Commerce Ctr P2/SP-AG001114F' COPPEIJL AGENDA REQUEST FORM .... CITY CO~CIL MEETING: November 14, 2000 ITEM ~ l ~ ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Coppell Commerce Center, Phase 1, Replat and Site Plan, to replat approximately 19.386 acres of property and allow for the development of office and warehouse buildings on a 9.62 acre portion located along the north side of Burns Street, between Freeport Parkway and Hammond Street. SUBMITTED B~eb ~ TITLE: -'~qse, cto~f Planning. arr'd Community STAFF COMMENTS: Services CIi'Y DATE APPROK..2 O Date of P&Z Meeting: October 19, 2000 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioner Clark was disqualified due to business conflict of interest. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: ~. ~ ~m ~,.~-~ ~. --~ ~; · . .... ;a.u ~e.;-~ m~ fe (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) site-plato-. (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) ~ ~. .... .~ ~.~1.:~. T ...... t (CONDITION MET) PLEASE SEE ~ P~E FOR ADDITION~ CONDITIONS Agenda Request Fo~ - R{vised 5/00 Document Name: ~CCC 1 rsp COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER, PHASE 1, REPLAT and SITE PLAN SITE PLAN CONDITIONS (CONTINUED) (CONDITION MET) ^ 1,-,.~**.. r.,..1.;..,,-. T ...... ,- (CONDITION MET) o ~..; .......... · o~. ,,-, ..,~, exceea~ ~. ;_ u,~;,~u~- (CONDITION MET) Work--';**' o,..ve,.-. ~..4.. screenkng .... " ~...,u **. .... ,h and (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) REPLAT CONDITIONS: ;.~0+.. .... + ...a .... + l.~ ;.,al~.+~a ~., .5,~i~it-la. (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) Staff recommends approval. CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER, PHASE 1 REPLAT and SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: October 19, 2000 November 14, 2000 Along the north side of Bums Street, between Freeport Parkway and Hammond Street. Approximately 19.386 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial). REQUEST: Replat and Site Plan approval for two 76,797 square foot office/warehouse buildings. APPLICANT: Owner: Crescent Real Estate Equities 777 Main Street, Suite 2100 Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 3214196 Engineer: Glenn Engineering Corp 100 Decker Court, Suite 250 Irving, TX 75062 (972) 717-5151 HISTORY: The subject site was originally platted as part of the Coppell Commerce Center Phase I, containing a total of 32.34 acres. TRANSPORTATION: Freeport Parkway is a 4-lane divided mad in an 80'-wide right-of- way. Freeport Parkway is proposed to be expanded to a six-lane roadway in a 110'-wide right-of-way. Item # 8 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant; '%I" Light Industrial South - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial East - vacant; "LI" Light Industrial West - Minyards Corporate Headquarters, "LI" Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting to replat Blocks 1 & 2, Phase I Coppell Commerce Center, subdividing the 19.386 acres of property into two noah and south blocks, rather than two east and west blocks as presently exists. The current request for site plan approval includes the southem half of the site, which contains 9.623 acres. The applicant is proposing to develop two- 76,797 square foot buildings with accessory parking and track service areas on Block 1. The applicant proposes a 50/50 mix of office and warehouse uses within the two buildings, providing a total of 346 parking spaces. The site is designed so that both buildings face outward and the more intense truck court/service area is located between the two buildings. The truck court area consists of 22 dock doors and 94-passenger vehicle parking spaces. The track court area is screened from the south and north sides by four 8' high decorative walls, allowing this area to be exempt from the landscape requirements. Staff