Commerce Ctr P1/SP-CS001221].2/21/00 09:~0 FAX 2149~4§500 ALLEGIAI~CE TITLE CO. ~001/008 2100 McKinney Avenue Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75201 214-954-5400 Phone 214-954-5436 Dir. Phone 214-954-5500 Fax E-Mai[: clippe@ai]eglance§tle.com Fax To: Andrea L. Roy From.' Cathy Lippe co: .City of C_oppell Date: December 21,2000 Fx: 972-304-7092 Ph: 972-304-3677 Re'- Our File # 00-1030323-TRM; Coppell Commerce Center -:-Message: Andrea: Pursuant to the request of Scott Ozymy, to follow is the information from Railroad Realty Consultants, Inc. The Disclaimer is being filed of record. Should you have any questions or need anything further, do not hesitate to call. Cathy Lippe Enclosures: Letter from Railroad Realty Consultants Bill of Sale Disclaimer Cc: Scott Ozymy 214-373-3108 Koll Companies 9:53 AM Number of Pages (including cover) -8- CONFID.E~/TIALITY NOTICE This Fax Cover Sheet and Ihe documenls, if any, accompanying It, may conlain confidential infon'na~n which Is legally pri~eged. The information Is Intended only for the use of Ihe redplenl named above. If you have moaned thIs fax in error, please immediately noth'y us by talephone to arrange for return of' the original doctJments to us. You are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distributJc~ or lhe taldng of any dlsckxsurer copyir~j, distribution c.'the taking_of any ac~on in rdiance on the contents of ~ fax informatiOn is strlctJ¥ prohibited. 12/21/00 09:50 FAX 2149545500 12/2012000 21:47 9723060962 ALLEGIANCE TITLE CO. RAILR[~D REALTY CONS ~ 002/008 PAG~ 02/~2 Railroad Realty Consultants, Inc. 7323 l.a 2Wanga~ Dalitt~, Tgx. as 752~g Telepkon.~' (972) December 20, 2000 Facs'imllg: (972) 386.0962 Ms. Traci R. Miller, smnior Vice Presidmnt ALid~GIANCE TITLE COMPANY 2100 McKinney Avenue, Suite 1200 D~llas, TX 75201 RE: Your GF 00-1030323-TRM, Crescent Real Estate ~qui~ies to KCD-TX II Coppel£ Investment Liu~ted ~ar=nership, Coppell, Dallas County, Texas. Dear TraCi: Thank you ~or your prompt d~live~ of your firm'~ ~heck numbers $~0~ in the amount of $500 payable to Railroad Realty Consul=ants, T~c- arid 830Z in the amount of $3,000 payable to Un/on Pacific Railroad Company covering the considerations ~ue with respect to deli=ering a Bill of Sale uo KCD-TX II Copp~ll Investment Lit~iLed pattie=ship =overlnM a me~nent o~ lead track that occupies an easemen~ in Coppell commerce Center and a Disclaimer covering the lead track easement. The original Bill of Sale a~d the origiru~l DisClaimer, both enclosed. It is regrettable that this ma~er took so long =o brinw to a conclusion, but I was glad to be of whatever assistance ! lent to the process. HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY SEASON. very t~/ly yours, H. O. Brandt Cy: Ms. Cathy LiDDe VIA FACSIMILE O~Y Allegiance Title Company Fax %214-954-~$00 Blind Note to Cathy Lippe: Might you be re~ate~ to George Llp~e, until recently a high mogul with Trarmnel Crow Company, ~d a good Aggie business 1,2/21/00 09:51 FAX 2149545500 12/28/2888 21:47 9723868962 ALLEGIANCE TITLE CO. P~IL[~ REALTY CONS ~ 003/008 RASE 0!/'E2 RAI~ OAD REAL TY CONSUL TANTS, INC. 7323 La Manga Driye Dallas, Texas 75248 Telephone: (972) 233-6007 FaxNu. (972) 3B6-0962 Facsimile Transmission DATE: NUMBER OF PA~ES TO BE TKANSMITTED: TO BE DELIVERED TO: FAX NO: [ + .fy- FROM: HAROLD. O. BKANDT (972) 233-6007 VOR OPERATOR'S U,.SKONLY IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AT (972) 233-6007. TRANS~~O FKOlvI: (972) 386-0962. 12/21/00 09:51 FAX 2149545500 !2/19/20C0 17:50 9723860962 ALLEGIANCE TITLE CO. RAILROAD REALTY CONS ~ o04/005 PAGE ORIGINIL ~ILL _OF ~AL~ [I~IflN p/%CIPIC i~AI) COI~PA~TE, a Delaware co~oration (',Seller") ~or ~d' i~ consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) other v~u~le consideration ~oes hereby sell, grant, transfer KCD-TX II' Coppell Inv~s~ent Li~Ce4 Partner~, ~.n~ deliver ~to (,,Buyer") ~ ts successors ~d assi~s, =he ~ollowing described pe~sonal property, tO wit: All that certain segment of former Southern Pacific Trans~or~ation Company lead or drill track, including, but not necessarily limited to, rail, other track materials, cros~t4.