Landscape PlanEXISTIN6 LA~,SE TREE5 -- TO REMAIN (TYF) (EK)ME TREES HAVE DIED/ OWNER TO I~E~ THESE TJKEES WI SAME SIZE & Sf'ECIES ^S 5FE¢IFIED ON CO?F'EL COMMERCE PHASE 1 CITY AFFI~D PLAN5 EXISTING LARGE TREES -- TO REMAIN (TY?) (5~)ME TREES HAVE DIED/ OVVNER TO ~EFLACE THE~E TREE~ ~/~AME ~l~ & ~CIE5 A~ ~CIFIED ON CO~EL ~MME~CE PHASE 1 CI~ AP~O~D PLANS GENERAL NOTES: 1. LIMIT OF WORK 'LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS [sstrs . i ~ NO. D]~S~N Dl'l'g : : ', :' ~ OPEN SPACE , : ~~ ~ ~ PARKING LOT INERIOR ~K P~ ~ ~7~ ~f. =, ,. Quantities shown on Plont List ore LOng. cape Architect's estimate only ond should b~ varlfled prior to bidding. Contractor .hall be responsible for bidding and provtdhg quantity of ptonte required ot epocing designated for bed ~lzes Grid configurations shown on plons req~dles~ of quantltles designated on Plont List. 2. Contractor "hall notify Long. cope Architect of ony ~m~,-r~poncies, ombE~utty, or u~flob~ plonts o~ plans prior to bid ~ubmlttal. 'If diecreponcy, ombtgulty, or unlobeted ptont is not ctorffled by LOng. cope Architect prior to bid .ubmlttol date. Controctor "hall note ~uch item on bicL 5. Contractor shall provide rep .,r~entottve m~rnpte~, (minimum 3 eoch vorfety) of "hrub Ond groundcovor stock for Londecope Architect s ond/or Owner s opprovcl prior to major "hlpment of materials to 4. After tllloge Grid cleo~lng, Git Dregs to be ~l,-G55~d .boll be leveled, and fine groded. The required re~JIt shall be the elimination of ruts, depresMon., hump~, ond obJectionobfe ~ clods. Dur~g the ~ preporotlon process, o 'Rock Plck or 'Rock Roke' .holl be used to gather surface stone~ os m.ncll os one inch (1') In diameter. 5. Gross Dregs to be elther hydromulch Berrnudo or peronnlal Rye, depending on dote of ptontlng. Bermudogro~ I~ydromulch .holl not be oppfled prior to May 15 nor offer August 15 nor ot ony time the soil temperature is le.~ thon 7(~ F. If g~msl~g is to occur oftor kuguM 15 or before Moy 15. Contractor .holt include perennial Rye Ga bo~e bM with on cltemate price to return the following Spring (offer Moy 15) to scalp Ry~ Grid re- hyoYomutch wlth Be~udo, guoronte~ing o full stond of gross. 6. Controctor .hall guorontee a full stood of gross, regordle~ of whether o permanent 10ndscope irrigotlon system Is Instclled. Contractor .holl provide temporory Irrtqatlon or hond water os required for turf estobflshme~t. 7. Soil omendment to be 'Compost' as produced by Llvlng £orth Technology (Phone: 214--869-4.352), or opproved equal. ' t ~, . 'b . ' ' ' '' · . - b J~IMIT OF WOEK ~ PHASE UNE LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE~ '1'~20' PLANT LIST n DAVID C. [3 BALDWIN INcoi[PORAT:ED JOHN 0'~ - ~ GTrY. ~ ~ BOTANIC.~L N~ME 51ZE ~A~ 8. Tree hales to be excovated 2' grecter than ball dlometer Grid 6' deeper. Backfill with 2/.3 existing soil (and I/3 Compost (or opproved equal) os noted under 7. above, thoroughly blended by mschonlcol meons prior to bockfill. 9. Shrub pit..holt be excovoted 12' greoter than container dlometer ond 6' deeper. Backfill with 1/2 existting soil ond 1/2 Compo~t (or opproved equol) 09 noted under note 7 above, thoroughly blended by mechonlcol meons prtor to bockflll. 10.Grid on all tree soucer..Mulch topdressing to be minimum 2' layer shredded hordwood, spread uniformly on all .hrub and groumdcover beds 11. Bed ~t~g (if oppllcable) to be 1/8'x4' Ryemon 'Estate' edging os manufoctured by Joseph Ryerson Co~., Inc. NOTE: ALL LAND'CAFE AREAS WITHIN "LIMIT OF WOI~K" OF FEO?O~ED PARKING LOT TO DE IRRIGATED DY AN UNDEI~GI~0UND, Hou.to~, Texos (phonw. 713.675.6111),or opproved equal. AUTOMATIC II~RIGATION SYSTEM. THE SYSTEM WILL DE I~UN DY THE EXISTING CONTEOLLER AND CONNECTED TO THE EXI.~TING DATE: S'JGNgD 12. All hales for trees Grid I~ shrubs sholl be tested for water retention prior to tree or .hrub insto,otlom. After IRRIGATION METER IN PLACE FOR THE PHASE 2 PERIMETER LANDS~:APE. O aDB ~: X]CX]O[ D hale le excov~ted, it 19 to be ~led with water to the top of the excavotlon. If, after 24 houm, the hole still holds water, the Contactor .holl excovote on eddttional 6' from the bottom of the hole. The Londecope Contrmctor .holl DAT~: thon In.oil 6" of native wol~hed grovel covered on the top (.o~.d up to a minimum of 12" on the sides c~f the hole) L A wRh filter fobflc. The Controctor shall olso ~tolt a copped 5 dlometer PVC ~ump which will extand frorm neor the bottOmmeons, of the rock Ioyor to 5" obove the proposed finish grode so the hole con be evocuated through rmechonlcOlAp ltLCAH ~I?]E~C! l ft., ,l --I-i 13. All plenttng (trelm. shrubs, groundcover, and/ or grass os applicable, to bs guoronteed for a period of cone yeor after Final Acceptonce.