is concerned with regards to visibility for each mw of parking directly perpendicular to the 8' high decorative walls. To ensure safe vehicle maneuvering, staff has included a condition requesting that the applicant confirm adequate visibility for vehicles backing out of this row of parking. The architecture of the proposed warehouse/office buildings will be two- toned painted tilt wall structures (tan/beige) with clear glass windows and silver/gray mullions. The main building entrances will be highlighted with a darker gray tilt wall, projecting approximately 5' beyond the roofline and will feature architectural stone walls. This feature will give depth to the building and break up the massing. A 36-sq. fi. monument sign is requested to be located at the comer of Freeport Parkway and Bums Street. As currently proposed, the sign exceeds the maximum 6' height requirement; staff has recommended that the sign be lowered. As shown on the submitted elevations, the applicant has indicated proposed areas for possible future attached signs. These outlined areas are in compliance with the sign regulations and will allow for individual tenants to obtain signage as they occupy the buildings. Item# 8 Alternative Layout The applicant has shown an alternative parking layout on the site plan that allows for the flexibility to provide an increased level of office area and a decreased level of warehouse area based on specific tenant needs. However, the parking requirement can not be met as currently shown. The applicant proposes to provide only 418 parking spaces, when 441 parking spaces are required. The alternative layout will be limited to the percentage of office space that can be sustained by the 418 spaces. Staff calculates that a maximum of 73% of the building area may be office uses, with the remaining 27% as warehouse uses. Staff has included a condition to limit the office area for the two buildings. Additionally, the alternative layout provides eight required loading areas. However, these loading areas appear to be unusable as currently designed. Staffdoes not support this design, as it does not appear to be functional. As a result, staff has requested that the applicant provide documentation to confirm that truck maneuvering is possible within the loading area or revise the plan to accommodate the required loading spaces. Further, the Alternate Parking Layout does not show the 8' high decorative walls that are indicated on the first site plan. While the interior court on the Alternate Plan does not contain the extensive service/loading area as shown on the site plan, these eight (8)-loading areas must also be screened from view. The 8' high decorative walls must either be shown on the altemate plan or berming and substantial landscaping must be provided to adequately screen this area from view. Landscaping All perimeter, interior, and non-vehicular landscape requirements have been met. The applicant has revised the landscape plan to fully screen the two transformers and provide additional trees within interior of the site. As noted on the plan, the truck court is fully screened from view and is therefore exempt from landscape regulations. While the minimum landscape requirements have been met, staff recommends that additional plantings be provided at the entrances and within the two large grass areas adjacent to the 8' high screen walls facing Bums Street. The area adjacent to the screen walls is proposed to contain approximately five trees and a row of dwarf wax myrtles against the walls, however, there is no variation of materials in this area and no attention has been given to the ground or lower levels; the area is entirely grass. Staff recommends the applicant provide additional landscape treatment with a variety of low growing plantings at both the entranceways and in the two areas adjacent