P&Z postponement 9/19/02 T H E: . C I T Y · 0 F COPPEi £ September 20, 2002 Mr. Jay Korrami 449 W. Bethel Road Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Case No. PD-133R4-HC-S-1174R~ Deliman's Grille DearJ~: This letter is to inform you that on September 19th, the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission voted to hold the heating on Case No. S-1174R, Deliman's Grille, zoning change request fi.om PD-133-HC (Planned Developmem- 133-Highway Commercial) to PD- 133R4-HC-S.U.P-1174R (Planned Developmem- 133R4-Highway Commercial, Special Use Permit-1174R), to amend various development standards of the Planned Development and allow the construction of an approximate 3,649 square-foot restaurant with a drive-through and private club, to be located along the west side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 204 feet north of Natches Trace, open and under advisement to its October 17, 2002, meeting to allow for the following revisions to be made and information to be provided: 1) Extension of the required 6' brick screening wall along the southwest and southern property line to Denton Tap Road. 2) A majority of the trees planted adjacent to the single-family zoning be Austrian Pine trees, to be planted 15 foot on center, with a minimal amount of Live Oaks as accent trees. 3) Revise the Landscape Plan to provide all required islands and trees. 4) Correct the data table on the site plan to indicate 36 verses 37 parking spaces being provided. 5) Relocation of the dumpster further from the residential area and less visible from Demon Tap Road. 6) Provision of additional information about the menu board; will it have a speaker system, how will the menu board be illuminated, how large is it? ~ 7) Additional specification is needed on the lighting fixtures in terms of fixture.types.and potential for glare to southem and western property lines. 8) Consideration of reducing the hours of operation, especially the drive-through lane. 9) Provide additional details as to the color of the proposed attached signage, and reduce the logo to 20% of each sign. 10) Revise the monument sign to be compatible with the existing signage to the north. v 11) Revise the elevations to be in conformance with Section 12-22-5 of the Zoning Ordinance. 12) Submission ora color board with all materials included. For your information, eight copies of all plans need be provided the Planning Department by 12 noon, Monday, September 30, 2002. If you have any questions, please comact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, ~. S'~b,, A.I.C.p. cDi rector (lf Planning and Community Services Danhy Tosh Architect Building Inspection file