fruitless Mulberry Morus dba 4" 5 TO REMAIN 5.3 Hockberry Celtis Iovigata 4" 5 TO REMAIN 54 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" 5 TO REMAIN 55 Hockberry Celbs Iowgata 7" 6 TO REMAIN 56 Hockberry Celbs lawgato 8" 8 TO REMAIN 57 American Elm Ulmus americana 6" 8 TO REMAIN 58 Ash Froxinus penns)~vonico 4" 8 TO REMAIN 59 Wdlow Sahx nigra 5" 8 TO REMAIN 60 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 18" 10 TO REMAIN 61 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 10' 8 TO REMAIN 62 Cottonwood Populus deltmdes 10" 10 TO REMAIN 65 Cottonwood Populus delto~des 10" 10 TO REMAIN 64 Cottonwood (Multi-Trunk) Populus deltmdes 14" 20 TO REMAIN 65 Cottonwood Populus deltmdes 8" 6 TO REMAIN 66 American Elm Ulmus americana 6" 5 TO REMAIN 67 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" 5 TO REMAIN 68 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 5" 8 TO REMAIN 69 Hackberry Celtis lawgata 4" 4 TO REMAIN 70 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata `3" 4 TO REMAIN 71 Hackberry Celtis Iovigato 3" 5 TO REMAIN 72 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 3" 4 TO REMAIN 73 Hackberry Celtis lavigata `3" 5 TO REMAIN 74 Fruitless Mulberry Morus elba 5" 10 TO REMAIN 75 Fruitless Mulberry Morus olbo 7" 10 TO REMAIN 76 Fruitless Mulberry Morus albo 7" 5 TO REMAIN 77 Hackberry Celbs lavigato 3" 3 TO REMAIN 78 Hackberry Celbs Iovigata 12" 8 TO REMAIN 79 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12" 8 TO REMAIN 80 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 10" 10 TO REMAIN 81 Ash Froxlnus pennsylvonico 4" 10 TO REMAIN NOTE: TREE REMOVAL BY OTHERS (N.I.C.) EXISTING TREE LIST CAMPER SIZE CANOPY NUMBER COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME (DBH) ORDINAL POINTS COMMENT 82 Hackberry Celtls Iovigoto 8" 15 TO REMAIN 8`3 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12" 6 TO REMAIN 84 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12" 5 Severe Damage (exempt) 85 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 7" 10 TO REMAIN 86 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12" 8 TO REMAIN 87 Ash Froxmus pennsylvonico 12" 8 TO REMAIN 88 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 4" 8 TO REMAIN 89 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 3' 4 TO REMAIN 90 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" 8 TO REMAIN 91 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata 4" 4 TO REMAIN 92 Hackberry Cettis lavigata `3" 4 TO REMAIN 95 Hockberry Celtis Iovigoto 4" 6 TO REMAIN 94 Hackberry Celtls Iovigata 4" 8 TO REMAIN 95 Hockberry Celtms Iovigata 7" 10 TO REMAIN 96 Hackberry Celtis lavigota 5" 8 TO REMAIN 97 Hockberry Celtis tavigata 3" 5 TO REMAIN 98 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtls lavigata 3" 5 TO REMAIN 9g Hockberry Celtis lavigoto 5' 8 TO REMAIN 100 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 4" 5 TO REMAIN 101 Hockberry Celbs Iovigato 6" 8 TO REMAIN 102 Hackberry Celtis Iowgota 6" 5 TO REMAIN 10`3 Hackberry Celtis lavigota `3" 10 TO REMAIN 104 Hockberry Celtis Iovigoto 8" 15 TO REMAIN 105 Hackberry Celtis lavigata `3" 7 TO REMAIN 106 Hockberry Celtis Iovigoto 6" 10 TO REMAIN 107 Hackberry Celtis lavigato 3" 8 TO REMAIN 108 Hockberry Celtis Iovigoto 5" 9 TO REMAIN 109 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virgimono .3" 6 TO REMAIN 110 Ash Froxinus pennsytvonico 4" 8 TO REMAIN 111 Ash Froxinus pennsylvonica 6" 8 TO REMAIN 112 Sumac Rhus copalhna 6" 8 TO REMAIN 115 Sumac Rhus copallino 5" 8 TO REMAIN 114 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus wrginiana 6" 8 TO REMAIN 115 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 5" 8 TO REMAIN 116 Eastern Red Cedar duniperus virg~mana 6" 12 TO REMAIN 117 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 10" 8 TO REMAIN 118 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 18" 8 TO REMAIN 119 Ash Froxinus pennsytvamca 4" 8 TO REMAIN 120 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 4" 8 TO REMAIN 121 Cottonwood Populus deltoldes 6" 10 TO REMAIN 122 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 18" 10 TO REMAIN 12`3 Eastern Red Cedar duniperus wrgimana 7" 8 TO REMAIN 124 Cottonwood Populus deltmdes 10" B TO REMAIN 125 Ash Froxmus pennsytvomco 5" 6 TO REMAIN 126 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 10" 10 TO REMAIN 