to the screen walls. Item # 8 Review of the landscape plan has also revealed that several of the landscape islands do not meet the minimum width or total square footage required by the zoning ordinance. Staff has recommended that all landscape islands comply with the minimum landscape island size requirements of Section 34- 1-8 (B.3) of the zoning ordinance. Replat As previously mentioned, the proposed replat will subdivide the property into two north/south blocks instead of two east/west blocks as currently exists, The replat clearly indicates the 24-foot wide fire lane easements surrounding both proposed building site. At the request of staff, the applicant has indicated the dedication of 20' of property for Freeport Parkway right-of-way. An existing 30' rail easement dissects the subject site; staff has indicated that this easement must be abandoned or vacated in order to develop the site as proposed. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the site plan and replat, subject to the following conditions: SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: 1. Comply with Section 34-1-8 (B.3) planting islands shall have a minimum area of one hundred fifty (150) square feet and a minimum width of nine (9) feet. 2. Provide additional low growing plants such as ground cover, shrubs, and other landscaping materials within the two large landscape areas adjacent to the decorative walls and at the entranceways. 3. Revise Plant List on Sheet L1.2 to be consistent with the level of landscaping shown on the site plan. 4. Revise parking tabulations on site plan; staff calculates 350 provided parking spaces. 5. The Alternate Plan shall be limited to a level of office uses, which is capable of being sustained by the indicated level of parking (approximately 73% office). 6. Revise loading area as shown in the Alternate Parking Layout to ensure that truck turning radius is functional or provide documentation showing acceptable turning radius on the Alternate Parking Layout. 7. Revise parking rows perpendicular to the 8' decorative walls to ensure safe backing-up and maneuvering of passenger vehicles or provide documentation showing acceptable visibility. 8. Provide 8' high decorative walls in front of the loading areas on Alternate Parking Layout. 9. Revise monument sign to not exceed 6' in height. Item # 8 REPLAT CONDITIONS: 1. The existing 30' rail easement shall be abandoned by separate instrument and must be indicated on the plat. 2. Existing 10' drainage and utility easement shall be increased to 20'. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat 2) Site Plan 3) Exterior Elevations 4) Landscape Plan 5) Landscape Details 6) Imgafion Plan 7) Irrigation Details Item# 8 POINT , ~ I ~ ! I ~ ....- ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION S 89 01 04 c ,)~ ~' I ~ .._..._,__,, _ , , _---- , ., ~c~ ~ .... ~----~------~~~ ~ ~ ~~j'~ F ?~ ~ ~~ ~Q'~I ~' E ~ ~' Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been __ ~__~._~__~__ ~ ~I~ ~ ~ -- ~ -- ~~~l/ " le I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L I ~ ~ . ~ ~ .__ ~ ~ ~ BEING 20.48 acre tract of land situated in the JAMES ~;i~ ~i~k ~k~ P;+~ ~ e~ll Fl~l~in fl~mini~f~r ~n ........... ~n~ .... ~ ........ ~,, my ~,,~ V~' I I ~ *' - --'~~~-~ ' ---- --~~____ ~ I V~ ~ ~ A SIMMONS SURLY ABS~ACT NO 1296 Cit~ of .................. ] .... .F ........ F ......................... I~UW /~L~Lr~C. ~UW ~LL MEFFI DI .... ' ~11 7~' Building L~e -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- ' ' .' . ' ~ · . · ~ ~ I ' ~ ~0' ~a~ Eem~ I ,I , ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ Blocks 1, 2 and 5 of Coppell Commerce ~enter, on Floodplain Administrator, , Date herein de cribed nron rt does hereb ado t this let desi nin I '='~ ...... ~ / .... in ~ I m - -- .................. s r .e y, y p p g g I V~. 