Attorney ltr postpning to 10/173ENKENS ~ GILCHRIST Fax:214-855-40?9 Sep 19 2002 16:07 P.02 J'onat.ha~ G. Vinson (214) 855-4398 jvinson~enkeus.com Mr. Gary Sieb Ms. Maxcie Diamond Planning Department City o£Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 Jenkcns & Gilchnst 1445 Ross AV~NL~ SUITE 3200 DALLAS, TEYO. S 75202 (214) 855.4500 FAGSlMIZE (214) 855-4300 www.jenkens.com September 19, 2002 AUS'mq 'IYx~ (512) 4994800 (812) 425-3900 HounuN, Tmcu (;ns) 010) l,~w Yolm, Nzw Yo~ ¢02) ~26-15~ Project S- 1174R and Khorrard Addition; September 19, 2002, Planning and Zoning Commission Docket. Dear Mr. Sieb and Ms. Diamond: As represematives of the Applicant, Mr. Jay Khorrami, in the above-referenced matters (Items 4 and 5, respectively, on the September 19, 2002, Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda), we are notifying you that we will accede to the current staff-recommended actions on each of those items at this time, those being to hold the case under adv/sement on Item 4, and to deny without prejudice Item 5 on the understanding that the plat will be brougla back with the zoning request and that a new application will not be required, only a revised plat. We request that both of these items be docketed for the October 17, 2002, Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda_ We plan to use this additional time to continue our dialogue with neighboring property owners. Bill Dahlstrom of our office will be in attendance at your meeting tonight m the event you have any questions. Yay Khorrami Danny Tosh Tony Wagner Very tmly yours, DALLAS4 594335',1 616T~..00001