Application & checkSent By: City o¢ Coppel:L; COPPELL Filing Dat~: Filing Fcc: $~50 -- 972 304 7092; Feb-3-03 2:55PM; Page 2/4 Administrative Approval of a Minor Amending Plat Planning and Economic Development 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 _9'~z- Vc~z -/09 fi NameofA~plicant:_.__~-F. '3"e,~.c2"~,~ y l c cz% ~ 6.. ; _l qo o,,' Applicant Address: I~ Sbr~t4e"t... ,$t-V~./. ~ PP.c'2.,~ .7~...~/ Telephone Number: ~'79.. - ~o ~ -o3r~o Fax Number: Firm Preparing Plat: ~ ut ~ ,o, ~,.~ ~rv.p ~ ,-,~ ~'~ ~ Telephone Number: 9"'/2. ~'7 6~ -/6'-0 ff .. _ Telephone iNumber: c) O 2.-- '7 ~ c}. E(~ 9 {~ Fax Number: Legal DescriPtion of Property: .~.?.-0 1 .St%oW '"/__ z.A--,r._e-"- ,~o,,d-~ / Lo~,,~C,o_.C. ,_.'-/-X', Present Zonifig: 5 ut g~ ' Proposed Revisions to the Plat: Submission R~quiremeuls: Thrc~ (3) folded, black linc copies of the Minor ~cnding PlaL Staffwill review the requcs~ wilhin 10 working days ~d tatum ~ Approved; Approved, subject to conditions Or Deni~. If denied, r~latfing ofth~ proPc~y will be r~uired. IFapproved as a Minor ~ending Plat, stag will provide additional info--aden on requir~ statuto~ l~guagc and si~aturei ~al need to be included on thc Face of ~c plat. Once approv~ [o fo~, th~n proceed with thc attach? PROCED~OR THE ~LING,