81~1, Po ~I ~ ~ oddR~on to the C~ty of Coppell os recorded ~ o u e · · · ~ J ~ ~ The developer, budder, seller, or aent, shall inform In ~ [ ~ J ~ I J ~ ~ /'/ ~ I 81051 Po~e 3041 of the Deed Records of Do#os g the herein described property as COPPELL COMMERCE CEN~R L Ex SS~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ~- ~ ........... ~--~ ,~ ~ J~ ~ ~ ~ -~ / // ~ I Count~ Texas and being more particularly described writing, each prospecbve burr of subd,vislon lots of property PHASE I REPLAT, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas /~1 , ~--I,~", I/ ....... t ~ i / ~ I osfollows: located within special flood hazard areas of th~s site that such County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever i ~J ~ I I I ~1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~1 RFGINNIN~ at n ,/2--inch iron rod set at the property is in an identified flood hazard area and that all the streets and alle~ shown thereon. ~e easements shown ' ~1 I I ~ ~ ~ ..... '' development must conform to the provisions of the City of Coppell r h r I ~ I I . I. I ~_lz_ __ ~0~'~ ~ '1 ~ ~ ~ ~ { I intersection of the north line of Burns Road (o . thereon are hereby eserved for pub'c unites, ga bags and ~ ~ ~ I I II ~ ~ U~I[~ -- IOU UU UU I ~ ~~ , ~ ~ I 60-foot right-of way) and the east line of Freeport Floodplain Management Ordinance. rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities I ~ I ~ I ' I I ~ ~-~ .... ~ ~ ~' I ~~ ~ -% ~ ~ I Parkway (on 81-foo~ right-of way at this point); for each particular use ~e maintenance of paving on the I I . ~ I , . I I ~UUIU~' -- MU, UU I~~ x ~ ~ [ i ' . I I ~ I j I~ ~ I ~ ~ / ~~ I I THENCE North 01 de- 18 Tin O0 sec East o utility access and fire lane easements is the responsibility of I I ~. - - ~ ~ [ ~ I II II i I Lenq~h =188.50~ ~ ~ ,/2.~~ j J i distance of 1,224.73 feet along the east line of said the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other . II I ~ I . ~ ~l I ~ ~ ~ I X . I I I I I Freeport Parkway ~o a 1/2-inch iron rod found for .......................... improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over I ! d I I ~ I, I I ~L ----J __ ~ ~ ~ I ~ " - ' ~ I ] .... ~ I rn r in 'h th line of o tract of land conve d ~ne unoersignea. [ne city 3ecre[ary or [ne ~[y or coppe,. ~exas. hereby I I~ ~ ~ . I ~ Il J I ~oro --~' ~ I ~o,,og~ ~o,~,?! ; I~1 ..... I- I ~ ~me I~t~r~ and Gifts Inc by deed record~in certifies that the foregoing final plat of the COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER or across the easements as shown, said easements being hereby II ~J ~ ~ ' . r. -- s 07 '7726'" w ~ i ~ Volume 93062, Page 4532 ~f t~e ~eed Records of PHASE~ 1. REPLAT subdivision to the City of Coppell= was submitted to reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public . I ~ ~ll~ -- ~ ; j ~ ]~ . DallasCounty. Texos; the C'ty Council . by formal oction, thenondfhcreaccepfed~he utilities using or desirina to use the some. AIl and any public I ~ II I .... . II I , ], , 1 / ~ I J I ~ I .................... ded, coOon of streets, olle~, parks, easements, pubhc places, and water utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or J ] , I [ ' I ' ~u~ ~oum ~ aug. ul m~n. u~ sec. ~ost o and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and . . J 20 ~o~ E~~t distance of 249.41 feet alon~ the south line of said so'd C [ u the out o ~zed t e a~ o ,~ t e c o parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other ~ ~ ouncl fir r h n __ _h_ M_ r t_ not. _h_ o_ceptonce I I I ~~] ]J ] ~ j /~ J ~ ~ ~l Home Intoners tract to a 1/2-,nch ,ran rod found for .... ~ ~ ~,.~.~ · ~ r~ .... ~.~ ~- - ',mprovements or growths wh,ch ,n anyway endanger or ,nterfere' ' I I. , I .... h~r~f ~] ~l~nln hl~ n~m ..... ~.