8/26 ltr. re HOA concerns w/dev Crcckview }tOA PO Box 971 Coppell TX 75019 August 26, 2002 The Honorable Candy Sheehan Members of Coppell City Council City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 9478 Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Mayor Sheehan and Council Members: We are writing to express our concern regarding the proposed development of the northeast comer of Bethel Road and Denton Tap Road, at the entrance to the Creekview subdivision. Our intent is to be proactive and prevent problems rather than waiting until the safety of our homeowners is comprised. As you are aware, representatives from our homeowners association attended a June 11 th council meeting where this project was discussed and indicted our disapproval of the proposed development, specific to the entrance off Bethel Road. Although the owner of the proposed Salon on the Creek has verbally expressed a xvillingness to work xvith our association to ensure harmony with the development, the developer has been less than forthright in providing specific infon~ation. Specific details of the project and property design plans were presented to our representatives only one hour before the June 11th meeting which did not provide sufficient time for review. We have enclosed our correspondence to Spiars Engineering expressing our concerns regarding the impact this development will have on our median and ask for the City's help to ensure that the developer does as promised and restores our median to its original condition. We respectfully ask that the City address our community's strong concerns about traffic congestion, parking problems and entrance and egress from the subdivision which may arise as a result of this development. The Creekview residents are very concerned about the increase of traffic both entering and exiting our community. We are formally requesting a traffic study now before development starts and then six months after the Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. We believe the majority of customers who will be accessing this building will travel south on Denton Tap, turn left at Bethel Rd to enter the Salon from the Bethel access. The volume of traffic congestion will impact our community, which is limited to one entrance and exit. We do not believe adequate parking has been provided lot' and fear patrons may park on Bethel Road. While the City has pledged to post "no parking" signs on either side, this may not provide sufficient deterrence to prevent people from parking on Bethel. ]t is also unclear as to how cousistently the "no parkiug" order ,,,,'ill be enforced. Cars continually parked in this area will uarrow the street and not allow safe passage for our 121 homeowners, who only have, one way in and one way oul of the development. We would like to have further discussion with you and tile Council regarding tile proposed project and the impact it will have on our subdivisiou. Thank you for your consideration iu this matter. Our Association will be contacting you in the near fi~ture to detem~ine when we can incet to discuss the city's willingness and ability to meet our associations specific requests for parking signs, a traffic study and assistance with the developer in restoring our median. Sincerely, Claudia Adams, President Creekview Homeowners Association Enclosure cc: Gary Sieb John Elias Andrea Roy - ' Cleekview ltOA PO Box 971 Coppell TX 75019 August 28, 2002 Jotm Splats Spiars Eogineering 700 E. Park Blvd. Suite 210 Piano TX, 75074 Dear Mr. Spiars: We are writing to you to express our concerns and requests regarding tire impact tile development oflhe property on northeast comer of Bethel Rd. and Denton Tap Rd. will have on our subdivision's entrance. We would like to ask your company's cooperation in ensuring the lbllowing: · If removal of any portion of our current median is required, the electrical cabling and sprinkler system must be restored to original working condition at your expense. · If disruption of surrounding plant material causes death or injury to plants when the median is removed, those plants will be replaced with the same type and size of plants when construction is complete. This, again, would be at no expense to the Creekview Hoineowners Association. · If construction in the area renders the sprinkler system in the median inoperable for an extended period of time and plants die due to lack of water, those plants will be replaced at your expense once the sprinkler system has been restored to working order. As you are aware, we only have one entrance and exit on either side of this median for the 121 homes in our development We have additional concerns that parking for tile new property may be inadequate and lhat people parking on the street will cause obstmcfion of Bethel Road. We have a verbal conmaitment from the City to place "No Parking" signs in the area bul also wish to make you aware of this so that you might plan in advance for any way to maxinfize pinking for the proposed Pacility. In short, we are hoping you will work closely with us to ininimize any impact regarding increased traffic and general aesthetics that this development may cause for our homeowners. The Creekview HOA will continue to remain in contact with you during the development of the property. Sincerely, Claudia Adams, President Creekview Homeowners Association cc: Andrea L. Roy City Plalmer The Honorable Candy Sheehan Members of Coppell City Council