DRC comments City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Angier's Professional Building Site Plan Belt Line, 1,700 feet east of MacArthur DRC Date: August 29, 2002 and September 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: September 19, 2002 City Council Meeting: October 8, 2002 Site Plan 1. Revise name of addition within the title block to read Sherrill Acres, Lot 2B, Block 1. 2. Enlarge Site Data Table to be more legible and eliminate reference to Landscape Tabulations and Impervious Area (this should only be shown on the Landscape Plan). 3. Eliminate details shown on the adjacent site, as this plan is concurrently being reviewed and changes are to be expected. Staff suggests that only the west end of the building and perhaps only the west edges of pavement be shown. 4. The proposed front row of parking against the north property line is not permitted to encroach into the 5' public utility easement, revise accordingly. 5. Label the crossed out parking spaces as covered parking. 6. Eliminate drainage details from the Site Plan and show on a separate utility plan. 7. Provide a dumpster detail, indicating the proposed materials, colors, height, etc. 8. Will a monument sign be placed on the site? If so, it must be shown on the site plan and a detail provided, indicating the proposed materials, colors, height, width, type of lettering, etc. Elevations 9. Indicate the proposed building materials and colors on the building elevations. 10. Indicate the height of the building to the mid-point and peak of the building. 11. Indicate the percentage of masonry materials proposed on each elevation. (See attached Ordinance for your reference). 12. Indicate height, materials, and colors on the proposed carports. 13. Need details on the attached signage, color, materials, size, location, etc. 14. Submit a color board to City Staff, which clearly shows the actual exterior building materials. Landscape Plan 15. To make the plan more clearly legible, eliminate topo contours and labels on the Landscape Plan showing all ground cover, vines, perennials, seasonal color and grass. Leave only the labeling for the shrubs & trees, which is the required mater/al. 16. Ensure there is no conflict between the utility lines and trees along the front and west property line. Page 1 of 2 17. Substitute the proposed Colorado Spruce trees with an approved tree on the City's Plant Palette. 18. Add a column to the Proposed Plant List which shows the number of number of each type of species on the plan. 19. As shown, the plan does not meet the intent of Section 12-34-8 (A) of the Zoning Ordinance, which would allow an area to be exempt from landscaping requirements. Please recalculate the interior landscaping tabulations. The proposed screening walls may be removed as a result of this as well. 20. To comply with the interior landscape requirements a tree must be placed at the end of each row of parking. Please revise the east edge of the southernmost row of parking, between the parking and the dumpster. 21. Eliminate drainage details from the Landscape Plan. 22. Per previous discussions, trees will not be permitted in the Hike and Bike easement along the west property line unless an agreement is worked with the Leisure Services Department as to the placement and construction of the trail. The trees that would be required along this property line will need to be placed elsewhere on the site if an agreement is not reached. 23. Show Landscape Tabulations in the following manner: · Perimeter Landscaping: sq. ft. required sq. fi. provided Trees (#) required (#) provided · Interior Landscaping: sq. ft. required __ sq. ft. provided Trees (#) required (#) provided · Non-vehicular Landscaping: sq. ft. required __ sq. ft. provided Trees (#) required (#) provided Note: A. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the September 5th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the September 5th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, September l0ta to resubmit fourteen (14) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG files OR SIMILAR ELECTRONIC FORMAT of each exhibit to the Planning Department. Page 2 of 2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Angier's Professional Building, Site Plan, request to allow the development of two medical office buildings containing a total of 12,464 square-feet, on 1.44 acres of property located along the south side of Belt Line Road, approximately 1,700 feet east of MacArthur Boulevard, at the request of Pogue Engineering. STAFF REP.: Andrea Roy DRC DA TE: August 29, 2002 and September 5, 2002 CONTACT: Teresa M. Turner, E.I.T., Graduate Engineer (972)304-3681 COMMENT STATUS: ,,"PRELIMINARY F4NAt= 1. A separate Preliminary Utility Plan and Grading Plan is needed for full review. 