~,n~ove subscribed ~ ............... ~] I~ ] corner; ~ ' ' .... I I] I ~ ~ ] ] I ~ '~]--~ I ] I with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its ' I I I ~ I, , I I ~ ~ I I I I~ ~FMPF C~,,,h ~ ' respective s~tem on the easements and all public utilities shall II I I ~ Il I I ' i - ~ i i i i .............. 89 de~. 01 mm. 04 sec. East o II I I i i ~ I I ] ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ distance of 260.00 feet to o 1/2-inch iron rod found at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from ~ :l I M~ ~ ~ ~ ,1~ ] , I iI I I I 25' Droinoe Easement ~ ~ ~ ~ ] I I for corner; and upon the said easements for the purpose of constructing, I~1 - i I I I~ t I I I /~i I I J : Thweott tract to o 1/2-inch iron rod found for any time of procuring the permission of an~ne. Any public I~ II /I , I , I~ I I , I / ~J I J I I ?orner in,t~ n~rth I~ of o ~u{-~e-~oc for . Chairman. Planning and Zoning Commission Date utility shall have the right of ingress and egress to private r'll /I I I I I - - ' / ~1 ) I I I Hommono 3[ree[. so~o won roe being ~n o curve ~o ~ifv nf ~nnnell T~yn~ I i' /' ] I , ], ~ I i ~]~k ~ ,/ ~] J I ~ I the left that has o central angle of 180 deg. O0 m/n. -'-; .... ~- ......... property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance I , i /i I I ~1 ' I I ....... . ~/ =l q I ~J I O0 sec., o radius of 60.00 feet and o chord that required or ordinary performed by the utility. This plot ~ I I ' I bears South 01 dug 17 m~n 26 sec West, I I I.~ I ~,t.--~ ,~.1 ,11 , I 9.4~ AcTsTotal ~ ; ~ J ~ · '. · · approved sub,ct to oil plotting ordinances, rules, regulations I .~, To ~ ;~~~ I I I n3~ Arr~ R ~W ~ I i I J~J I THENCE along the west line of said cul-de-sac and Ma~r Date and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. I I1~ I . - [-: I~ I . ~~ · ~=~ =~.v.w w. ~. I I I I I- I said curve to the left on arc distance of 188.50 feet City of Coppell. Texas EXECU~D this the day of . 2000 ~ I]~ ~ J , ] I j I I I ~~ ~,~ ~ I ] I : J~EX S~H to O 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; ~ , ~ I I , ~ II I I . . ~ ] I '1 ' THENCE South 87 deg. 17 min. 36 sec. West o ~ ~ &iet~g Ro~ Ea~t to , · , f , ~ h Il Ill I ~..... te I ;~ I I I distance 709.12 feet along the north I[ne o so'd . I I ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ I I I Street to the POINT OF B~GINNING; and ~' ii I I I , I/, ~ ~stmm~t ' ] ~ I I ] ~;~ , i I ~ ~, ~ I x ~ I k C ~l : CONTAINING 844.454 square feet or 19.386 acres of ~l il I , ] '. I~ ; r : ~% I ];~ ~1 ~ land. more or less. STA~ OF TEXAS ~ I II I I I , I I , I -o~- ' I gL B I : COUNTY Of DALLAS ~l I, , I +Tall I J I ~ I i ~ ~ J JBEFORE ME. the undersigned authority, a Notary Public. in and for J; :l ~ .,~ ~ ~T I ' ~ ~l: ~ i _,~TM I I~ ~ I J SUR~YOR'S CERTIFICA~ said County and State on this personally appeared i I · / ] I . I. I , _~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ STA~ OF TEXAS ........... known to me to be the person /' I' ' / · II II I I ~ ~' I ; I ~l ] COUNTY OF DALLAS and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument /I II I ~ I I . I I . I ~ ..~ Lo. ~.__ ~ i L.~ ~I~L mow ALL BEN BY ~ESE PRESENTS: and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose Ib , , / S 88'27'45" g ' I~ I~; J 'O% , I-[' That I. Hugh Peiser. do hereby certify thot lhove prepared and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein ~ ~ ~ ~ ............. ~ ~ L' ' --'~ ~0 7' J~ ~ ~ [ ' I J ~ I II :his plot from on actual on, accurate survey of the land. end ;'1;;"' UNDER MAY HAND AND SEAL O, OFF, E this th /~lj J l -// ~~~- ........~-'--~ +N~T i~ .......... ......... .......................... ~ __ ~ J ~ ~ ~1 .hot the corner monuments shown thereon were placed under my C ' e __~ day of J// /-~~ ~ ~~ personal supervision in eccordonce with the plotting rules and ..... 2000. P I I / / ~ , ''' . ~. l/ q ~ . I~UI 24 Fire/one ' ~] ~ ~ f ] regulations of the City Plan Commission of the City of Coppell. ;~ , ,,' ....................... rf-+~ ~ .