Vistas of C P3/FP-CS 980819 Prelin~sry Plat Pina] Plat XX Mhor ~ P~ (4 lo~ or ~s) Name of App_ltcam~ Centex Homes Address: 2800 Surve~for Blvd. Carrolltofl~ Texas 7S0(0 Tclepbonc Number: (97Z) 417-3562 Fili~Date: 8/19/g8 __ FaA Nuasber: (072) 417-0422 P.02 Firm Prepari~Pla~: Carter G Burgessr Inc. Adclre~: 79~0 Elmbrook'0rJve. Suite 250 .. 0alias, Texas 75247 Telephone Number: (214} 638-~)145 Fax Numbct: (214) 638-0447 All Correspondence reAm'ye to this application should be directed to: Name: Carter & Bur~ess~ Inc. Attn: 8rett Pedt~o Addze~: 7950 Elmbrook Drive, Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75241 Tclcphone Numbcr: (214) 638-0145 F~xNumbcr: (Z14) 638-0447 Name ofSubcUvL~ioa:__ Vistas of Coppell, Phase 3 GeuemlLocaOon of Prope~: West of Vistas of Coppe11, Phase 2C, Sou~.~ 121Byp_ass PO - SF - 7 P~esent Zonia&: Proposed Subdivision Coo~s: Multi-FamilY namm ~,,mpem Mobile Home Floodplain Omce C'~ ~, Ca~mon_ 6rea 3 ~.80 Owner's Sil~J~ture: Bank One, Texas, N.A. Consultants in Planning, Engineering, Architecture, Construction Management, and Related Services 7950 Elmbrook, Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75247 PAY 4~41,780444 DOLLARS AND TO THE ORDER OF CITY OF COPPELL 037713 AUGUST 10, 19 98 O0 CENTS ,' l, a P, 1, I, 3 ? ~ F= & ~**1,780.004*4 Carter & Burgess, Inc. Operating Account VOID A~ER 90 DAYS ltiil Date ,~. '~...0),~' 038836 Received From /u'.'~'*e~ ~ ~,~ J Address ~ ~'. ~L, ~ ~,, ~L. ~ , BA~NCE '' ~NEY By~ ~E OROER