127 Cottonwood Populus deltmdes 13" 10 TO REMAIN 128 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12" 10 TO REMAIN 129 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12" 10 TO REMAIN 1`30 Ash Fraxmus pennsytvanica 5" 10 TO REMAIN 1.31 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virgmiana 4" 10 TO REMAIN 132 Hackberry Celbs Iowgoto 22" `30 TO REMAIN 1`3`3 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus wrgimono 5" 8 TO REMAIN 1`34 Hockberry Celtis Iovigoto 4" 4 TO REMAIN 1`3,5 Hackberry Celtis Iovigoto 4" 10 TO REMAIN 1`36 Hackberry Celbs lavigota 12" 15 TO REMAIN 1`37 Hackberry Celtis lavigota 5" 8 TO REMAIN 1.38 Eastern Red Cedar Jun~perus wrgmiana 5" 10 TO REMAIN 1.39 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvamca 5" 5 TO REMAIN 140 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvamca 4" 5 TO REMAIN 141 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvomco 4" 5 TO REMAIN 142 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 4" 8 TO REMAIN 14`3 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 4" 5 TO REMAIN 144 Ash (Mulb-Trunk) Frax~nus pennsytvamca 8" 10 TO REMAIN 145 Eastern Red Cedar Jun~perus wrg~mana 4" 5 TO REMAIN 146 Hackberry Celtis lavigato 7" 10 TO REMAIN 147 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 8" 10 TO REMAIN 148 Hackberry Celbs lawgata 5" 10 TO REMAIN 149 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiona 2" 5 TO REMAIN 150 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 6" 10 TO REMAIN 1.51 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus wrginiono 4" 8 TO REMAIN 152 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 6" 10 TO REMAIN 155 Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12" 10 TO REMAIN 154 Ash Fraxmus pennsytvanica 4" 8 TO REMAIN 155 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 6' 10 TO REMAIN 156 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis Iovigata 17" .30 TO REMAIN 157 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 6" 10 TO REMAIN 158 Hackberry Celti$ Iovigata 10" 15 TO REMAIN 159 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" 1,5 TO REMAIN 160 Hackberry Celtis Iovigota 9" 12 TO REMAIN 161 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanico 4' 5 TO REMAIN 162 Hackberry Celtis lavigato 5" 8 TO REMAIN EXISTING TREE MITIGATION TOTAL EXISTING PROTECTED TREES TO DE PRESERVED = 691" 50% OF REQUIRED TREE MITIGATION MAY BE TREES PLANTED AS PART OF LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE = 112" 100% OF PROTECTED PRESERVED TREES CREDITED TOWARDS MITIGATION = 691" ,, = ,, TOTAL EXISTING TREES TO DE MITIGATED = 291 NET MITIGATION CREDIT5 PROVIDED = 512" EXISTING TREE LIST CANOPY NUMBER COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME OR~NAL POINTS (DBH) COMMENT 16.3 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 5" 6 TO REMAIN 164 Hackberry Celtis lavigota 4" 5 TO REMAIN 165 Hackberry Celtis lavigota 4" 10 TO REMAIN 166 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Fraxinus pennsytvanica 12' 15 TO REMAIN 167 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 6" 8 TO REMAIN 168 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virgimana 6" 8 TO REMAIN 169 Ash Fraxinus penns~vanica 5" 6 TO REMAIN 170 Ash Froxinus pennsytvanica 10" 15 TO REMAIN 171 Ash Fraxlnus pennsylvanica 2" 5 TO REMAIN 172 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 15' 20 TO REMAIN 173 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanico 8" 15 TO REMAIN 174 Ash Fraxmus penns~lvanico 8" 10 TO REMAIN 175 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Frax~nus pennsytvanica 6" 5 TO REMAIN 176 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Fraxinus pennsylvanica 9" 10 TO REMAIN 177 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvonica 5" 5 TO REMAIN 178 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Froxinus pennsytvonica 5" 5 TO REMAIN 179 Ash (Mdb-Trunk) Froxinus pennsylvonica 8" 10 TO REMAIN 180 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiano 7" 10 TO REMAIN 181 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Fraxinus pennsylvanico 6" 10 TO REMAIN 182 Ash Froxinus pennsyivomco 4" 5 TO REMAIN 183 Ash Froxinus pennsylvonico 8" 15 TO REMAIN 184 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virglniono 6" 15 TO REMAIN 185 Eastern Red Cedar Jumperus virginiono 6" 15 TO