-- ................. ~~ ~ fl :l ~1; Texas .~', /I I I !l~ ]x~ // .... ~x. ~'~'~x ;] I~ I ~Notary for the State of Texas ~ ,/I: , ~~ ~ ~~ ~ J : ~ ~-II ~1: Hugh Pulser I I I I I ~ I Waterline / i I I ~ II I I I I I I ~l , E---~'--, I I ~ I F. I ~ Registered Professionel Lend Surve~r No. 5688 ' I,II ,, ,I I, ~1 , ' , I I J~J ~ I ~ couNw OF DALLAS . II I, , I ' '" . , ,' ~:1 I I ', ,EfO~E UR. ~,~ und.m,n~ ~u~m~. o No~ ~ub,~. ~n ~nd ~or 'll, , ~ ~ ~ I I ] Il ; ~ ~l ~_~. I I; ~0,~County and State on this personally appeared ' I ;k I J J j i ' ' ~' ~ ; ~ ~ I I.~ Hugh Pulser, known to me to be the person I ~1 ~ _~A~I~ , i j I ~ i I ~ ' . .... ~ i~i ~ ~~ivl. Il ~ I ~ I I I : ~1 ~ I J ' I~ I Ilex. ~, and officer whose name ,s subscribed to the foregoing ,nstrument I I I , ~ I I ~ ~ 0 , I ~, , I I~ I I~ and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose , n~. ~,~,~,,~. ~ _ I,' ', I I ~ I,Ii I II I,, ~ I I '; and consideration thereinexpressedand in thecapacity therein , u~ ,~. o,~,~ I i' ~: ~ I I I;il I 9.~5 Acres Total I',, ll-I ........ ooo. --'-- .t.11 ; :o. ~.~.,. ~.,~,l :' j j,, ~ ~ ,10219 Acres R.O.W. D . ~1 ~~~ ~ ~iJ' I ' 'CC 'PANY I~ '~I ~ ~l I' , I ' 9.696 Acres NetI~l 1 ~ I Y l Notary for the Stot~ of Texas I J l~ ~ :'~ ~ ~ ~l I I ,, , , Co m,s,,o. ' ' ' ' ~ I ,, I ~l J , NOT~S: I I~ , , T.h.;~.~~ J IJ I I, ,~ : J~l J~ 1. The property owner to install sidewalks when I ;/- I; ; .... '~--'r-i-; ~J j ~:1 ~ ;I--'J ~T' deemed necessa~bytheCity Engineer. ~Tn~ I A~T~ ~i n~V Ic~ I ~ ~ I , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J J I j ~ .............. u~~ ~ ~U U~~l~ , ~ '~1 i I , I ';I i I I. ~ I I I I I z All exis[ina clans IOCOteQ Within me TiFelane ~ ~ J J ~ ~ shall be removed and relocated J ~J~ J , I ~~ ' ~ I J J J J . e ex'sting a d p oposed drainage easements on the no~h J II) , ~ ~ J ~: i~i ~ ~1 I I I I I I side (drainage channel and proposed detention pond) to be maintained . ~ ~~ . ,~ I ~ I I ,I~I~ : I ; ::: ~ ~ , i ~ I-I ~.H. ~ b~ prope~y owner I ~.~~ ~ I I I I I ' J~Jj ~ II ~~ ~ [j ]Bosis of bearing' Coppell Commerce Center Phase I Plat J SITUATED IN THE I I - x5 ~ . , , II I II ~ JAMES A. SIMMONS SURVEY ~ ~x ........................... ~ ..... ' ................ ~/, I / i ~[ '- ............................ _~_'J.~ , ~- ................ ~_~_~ - - ~. ~ ~J ~ [~ ~~~ I~TTACHE~ ~0[ ~ .~~~~~ ~ ~ ........ /~. / ~ -- --~ _ _ I ' -- ' I , ENGINEER: OWNER: SU~: ~e- ~ ~ ~ ~1- ~ _ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ G~NN ENGINEERING CORP. CRE~E~ R~ E~A~ ROUTES. L~. PEISER SUING COMPS. INC. ~ ~ ~ I / ~ ~ ~ -- ~~[ ~U ~.v.~ ~~ ........ ~ 100 DECKER COUP. SU~ 2~ 777 ~N ~E~, SU~ 21~ 1333 COR~ DR~ OF - ~ -- - - - ( 7L/7~~TU~ ,CX:~ t DA TE: SIGNATURE: 'CC IPANY BEGINNING - - --- - -- DATE: SEPT. 18, 2000 SCALE: 111~)01 SHEET 1 OF I EXTERIOR 04 sou,. Sd, ALE-. I/1~" = I'-O" -- LINE O~ SITE FROM CENTER OF BURNS STREET TO TOP OF ,~' HIM DECORATIVE I,",iALL I0' HIgH ALUMINUM-- OVERHEAD DOOR, TYP. E~' HI~,H PAINTED TILT-UP CONCt~ETE PANEL DECORATIVE Y'LALL, PANEL COLORS TO MATCH ~4JILDIN~ PANELS -- PROPOSED t=UTURE SI~N LOCATION ¸%, -- ~' HI~,H PAIN'I'ED TILT-UP CONCRETE PANEL DECORATIVE P'~ALL, PANEL C~:2LORS TO HATCH t~JILDIN~ PANELS I CONCRETE TILT-UP PANELS (PAINTED ~RE¥) I NOTF=: ELEV'ATIONS 5t-~I~N ARE FOR L=,UILDIN~, II, EK,tlLPlN~ I ELEVATION5 ARE R.EVER5ED. I I I I I EXTERIOR 03 NORTH ELEVATION 5C.,AL.E: 1/16" = I'-0" CONCRETE TILT-UP PANE (PAINTED I I I I EXTERIOR 02 E^ST ELEVATION 5GALE= I/1~," = I'-0" CONCRETE TILT-UP (PAINTED --MANUFACtUR:ED STONE PANELS,~ LIMESTONE COLOR PA INTEl2 (LI~'HT TAN) CONCRE'"I"E PANEL5 CLEAR ANODI ~ ~LASS s'r'sTEM PAINTED PRC~OSED 51~N-- LOCATION ALUMINUM CLAD CANOP'r', 'I"'r'PICAL EXTERIOR O1 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: I/1~" = I'-0" COPYRIGHT 1999 - ALLIANCE ARCHITECTS · · · · [] ALLIANCEARCHITECT$ 