Sherrill Ac Lot 2A SPMS Alt. 2Tammi L. Schlichtemeier, MD
Coppell Pediatric Associates
150 S. Denton Tap Road
Ste 116
Coppel[, TX 750197:32 A~110/04/2002
Fri 10/04/2002 7:32 AM
To City Planning and City Council:
Aftn: Andrea I~oy
Option 1: Coppell Pediatric requeSts o variance to place the monument sign on the northweSt corner of the
property, 20 feet set back from Beltine Road. This would allow maximum visibility to the property. The previous
location as you know overlaid a 12" sewer line.
Option 2: If this is not acceptable to City Council our second choice and only other option would be to place the
monument sign between 2 parking sp~ces. If this second option is utilized, we would request a variance to allow
placement of our current lighted channel sign" Iago with Coppell Pediatrics" on the weSt face of our building.
We have evaluated visibility of similar location of sign of 5herrill Veterinary and feel visibility is compromised
due to p~rked vehicles on either side during business hours.
Allen and Ridinger will provide a new site plan today showing sign location for option one. Attached are pictures
of the lighted channel sign and pictures of therrill Veterinary sign during business hours to show decrease~g.
visibility--picture taken 20 feet from sign to be able to read 3/4 of sign.
Thank you for your consideration.
Tammi L $chlichtemeier, MD