CC agenda approved 9/10/02T H £ · C I T Y · 0 F COPPELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 10, 2002 ITEM # 20 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Coppell Bible Fellowship, Site Plan, to allow the development of an approximately 20,000 square-foot church building, indicating future expansion phases of approximately 52,750 square-feet, on 8.2 acres of property located at the southeast comer of Sandy Lake and State Roads. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE ~ ~ SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: August 15, 2002 Motion to Approve subject to :ondition 3 as noted below M - York $ - Herring Vote - 7-0 Decision ofP&Z Commission: Approved (5-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Kittrell, McGahey, Dragon and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: cf ........~, ~. vr ....... (condition met) 3) The City's Landscape Manager's approval of the tree protection plan and tree removal permit prior to any construction on this site. Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS: FIN. REVIEW: Agenda Request Form Revised 5/00 CITY MANAGER REVIEW: @6Copp¢llBFsp 1-Agenda Request ' Co pell Bible P FELLOWSHIP August 19, 2002 AUG 2 8 2002 Ms. Marcie Diamond City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Proposed Coppell Bible Fellowship Southeast Corner of Sandy Lake and State Road Dear Ms. Diamond: As you know, Staff's original recommendation relative to the site plan review of the above referenced development included a request that a drive be constructed with the first phase of development to State Road. At the August 15, 2002 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, Staff and the Commission agreed to allow' the church to defer the construction of such a drive until the future construction of Sandy Lake Road makes the second drive critical. Therefore, please accept this letter as a pledge by the church to construct an access drive connecting our site to State Road. This drive will be usable by traffic on or before the date of the completion of improvements to Sandy Lake, upgrading Sandy Lake to a divided roadway from State Road to Denton Tap Road. We would like to express our gratitude to Staff and the Commission for their forbearance on this issue. Sincerely, COPPELL BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Duke Clark, Treasurer 972-304-8195 P.O. Box__~_ Coppell. TX 75019 www. coppellbible.org CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Coppell Bible Fellowship Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: August 15, 2002 September 10, 2002 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: Southeast comer of Sandy Lake and State Roads. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately' 8.2 acres CURRENT ZONING R(Retail) REQUEST: Site Plan approval for an 18,680 square foot church, with future expansion phases of approximately 52,750 square feet. APPLICANT: HISTORY: Owner: Mr. David Patterson Coppell Bible Fellowship P.O. Box 2352 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-1902 972-462-1502 Architect: Mr. Bill Ward TGS Architects 5323 Spring Valley Rd, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75254 972-788-1945 972-788-2309 In 1995, a request to rezone the subject property from Light Industrial to SF-9, to allow for the construction of 22 homes, was recommended for denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission. This request was not appealed to the Council. In February 2000, Council denied a request for a 90-unit hotel/motel retirement facility on the subject tract of property. Concerns Page I of 4 Item # 9 included the incompatibility with the Comprehensive Master Plan and a residential use under the flight paths for D/FW Airport. In JOy 2000, Council approved several rezonings, as initiated by the Planning and Zoning Commission, to reduce the incompatibilities between the Master Plan and Zoning Map, considering the existing and proposed development patterns in the City. As part of that effort, the subject tract was rezoned from Light Industrial to Retail. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road is a C4D/6, proposed to be a four-lane divided roadway contained within a 110-foot R.O.W. It is currently a two- lane asphalt street. State Road is a C4D/6 and is indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan as the future alignment of the extension of Freeport Parkway. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant; LI (Light Industrial) South -built-out single family (Oakbend Addition) PD-SF-9 East - built-out single family (Oakbend Addition) PD~SF-9 West - vacant; LI (Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for mixed uses. DISCUSSION: Coppell Bible Fellowship is requesting site plan approval to allow for the construction of the initial phase of their church facility. The first building is proposed to be a two-story, 18,680 square-foot building, containing a 405-seat auditorium/sanctuary, classrooms and offices. This building is proposed to be expanded with a one-story, 5,550 square-foot addition. The site plan also indicates future phases, including a 975-seat sanctuary and a two-story, 22,400 square-foot classroom building, including almost 71,500-square