Commerce Ctr P1/Re-CS010522 (2)From: To: Date: Subject: "Williams, James" <WilliamsJ@koll.com> "'mmartin@ci.coppell.tx.us'" <mmartin@ci.coppell.t... Tue, May 22, 2001 6:00 PM Koll Center Coppell Hi Mike Just wanted to update you on a couple of items related to our project. I've been talking with Andrea Roy regarding the status of the record re-plat that was submitted for signatures a couple of weeks ago. She said it was in the Engineering Dept. Can you tell me the status? On another topic - About a month ago, we asked Alliance Architects to take another look at the site development plan (with both parking schemes - same as before) to see if it would be possible to increase the parking count and still stay within the City rules regarding landscaped area, etc. We are still working through this with the Planning Dept. to hopefully get this approved at staff level. If approved, it would likely be implemented in two parts: 1) some additional parking spaces at the lot currently under construction (timing is important here since we would need to do the work altogether), and 2) some modified configuration of the "future" parking lot dedicating some additional spaces. This modified plan would give us luther flexibility to attract more tenants. Leasing update - unfortunately, none of the buildings have been leased yet. But we're still confident and optimistic about future prospects. Coppell has much to offer and will share in our ultimate success. Andrea also said something about the Engineering Dept. re-assessing the roadway impact fees? What is that all about? As you will recall, the fees were assessed and paid based on 100% warehouse use with the understanding that once the buildings are leased (and the actual "use" determined), the remaining impact fees would be assessed and paid prior to issuance of a building permit for the tenant improvements. It was set up this way because, according to you, the City would not refund impact fees once paid. Clearly, the possibility still exists that the buildings will be used for 100% warehouse space - in that case no further impact fees would be due. Thanks for all of your help. James Williams Koll Development Co. 214-696-7835 CC: '"kgriffen@ci.coppell.tx.us'" <kgriffen@ci.coppell...