Commerce Ctr P1/Re-CS010410Sent By; ALLIANCE ARCHITECTS; 9722332259' Apr-lO-01 6:16AM; Page 1/2 ALLIANC EARC H ITECTS 1600 N. Collins Bird Richardson, Texas 75080 972,233.0400 Fax: 972.233.2259 Transmittal To: Andrea Roy The City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 phone number: 972-304-3677 Date: Re: Project No.: number: 10April2001 KollCenter Coppell 20136 972-304-7092 Items Transmitted:E] Originals [] Specifications O Prints [] Shop D,~awings [] Reproducibles [] Sampl¢::~ · Other: Quantity Date Description 1 8.5xl 1 sketch of revised ~;~te parking w/parallel stalls Andrea, I revised the stalls dimensions to 9'x22' as well a,- ;~aming thc left over areas at each end into islands; was ab]e to move t:verythi,g over rou§hly 2'-6" which ailc, .~cd ['or Lh~: land,cape island tu gruw in ~i~. Thc dimensions are noted on the fax. Please give mc a call a:~d l~t me know if this works ['or you guys and if so what would bc arc next step. Than ks, Dave By: Dave Roberts Copies To: Fi, ?_0136- 11 ALLIANCE ARCNITECTg; 9722332259; Apr-lO-01 6:16AM; Page 2/2 C~