2. Water and sewer services should not be located within the firelane easement. These will be privately maintained utilities. 3. Label the size of the RCP along the west side of the property. 4. Label the size of the sewer line. 5. Update the list of franchise utilities. 6. The fire line should be 8" rather than the 6" shown. 7. The minimum allowable width of a drainage easement is 20'. 8. Depending on existing grades, it may be possible to eliminate the drainage system along the west side of the property. SEP - 9 2002 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Angier's Professional Building, Site Plan, request to allow the development of two medical office buildings containing a total of 12,464 square-feet, on 1.44 acres of property located along the south side of Belt Line Road, approximately 1,700 feet east of MacArthur Boulevard, at the request of Pogue Engineering. STAFF REP.: Andrea Roy DRC DA TE: August 29, 2002 and September 5, 2002 CONTACT: Teresa M. Turner, E. L T., Graduate Engineer (972)304-3681 COMMENT STATUS: or~rT Ta,rr~ra r,v ,/FINAL 1. The public section of the sanitary sewer line must be a minimum of 8" in diameter. 2. The waterline should be 8" rather than the 6" shown. The waterline can remain a public line as shown. 3. Plug the 8" waterline outside of the pavement within an easement intended for future extension of the waterline. (See attached) 4. Obtain a letter of intent from the adjacent property owner (4.512 acre tract, The Frances Group) to extend the 8" waterline and loop back to Beltline Road, either by tying into the Sherrill Acres 8" waterline or the 12" waterline on Beltline Road, once the property is developed. REMAIZq'DER 4.§12 ACRE TRACT TR~ lq~ANCI~ GROUP, L,L.C. (V0LUM~ ~0001~9, PAGB 5416, ZO/~IING: LI FIRE SPRINKLE AND INST,~! I ~ UCENSED BY* OF FIRE PROT~ SUBMIT DESIGF COPP~ I FIRE CONTRACTOR PiPE SIZE REC FOR BIDDING r EIF. R 5/e" LR.S. F1-8'x6' lu~ 1-6' VALYE 1-8' VALISE 1~2-6' go' BENDS 1-VAULT M1H DOUBLE DE~CTOR CHEC~ MU'iUAL ACCESS & UTIUTY EASEMENT PROVIDE CONDUIT AS RI GAS, IRRIGA~qON & UGE MEP & FRANCHISE U~U NUMBER & SIZES OF CC LOT 1, BLOCK A GUNNER SUBDIVISION g8046, PAGE 00'tT, D.R.D.C.T.) ZOX~TI~G: PD-162/MY'~ ,,m Benchmark- Geodetic Station N~ 7 · mcmument with acce~ cow Iocoted In the median IMand on the )f t~e Intersectl~ of Belt Une Roed, and MacArthur BmJlewrd. E]ev~fl~m-447.10 ary Bm'tchmark at the center top of curb Inlet, epproxlmately 48 feet south curb of Belt Une RooM, and 67 feet e=~ of the we~tedy of ~ubject preperty. E]ewtkm-443.92 FRANCHISE U~UTY N01~ 1. TXU ELECIRIC & GAS - NEW CONS~RUC~ON MANA( 2. TXU EU~CTRIC & GAS 3. SOU1H~.~i~I BELL 4. CABLE ITEM: Sherrill Acres, Lot 2B, Final Plat request to allow the development of Angler's Professional Buildings, two medical office buildings containing a total of 12,464 square feet on 1.44 acres of property located along the south side of Belt Line Road, approximately 1,700 feet east of MacArthur Boulevard, at the request of Pogue Engineering. STAFF REP.: Andrea Roy DRC DA TE: August 29, 2002 and September 5, 2002 CONTACT: Teresa M. Turner, E.I.T., Graduate Engineer (972)304-3681 COMMENT STATUS: DYer r~,~r~r a r,v v'FINAL 1. Include a 20' x 20' utility easement adjacent to the firelane hammerhead for future extension of the 8" waterline. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE FIRE PREVENTION COMMENTS ITEM: DRC DATE: CONTACT: COMMENT STATUS: ANGIER 'S PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, SITE PLAN AUGUST29, 2OO2 TP~ VIS CR UMP, FIRE MARSHAL. (972) 304-3503 r~'~ ~ · PRELIMINARY 1. Minimum inside radius for fire lanes is 30 feet. Minimum outside radius is 54 feet. 2. Fire line to be a looped system. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ITEM: BUILDING INSPECTION COMMENTS Angie~ Medical DRC DATE: August 29, 2002 CONTACT: Greg Jones, ChiefB_u_!!~ng Offlcial 004-3500) COMMENT STATUS: ~ ~ 1. No comments made. No floor plan information furnishett 2. ckc12345 Marcie Diamond - 82902~ngiersprof~si~idgsiteplan.(j~; Page 1 i DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PARKS AND LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: Angier's Professional Building, Site Plan DRC DATE: August 29, 2002 and September 5, 2002 CONTACT: John Elias, Landscape Manager COMMENT STATUS: I PRELIMINARY I FINAL I REVISED P&Z 1) There can be No trees or landscaping in the Hike & Bike Easement. The only thing permitted in this area would be turf-grass, and irrigation lateral lines. JE 82902angiersprofessbldsiteplan