Application & checkSent By: City of Coppell; 972 304 7092; Jun-14-02 3:49P~; Page 2/2 COl'FELL preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat ~ncTldin5 Plat Minor Amending Subdivision Application Plannin~ Depar~t 255 Parkway Blvd. Copp~ll, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 X Filing Date: ,6 / 17 / 0 2 Filing Fees: NameofApplicant: Robert McCann: Catellus Deve]opmant Corparation ApplicantAddress: 5720 LBJ Freeway, Suite 190, Dallas, TX 75240 Telephone Number:. ( 9 7 2 ) 419.19 0 7 FaxNumbel: (972) 419.1925 Firm Pl~pOXhlg Plat: Miller Surveyin~ Inc, Address: 430 Mid Cities Blvd, H~ st. TX 76054 Telephone Number: M (817) 577.1052 FaxNumber: M (817) All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: 577.0922 Name: Steve MJller: Mil]ar Surveying: Tnn. Add. ss: 430 Mid Cities Blvd., Hur.:st. TX 7605.4 Telephone Number: M ( 81 7 ) 5 7 7.10 5 2 FaxNumb*r: M (817) 577.0922 NamcofSubdivision: Gateway Business Park No. II Oeneral LocationofProperty: 555 Dividend Drive. Coooell, TX Present Zoning: LI Pro osed Subdivision Contains: U:/Cenlral/P&Z,srf/Submission Forms App and Checklists/Sub App