1600 N. COLLINS BLVD SUITE 1000 (972) 233-0400 RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080 R3x: (972) 233-2259 KOLL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY KOLL CENTER COPPELL COPPELL, TEXAS ISSUED FOR: CITY APPROVAL SUBMITTAL OVERALL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS REVISIONS: PROJECT NO.: 20136 A4.0 DATE: 01 NOV 00 0 -./ Z r,r' ALI~N Dt~.I VIE OP~IN¢ HITH MEDIAN O~NIN~ EFT~N RROI~ ~A~ FUTU~ t'4ET~ FACE 51~N I~IITH A~IAL ~ LIMESTONE GOLO~ '1 51¢N LI~HTIN~ I ! I MONUMENT SIGN LAYOUT SC, ALE.. N. T. 5. Cotton Airline Dr m~n Dr LOCATION SIT MAP NORTH SCALE: N. T. 5. COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER.' CALCtJLA~ COPYRIGHT 1999 - ALLIANCE ARCHITECTS · · · · · ALLIANCEARCHITECTS 1600 N COLUNS BLVD SUITE 1000 (972) 23,3-0400 RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080 Fax' (972) 2&3-2269 T~ = ~ ~ T¢~ = ~ 1,444 A~ LA~AP~ LANIDe-.,~AF~ t='~,OV'IE2ED · 15' AT ~TRu=c:]D AN~ I0' AT COMMON Pt~C)I='E~T'Y LINE-'5 (PL=~IMET~ = 5~,00¢~ 5 F INTEf~IOR I_A~APE = II,qO~ D.F ~ I.AND'G~APE = 42,'T10 5 F. · · · · · I0 ~D' HICH DEGOfe, ATIVE. 8~ 14 14 8~ II ,I &O'-O" ~1~1~ ~ = LI~ I~1~ ~1~ A M~I~ ~ ~ O~I~E PA~ A~ = 1~22 ~F ~ ~ ~T) P~I~ ~1~ TOT~ = 41~ I0' ~1~ ~A~ ~1~ AT ~ON ~~ LI~ IN~I~~ = I~ PA~ A~ = 1~22 5F x I~= I~ = LA~A~ ~ID~_ KOLL I~1~ ~A~ ~ 1~2 ¢ ~. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ~' HIgH -- DEGO~TIYE P'tALL, TYP LOAD I N~ KOLL CENTER COPPELL COPPELL, TEXAS LOADIN~ l, ISSUED FOR: CITY APPROVAL SUBMITrAL ~D' HIgH -- DEGO~TIVE I, NALJ.., TYP PROJECT NO.: 20136 Al.0 DATE: 01 NOV 00 · · I I · THE ~PE~ OI, NNE~ TO INST~L 51DF-~L~5 ~HEN C,I T"r' EN®INEE~ NORTH 5C_.,ALE. I" = 40'-0" PHASE ONE SITE PLAN LAYOUT I L___ ~ ~ -- __..--.- ~--_ _ _ _ ~ ?.':~. '~',..-,:'; ~", ..... BURNS STREET LAYOUT ~ COURT GRAVEL MULCH EDGING m 5TEEL EDGING -- I I I I I > Z MULCH F r 5TEEL EDGING m BURNS LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE, 1'~40' 0 Z m ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET n · ". I David C. Land.ape Ar~l~ec:t~'e ~. and Planning Dallas, Texas Fax: 214/824-5~2 KO PROJECT-NO, Ll1" DATE:~ 01. NO~ m m i .' ,m:, 1'-O" MINIMUM NOTE: THIS DETAIL APPLIES TD ALL TREES LESS THAN 3' CALIPER, CHAFING GUARD / 1/~2'' 15LACK RUDDER HOSE GUYING WIRE / 16 GAUGE METAL '~' POSTS (2 PER TREE) MULCH TOPDRESSING 3"SAUCER AROUND TREE tSACKFILL / RE SPECIFICATIONS LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS NON-VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE TOTAL LOT AREA= 418,880 &f TOTAL BUff. DING COVERAGE= 155,594 &f. TOTAL AREA NOT COVERED BY BUILDINGS,= 265,285 s.f. CATEGORY Feature Landscape Ares Non-Vehicular Open Space Trees RE~URED 265,285 x 15~ 59,795s f. (19,897 in Front Yard) 59,793 s.f. ~ 2500= 16 Trees (3') PROVIDED 39,850 s.f. (lg,$25 in Front Y~rd) 15 Trees PARKING LOT INTERIOR TOTAL SPACES= 342 TOTAL PARKING AREA= 10g,081 &f (71.441 s f. Truck court area exempt per Kreening ~alls) CATEGORY Porkmg Islands Parkmg Intefler Lendsca~e Area Porkmg Interior Trees REQUIRED 542 spaces x 12~,= 41 ~onds (9'x18') 109,081 &f. x 10'~ 10,908 10,908 s.f. -+ 400=- 28 trees (3') PROVISO 41 islands (9'x18") with tree~ 11,908 s.f. 41 Trees LANDSCAPE PERIMETER PERIMETER PH 1-South (Bums) = 689 I.f PH 1-East (Hammond)= 584 I.f PH 1-West (Freeport)= 635 I.f PH 1-North --- 687 If. REQUIRED ~4 Trees (3') end 56' S~'een 12 Trees (3') end 36' Screen 15 Trees (3') end 36' Screen 14 Trees (5') and 56' Screen PROVIDED 14 Trees end 3' ttdl berm 12 Trees and 3' tldl berm 15 Trees end 3' trdl berm 14 Trees and 30' shrub hedge NDTE: THIS DETAIL APPLIES TD ALL TREES 3' CALIPER AND GREATER, CHAFING GUARD/ I/2"BLACK RUBDERttOSE GLPrlNG CAI~LE / 14 GAUGE (3 PER TF. EE) TURNI~UCKLE 3" SAUCER AROUND TREE 1'-0" MINIMUM METAL GROUND STAKE (MIN ~" LONG) MULCH TOPDRESSING PLANT LIST GENERAL NOTEE~ 