P&Z approval 8/15/02C-OPi Ei L August 16, 2002 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Onstott 14410 Southern Pines Drive Farmers Branch, TX 75234 RE: Case No. S-1146R~ 416 Bethel Road Dear Mr. and Mrs. Onstott: This letter is to inform you that Case No. S-1146R, 416 Bethel Road, zoning change request from HO-R-S- 1146 (Historic Overlay-Retail-Special Use Permit-1146) to HO-R-S-1146R (Historic Overlay-Retail- Special Use Permit-1146 Revised) to allow the relocation, expansion and renovation of an existing storage building into a 256 square-foot office located north of the existing building at 416 Bethel Road, was recommended for approval by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, August 15. 2002, subject to the following conditions: 1) Irrigated landscape area shall be provided as shown on the Site Plan. Specifically, landscaping shall be as follows: All vehicular pavement shall be screened from front and side property lines with a hedge at least 30 inches in height at the time of planting and consisting of a minimum of 30 plants. All plants shall be of the same variety, the plant variety to be one of the following: abelia, eleagnus, holly, nandina, or any draught resistant plantings per the attached Plant Palette. Fifteen plants shall be placed east of the driveway entrance, spaced at 3' on center. The other 15 plants shall be placed west of the driveway entrance, spaced at 3' on center. Plant materials which die shall be replaced with plant material of the same variety and size. 2) The development of the property shall be in accordance with the revised Site Plan. The date scheduled for consideration by the Coppell City Council is Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 7 p.m. A representative for this case must be present at this meeting, which will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall. Failure to represent this item may result in the denial of this application. If you have any questions, please contact me at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, Marcib-Diamond Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services Attachment Cc Building Inspection file ZONING § 12-34-7 Shumard Red Oak outhern Magnolia Sweet Gum Texas Ash Texas Red Oak Urbanite Ash Western Soapberry Accent Trees: Range 10--20' Quercus shumardi Magnolia grandiflora Aquidambar styraciflua Quercus buckleyi Fraxinus pennsylvanica Sapindus dro m mondii American Smoketree Aristrocrat Pear Cotinus abovatus Crabapple Crapemyrtle Deciduous Holly Pyrus calleryana "Aristocrat" Carolina Buckthorn Thamnus caroliniana Carolina Cherry Laurel Prunus caroliniana ;haste Tree Virex agnus-castus Malus augustifolia or spp. Lagerstroemia indica Ilex decidua Desert Willow East Palatka Holly Eastern Redbud Flameleaf Sumac Foster Holly Japanese Maple Mex/canBuckeye Mexican Plum Redbud "Forest Pansy" Redbud "Oklahoma" _Rough-Leaf Dogwood Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum Savannah Holly Southern Magnolia "Little Gem" Southern Wax Myrtle Texas Persimmon Texas Redbud Texas Sophora (Eve's Necklace) Washington Hawthorn Weeping Yaupon Holly Wild Plum aupon HoLly Chilopsis linearis hex x attenuata "East Palatka" ',ercis canadensis Rhus copallina Ilex x attenuatta "Foster" Acer palmatum Ungnadia speciosa Prunusmexicana Cercis canandensis Cercis yexensis Cornus drummondii Viburnum rufidulum Ilex "Savannah" Magnolia grandiflora "Little Gem" Myrica cerifera Diospyros texana Cercis canadensis var. texensis Sophora affinis Crataegns phaenopyrum Ilex vomitoria "Pendula" Prusus americana Ilex vomitoria hrubs: Range 3--5' Abeha Abelia "Edward Goucher" American Beautyberry Aromatic Sumac Aucuba Boxwood Carissa Holly hinese Fringe Flower Cleyera Compact Nandina Abelia grandiflora Abeha grandiflora "Edward Goucher" Callicarpa americana Rhus aromatica Aucuba japonica Buxus microphylla Illex cornuta 'Carissa" Loropetalum chinese "Hines PurpleaF Ternstroemia gyrnnanthera Nandina d. compacta Supp. No. 4 CD12:87 § i2-34-7 COPPELL CODE ',oralberry Dwarf Abelia DwarfBurfordHoHy Dwarf Chinese Holly Dwarf Crapemyrtle Dward Needlepoint Holly Dwarf Wax Myrtle Dwarf Yaupon Holly Elaeagnus Flowering Quince }ulfstream Nandina Indian Hawthorn Juniper LeatherleafMahonia Symphoricarpos orbiculatus AbeHa grandiflora "Compacta" Ilex cornuta "Burfordii Nana" hex cornuta "Rotunda" Lagerstroemia indica "Nana" Ilex cornuta "Needlepoint" Myrica pusilla Ilex vomitoria "Nana" Elaeagnus pungens Chaenomeles japonica Nandina domestica "Gulfstream" Thapiolepsis indica Juniperus chinensis Mahonia bealei Nandina Nanc[ina domestica Ilex x "Nellie R. Stevens" Nellie R. Stevens' Holly Oakleaf Hydrangea Pampas Grass Red-leafed Japenese Barberry Red Yucca Rose Glow Barberry Spirea Texas Sage Variegated Ligustrum Ground Cover:Range 18" Arkansas Yucca Asian Jasmine Bar Harbor Trailing Juniper Blue Pacific Trailing Juniper Germander Harbour Dwarf Nandina HoLly Fern Horseherb Liriope Mondograss (monkeygrass) Moneywort Purple Wintercreeper Tam Juniper V'mca Wood Fern Hydrangea quercifolia erhthrosoa Cortaderia selloana Berberis thunbergii "Atropurpurea" Hesperaloe parriflora Leucophyllum frutescens Spirea spp. Leucophyllum frutescens Lugustrum lucidum variegata Carex texensis Trachaelospermum asiaticum Juniparus horizontalis "Bar Harbor" Juniperus conferta "Blue Pacific" Teucrium chamaedrys Nandina domestic Cyrtomium falcatum Calyptocarpus viaiis Liriope muscari Ophiopogon japonicus Lysimackia nummularia Euonymus fortunei "Colorata" Juniperus sabina "tamariseffolla" V~mca Major Dryopteris normalis Wood Violets Viola rnissouriensis Vines: Boston Ivy :Carolina Jessamine Coral Honeysuckle Cross Vine English Ivy Fig Ivy Lady Banks Rose Parthenocissus tricuspidata Gelsemium sempervirens Lonicera sempervirens Anisotichus capreolata Hedera hehx Ficus pumila Rosa banksiae Supp. No 4 CD12:88