~s, ballast, road crossing $=ructures and any other appurtenances ~hereto, which occupy the right of w~y described in EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto 8~d hereby made a SELLER, BY THIS INSTRUMENT, MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KI.ND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND WY~THER MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO THE MBRC/qA1T~ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ~ PARTICULAK PURPOSE, IT BEIN~ UNDERSTOOD THAT ~ BUYER IS PURCHASING THE PERSONAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED A~OVE ON A~ "AS I~" AND "W~I~R~ ~" BAEIS WIT~ ALL FAULTS. IN WIT2~SS WHEREOF, the Seller has caused this instrument to be duly exmcutmd as of the /~--''day of December, 2000. a Delaware co~oration Tible: 12/21/00 09:$1 12/i~/2B88 17:50 5723850962 ALLEGIANCE TITLE C0. RAILR0/~ REALTY CONS ~ 005/008 PAGE EKI~BIT #A' LIneAL DgSCP~PTION 43' S3' West of ~he p~ln~ o{ b~gin~l~g~ ~ [o ~c rlgh~ ~ ~e ~o~ right-of-~y line of the St, ~Ul~ & S0u~hwestem ~llr~ad~ THENCE ~uth B~o 17' West ~l~9'~he No~h rt~hC~[-wa~ line o[ the St. ~ui{ 1,17 acres o[ land. mare =r 1~, · __12/21/00 09:51 FA~ 2149545§00 ALLEGIANCE TITL~ CO. ~006/008 12/19/2000 17:58 9723860962 RAIl_ROAD REALTV CONS PaGE 04/0S WH~UUZ~S, TTNTON PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation of the State of DelAware, which through merger w~th the souc~ez'z~ Pacific Transportation Company became successor in interest to the real propersy d~cribed here~n, had or may have had an interest in the property consisting of 1.17 acres, more or less, zituat.~ ~n the City of Cop~ell, Dallas County, StaUe of Texas, as described in ~xh4~it A, hereto attached and hereby ~ade a part hereof, a~d being the same property described in that certaix'L ~ASEMEbTT da=ed F~b~ary ~3. 198l, as recorded in Volume 81058~ Pages 1832 through 1835, inclusive, of the Dallas County Deed Records; and WH~P~,AS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY does no~ now claim any right, title o~ iute~t in Or to said Droperty; NOW, THEREFORE, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY does hereby disclaim a/Ay r±9~At, title or interest in or to any of the property described in,wilL bit A. IN WITNESS WH~RHOF, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY has caused these presents to be duly executed as of the ;~?~ day of Decen%ber, 2000. Attest: Assistant ~e~etary ONION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation Title: Assistan~ Vice Presiden~ Page 1 of 2 12/21/00 09:51 FAX 2.149545500 12/1:J/2000 17:58 97239609G2 ALLEGIANCE TITLE CO. RAILROAD R~LTY CONS 1~007/005 PAGE 05/06 ~ S'~15%~ O~ ~~K2~. ) ) COUNTX OF DO. LAS ) ._~ The foregoing inst~me~t wa~ ac~owledged o~ ~his day o~ Dece~er, 2000, before me, a Nota~ p~lic duly co~ls~loned, ~alifle~ ~d ac~in~, within ~d ~or ~h~ said County and State, t~ me~=ersonal~Y ~°V~,.~ w~ stated that they were the respectively, of Union Pacific Railroad Company, ~ DelaWare co~oration, and were d~ly ==thor~zed in their respective cap~cities t.o execute the ~orego~ng inst~menC for ~d in the name ~d behal~ o~ said co~Oratio~, ~d fur=her stated and ac~owledged u~: they had so si~ed, executed an~ delivered ~ale foregoing instr~en= for Dhe consi~er~tlon, u~es ~0 pu~os~s ~herein mentioned and ~et forth. My commission expires: Page 2 of 2 i2/21/00 09:52 FAX 2149545500 12/1~/2000 ~7:50 97238~9~2 ALLEGIANCE TITLE CO. RAILROAD REALTY CONS ~005/008 PAGE cu~e hav~g E radius of 3~7.04 fee~ a~d a ~Mml aug~e-~ ~6° 54' 3G' ;o a po~t TRgNCE Sauth 87° 17' W~st al~q'~he N~h rl~h~-wa~ t~. of :h~ 8~. ~ul~ 1,17 acres oE land, mO~ 'or l~s. '