feet of development on this eight acre tract of property. Approximately one acre of this eight-acre parcel is heavily wooded xxith approximately 60 mature oak trees and will remain undeveloped. Most of these trees will be preserved to serve as an amenity for this church. Several of the trees in close proximity to Sandy Lake and State Roads will be used to partially fulfill the requirements of the perimeter landscape requirements. However, prior to any construction on this site, the applicant needs to meet with the City's Landscape Manager to assure that the trees to be preserved will be properly protected and a Tree Removal Permit be obtained. Page 2 of 4 Item # 9 Page 3 of 4 The overall site plan is in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances, with the exception of a few drafting inconsistencies that need to be remedied. First, parking is required to be provided at a ratio of one space per three seats in the proposed 405-seat sanctuary. The data table indicates l 35 parking spaces are required and provided; however, only 134 are shown on the site plan as part of the first phase of development. Second, the proposed six-foot screening wall along the south and east property lines, as shown on the Landscape Plan, needs to be indicated on the Site Plan. Third, there is a conflict between the plat and site plan as to the property owner's name on the west side of State Road, also the labels of the adjacent property o~vner names should be relocated from the R.O.W. to the properties. Finally, the north arrow and scale need to be added to this site plan sheet. Staff's main concern with the development of this property for church uses is access. During the first phase of development, only one driveway is planned on Sandy Lake Road, which is currently a two-lane, substandard road. Sandy Lake Road is scheduled to be improved to a four-lane, divided thoroughfare in 2006. Once constructed, westbound access to this property could only be accommodated via a U-turn movement at the State Road intersection. Given the distance between the median openings currently planned to serve State Road and Oak Bend Drive, an additional median opening on Sandy Lake along this property would be in violation of the Subdivision Ordinance and, therefore, not permitted. Another concern is that during the construction of Sandy Lake, access to this property could be tenuous, at best. While not required for fire access~ from a safety and practical standpoint, it is strongly recommended that a second point of access be provided along State Road during the first phase of construction. The landscape plan complies with the provisions of the Landscape Ordinance. The perimeter landscaping is being provided along the edges of the entire site with the first phase of development. Twenty feet of landscaped area is being provided adjacent to the screening walls abutting the existing single-family developments. Within these areas, a combination of Live Oaks and Burr Oaks are being installed. Burr Oaks are also being planned for the Sandy Lake frontage, ~vithin a 55-foot landscape buffer area. Finally, Cedar Elms will be installed along State Road, within a 15-foot landscape area. The parking lots will contain the required tree islands and a Nellie R. Stevens hedge will screen the first phase of the parking lot from the abutting streets. Again, this site will further be enhanced by the preservation of the existing mature trees on this site. The building will be 90% brick with CMU and limestone as architectural accents. The main entrance will front on Sandy Lake Road. There is a Item # 9 required tree islands and a Nellie R. Stevens hedge will screen the first phase of the parking lot from the abutting streets. Again, this site will further be enhanced by the preservation of the existing mature trees on this site. The building will be 90% brick with CMU and limestone as architectural accents. The main entrance will front on Sandy Lake Road. There is a note on the site plan that a monument sign is planned for Sandy Lake Road. The elevations indicate that there will be an attached sign on the north elevation. However, at this time, these signs have not been designed. Therefore, both the notations state that the signs will be in compliance with the sign regulations contained within the Zoning Ordinance. Finally, a 35-foot tower is also planned in the future as an architectural feature for this facility. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Site Plan for Coppell Bible Fellowship, subject to: 1) An access point (second point of access) being provided to State Road to serve the first phase of development. 2) Revise site plan sheet to indicate: · The location of 135 parking spaces for the first phase of development. · Proposed six-foot screen.lng wall along the south and east property line · North arrow and scale · Verify names and correct locations of the labels of the owner's names of abutting properties. 3) The City's Landscape Manager's approval of the tree protection plan and tree removal permit prior to any construction on this site. ALTERNATIVES: l) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Elevation of Tower Site Plan Landscape Plan Landscape Details Tree Survey Elevations Item # 9 Page 4 of 4 U ti-