1. Quantities shown an Pkmt List ore Landscape Architeat's e~Umate only and should be verified prior to bidding. Contractor shall be responsible for bidding and prowding quontlty of plants required at spacing designated for bed sizes and configurations shown on plans regardless of quantities designated on Plant List. 2 Co~tractor shall notify Lond~"ape Architect of any descreponciea, ambiguity, or unlabeled plants an plans prior to bid ~ubmlttal. If discrspancy, ambiguity, or unlabeled plant la not clarified by Lond~cape Architect prior to bid submittal dote, Contractor shall note such Item on bid. 3. Contractor shall provide rsprssantatlve ~rnplea (minimum 3 each variety) of shrub and groundcover stock for Landscape Architect's and/or Owner's approval prior to major shipment of materials to site. 4. After tillage and cleaning, all ore~s to be grassed shall be leveled, and rme graded. The required result shall be the elimination of ruts, depressions, humps, and objectionable sod clods. During the soil preparation proce~, a 'Rock Pick or 'Rock Rake' shall be used to gather surface stones os small as one inch (1') in diameter. 5. Grass areas to be either hydromulch Bermuda or perennial Rye, depending on date of planting. Bermudograss h)~romulch shall not be applied prior to May 15 nor after August 15 nor at any time the sail temperature is les~ than 70' F. If grassing Is to occur after August 15 or before May 15, Contractor shall include perennial Rye Ga base bid with an alternate price to return the fallowing Spring (after May 15) to saalp Rye and re- hydromulch with Bmmuda, guaranteeing a full stand of grass 6. Contractor shall guarantee o full stand of gross, regardless of whether o permanent landscape irrigation system i~ installed. Contractor shall provide temporary Irrigation or hand water as required for turf establishment. 7. Soil amendment to be "Compost' as produced by Uwng Earth Technology (Phone: 214-869-4332), or approved equal. 8 Tree hales to be excavated 2' greater than ball diameter and 6' deeper. Backfill with 2/3 existing soil and 1/3 Compost (or approved equal) as noted under 7 above, thoroughly blended by mechanical means prior to backfill. g Shrub pits shall be excavated 12" greater than conta,ner diameter and 6" deeper Backfill with 1/2 existing ~oll and 1/2 Compo~t (or approved equal) as noted under note 7 above, thoroughly blended by mechanical means prior to backffil 10. Mulch topdressing to be minimum 2' layer shredded hardwood, spread untformly on all shrub and groundcover beds and on all tree saucers 11 12 Bed edging (if applicable) to be 1/8"x4' Ryerson "Estate' edging as manufactured by Joseph Ryerson Co., inc. Houston, Texas (phone: 713.6756111),or approved equal. All holes for trees and large shrubs shall be tested for water retention prior to tree or shrub installation. After hole is excavated, it is to be ~led with water to the top of the excavation. If, after 24 hours, the hals still holds water, the Contactor shall excavate an additional 6" from the bottom of the hale. The Landscape Contractor shall then install 6' of native washed gravel covered on the top (and up to o minimum of 12' on the sides of the hole) with filter fabric. The Contractor shall also install o copped 5" diameter PVC sump which will extend from near the bottom of the rock layer to 5' above the proposed finish grade so the hole con be evacuated through mechanical ITt~ons. 13. All planting (trees, ~hrub$, groundcover, and/ or grass as applicable, to be guaranteed for a parred of one year after Final Acceptance. m m mm'. I David C. and Planning 5744 Richmond Dallas, Texas~ Ph: 214/821m8100', Fax: 214 DEVEL - ISSUED FOR: C,T¥ ^.P.OV L STAKING DETAIL sCALE N.T.S. GUYING DETAIL CALE, N.T.S. 6" MINIMUM LANDSCAPE' / E T AILS;:. " 5~EL EDGING NTING_DETAIL CALE, N.T.S. STEEL EDGING SCALE N.T.S. PROJECT NO.