Application & check3ul 11 02 12:§~p ~athan D H~ier C.E. 21~7395961 COl'FELL Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat Filing Date: '~"/~ '~' Name of Applicant: ~'~/~,~/'~"~ ~'~ Applicant Address: Subdivision Application Plam~ing Depm~ment 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 Replat Amending Plat Minor Amending Filing Fees: Telephone Nu,nber: .~' ' ~"/~- */.~-~Fax Number: ~'~- '~'~ ~ '/~ Finn Preparing Plat: ~ ~/~t /~' Ad&ess: ~ ~/~ ~~ ~/ ~/T~ ~ Telephone Number: ~- ~-/~ ~ Fax Number: ~. ~. ~ All Correspondence relative to this ~lication should be directed to: Address: ~ ~/~ ~m~/ ~/~ ~mm Te[ephoneNumber:~- ~- /~ Fax Number: ~- ~' ~ Name of Subdivision: General Location of Properly: Present Zoning: ;ubdivision Contains: Owner's Signature: ___ U:/CentraI/P&Zsr£/Submission Forms App and Checklists/Sub App Data: 07/11/2002 TIIU 13:57 ITX/RX NO 6674] ~]002