Commerce Ctr P1/Re-CS010307Sent By; ALLIANCE ARCHITECTS; 9722332259; Uar-7-01 3:18PM; Page 1 ALLIANCEARCHITECTS 1600 N. Coffins Blvd Rlcharcbon, lexos 7,5080 972.233,0400 Fox: 972,233.2259 Andrea Roy The City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 To: phone number: 972-304-3677 Transmittal Date: Re: 07 March 2001 Koll Center Coppeli ,Project No.: 20136 fax number: 972-304-7092 Items Transmitted:E] Originals E] Specifications · Other: [] Prints [] Shop Drawings [] Reproducibles [] Samples Quantity Date Description 1 8.5xl 1 sketch of revised,,s, i.te.,,,p,.a~king wi parallel stalls ' :, Thc stalls arc 9'x21' in size, (1 l) total. By: Dave Roberts Copies To: File 20136 - 11 Sent By: ALLIANCE ARCHITECTS; 9722332259; Uar-7-01 3:18PM; Page 2/2 F J'lllllllll I I I I IM-~qq U:'I III I I III ' I I0 !" .v ,~0 '-0 tt ~O'F