Commerce Ctr P1/SP-DR000928 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Coppell Commerce Center Replat and Site Plan Approval for Two Office/Warehouse Buildings DRC Date: September 28, 2000 and October 5,2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: October 19, 2000 City Council Meeting: November 14, 2000 1. Please orient the property with the north arrow up on all plan sheets. Replat Revise the 30' building line adjacent to Freeport Parkway to be located from the revised property line after the 20' dedication, not prior. Revise Street name "Freeway Parkway" to read "Freeport Parkway". Provide City Secretary Signature Block. (Attached) Revise Utility Signature Block to eliminate reference to Lone Star Gas, gas service is now provided by TXU Electric & Gas. Provide actual dimensions of Freeport Parkway Right-of-way and eliminate notation "variable". Replat shows Block 1 & 2, but also indicates property lines further subdividing both blocks into (2) two separate lots. Block 1 can not be subdivided in this manner, according to the design shown on the Site Plan. These property lines appear to be existing, but if they are to be removed from the plat, they must be denoted as such. Label all easements on the subject site. As shown, all easement labels are located off-site, making it difficult to interpret. Adjust line weight of easements, property line, and fire lanes on Block 1, to increase legibility. All signs located within the Fire Lane shall be removed and must be noted as such on the plat. Site Plan 1. Revise location map to more clearly show site and bordering streets. 2. Remove tree stamps from site plan sheet; all landscaping should be shown on the landscape plan only. 3. Revise widths of proposed sidewalks. The sidewalk along Hammond should measure 4' in width and the sidewalks along Freeport and Bums should measure 5' in width. 4. No electrical equipment (transformers, generators, etc.) is shown on the plan. This must be indicated on the plan and properly screened or will not be permitted. 5. Revise notations Parcel 1 and II on buildings. As proposed, the site plan covers only one parcel; buildings should be labeled Building 1 & II. Page 1 of 3 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Revise site plan to correctly show the number of spaces per row on all rows containing the handicapped spaces. All rows with handicapped spaces are incorrectly labeled with one additional space, counting the access aisle between handicapped spaces as a space. Confirm proposed height of 10' high decorative walls; they are shown as 10' on site plan and 6' on landscape plan. Revise decorative wall labels to read "10' High Decorative Wall"; eliminate the word "Screen". Show dimensions of parking spaces (typical 9' x 19'). Revise Cover Sheet -Alternate Site Plan Tabulation, to correctly show that 442 spaces are provided, not 446 spaces. Per Section 31-3 (Off-Street Loading) of the zoning ordinance, the Alternate Truck Court Layout is not in compliance with the zoning ordinance. One loading space shall be provided per 20,000 square feet of space, requiring 8 loading spaces. This plan eliminates all loading spaces. Indicate if any attached signs are proposed and where they will be placed on the building. Revise height of proposed monument sign; height can not exceed 6' with a total max. area of 60 sq. ft. Indicate the proposed colors of materials and font. Revise building elevations (Sheet A4.0) to show the proposed colors of building wall materials, windows, mullions, and overhead doors. As proposed, building elevations only indicate the elevations of one building, not both. Provide a note on the elevations indicating that the elevations are reversed for Building I and II. The proposed 10' high screening walls must appear to be an extension of the building wall and shall be incorporated into the design of the building with like materials, colors, etc. Indicate materials and colors on elevations. Landscape Plan 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The subject site is located within a Secondary Image Zone (Freeport Pkwy) as designated in the Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, please review the attached graphics representing design criteria applicable to the subject site. Provide enhanced pavers 1' inside the property line within driveways. Show correct parking lot design on Landscape Plan; handicapped parking spaces are not shown on landscape plan. Revise street names shown on Landscape and Irrigation Plans (also Landscape Perimeter Tabs on Sheet L1.2); names are inconsistent with that shown on the site plan. (Bums is incorrectly shown as Freeport and Freeport is incorrectly shown as Bethel) Revise Landscape Requirements Table and label Open Space category as Non-Vehicular Open Space. Revise inconsistencies between Plant List and Landscape Requirements Table on Sheet L1.2. The Plant List shows a total of 87 trees, the Landscape Requirements indicate 110 trees, and the plan actually shows 99 trees. Please remedy. Per Section 34-1-8 (B.3) of the zoning ordinance, provide a tree at the end of the row containing 10 spaces immediately to the east of Parcel 1 Building. Revise Landscape Plan to comply with Section 34-1-9 of the zoning ordinance. Staff calculations indicate that 16 trees are required to satisfy the Non-Vehicular Landscape Requirements; however this amount is not provided on the Landscape Plan. Page 2 of 3 24. Note: A. Bo Additionally, comply with Section 34-1-9 (C) of the zoning ordinance, requiring grass, ground cover, shrubs, and other landscaping materials, to be planted within all open ground within 20' of any building or paving. As proposed, there are four large lawn areas, adjacent to the screen walls, measuring approximately 85' x 55', that do not contain any landscaping. *Please note that each of the three landscape categories- Non-Vehicular Open Space, Perimeter Landscaping, and Interior Landscaping, are separate requirements and each category's requirements must be met individually. Provide Tree Survey on separate sheet. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the October 5th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the October 5th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A representative for this project is required to attend the meeting. Applicant will have fill noon Tuesday, October 10th to resubmit eighteen (16) folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) of each exhibit to the Planning Department. Page 3 of 3