REMAIN 186 Hockberry Celtis Iovigoto 4" 10 TO REMAIN 187 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Froxinus pennsyivonico 11" 25 TO REMAIN 188 Eastern Red Cedar Jumperus virginmno 5" 12 TO REMAIN 189 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Froxinus pennsytvonico 8" 15 TO BE REMOVED 190 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virg~mono 4" 10 TO REMAIN 191 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiono 6" 10 TO REMAIN 192 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiono 5" 12 TO REMAIN 19.:3 Eastern Red Cedar Jumperus ~rgin~ono 2" 10 TO REMAIN 194 Hockberry Celtis Iovigoto 4" 6 TO REMAIN 195 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celbs Iovigoto 6" 10 TO REMAIN 196 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 4" 8 TO REMAIN 197 Eastern Red Cedar Jumperus virginiana 8" 12 TO REMAIN 198 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata 4" 6 TO REMAIN 199 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 6" 12 TO REMAIN 200 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virgimana 5" 8 TO REMAIN 201 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 8" 10 TO REMAIN 202 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus wrglniana 6" 10 TO REMAIN 203 Ash Froxinus pennsylvamca 5" 10 TO REMAIN 204 Hackberry Celtis lavigata .3" 8 TO REMAIN 205 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus wrginiana 4" 8 TO REMAIN 206 Willow (Multi-Trunk) Solix nigro 6" 15 TO REMAIN 207 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Fraxinus pennsytvanico 9" 15 TO REMAIN 208 Wdlow Sahx mgra 6" 10 TO REMAIN 209 Hockberry Celtis lavigata 8" 20 TO BE REMOVED 210 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 6" 10 TO BE REMOVED 211 Ash Fraxinus pennsytvanica 3" 8 TO REMAIN 212 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata 4" 8 TO REMAIN 215 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 6" 10 TO REMAIN 214 Hackberry Celbs lawgata 15" 20 Severe Trunk Damage (exempt) 215 Hackberry Celtis lawgata 1`3" 20 Severe Trunk Damage (exempt) 216 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 6" 10 TO REMAIN 217 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 7" 10 TO REMAIN 218 Ash Fraxinus pennsytvanica .3" ,5 TO REMAIN 219 Ash Fraxinus pennsylvamca .3" 5 TO REMAIN 220 Hockberry Celbs lavigata 6" 15 TO REMAIN 221 Ash Frax~nus pennsylvanica 9" 10 TO REMAIN 222 Hackberry Celtis lawgata 6" 10 TO REMAIN 223 Ash (Mdb-Trunk) Fraxinus pennsylvamca 8" 20 TO REMAIN 224 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis lawgata 19" 25 TO REMAIN 225 Hackberry Celbs lawgata 9" 15 TO REMAIN 226 Ash (Multi-Trunk) Fraxmus pennsylvanica 6" 10 TO REMAIN 227 Hackberry Celtis lawgota 16" 50 TO REMAIN 228 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 11" 15 TO REMAIN 229 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis lavigata 10" 10 TO REMAIN 2`30 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata 6" 8 TO REMAIN 231 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis lavigata 6" 10 TO REMAIN 232 Hockberry Celtis lav~gato 8" 15 TO REMAIN 255 Hockberry Celtm Iowgata 15" 20 TO REMAIN 2`34 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 5" 8 TO REMAIN 2.35 Hackberry Celbs lavigata 7" 8 TO REMAIN 236 Hockberry Cetbs lawgata 4" 10 TO REMAIN 2`37 Hackberry Celtis lawgata 9" 12 TO REMAIN 2`38 Hockberry Cetbs lavigata 4" 6 TO REMAIN 239 Hackberry Celtis lavigata 4" 10 TO REMAIN 240 Hockberry Celtis lavigata 7" 8 TO REMAIN 241 Hockberry Celtis lavigata 5" 10 TO REMAIN 242 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata 5" 8 TO REMAIN 24.3 Willow (Multi-Trunk) Sohx mgra 10" 12 TO REMAIN 244 Willow (Multi-Trunk) Sohx mgra 6" 15 TO REMAIN 245 Hackberry (Multi-Trunk) Celtis Iovigata 19" 25 TO REMAIN 246 Ash Froxinus pennsytvonica 6" 10 TO BE REMOVED 247 Hackberry Celtis Iovigata 7" 10 TO REMAIN · 248 Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana 6" 15 TO BE REMOVED I II I I III11111 rll IJJl · · · I I , 1600 N. COLLINS BLVD. RICHARDSON. TEXAS 750~~ I · · I i David C. Baldwin,lnc, Landscape Architecture and Planning 5744 Richmond Avenue Dallas, Texas 75206 Ph: 214/821-8t00 Fax: 214/824-5562 m KOLL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PHASE 2 KOLL CENTER COPPELL COPPELL, TEXAS ISSUED FOR: BID ' GHART REVISIONS: PROJECT N0.:20136 DATE: 01 DEC O0 · · mm m mm