Replat attached to CC packet:~OINT OF BEGINNING CAPLESS MONUI~:NT FOUND / \ I \ ~ COMMON AREA I, BLOCK B GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK NO.'I-T VOLUME 99104, PAGE t06 \ ~ I/2' CIRF STA&JPED ~. ,-~' c,,F sT~EDfr..- --..-~. ~ ~ LOT IR ~ ~ ~ 4.455 ACRES ~ ~ m ..... LOT I ".. ~ ¢ .. ~ ~ ..' ~ : COURSE L-I CURVE RADIUS C-I 412.50' C-2 487.50' LOT I, BLOCK B GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK No.:[[ VOLUME 99104, PAGE 106 ' STA~ED P.L.S. 4224' NRI.I~ SITE VICINITY MAP I" = 2000' BASIS OF BEARING IS THE PLAT SHOWN IN VOLUME 99104, PAGE 106 Recommended for Approval: OWNER CATELLUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 5720 LBJ FREEWAY, SUITE 190 DALLAS, TEXAS 75240 972-419- 1907 (FAX) 972-419-1922 LEGEND' ClRF · CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND C IRS · CAPPED IRON RO0 SET IRF · IRON RO0 FOUND PG. · PAGE VOL. = VOLUME NOTES: I. ALL RECORDS SITED ARE FROM DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 2. THIS PLAT VACATES THE I0' BUILDING ~ PARKING SETBACK ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 2, BLOCK C AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 99104, PAGE 106. I · . . ,~ \ I Ver izon · ( Name ) ( Da t e ) \ '~ ';9o. X AT&T eroaUband ~;+ \ I .' ' X I ( No~ ) ( Dote ) :" TXU Gos/Oncor Energy Delivery (No~) ( Date ) LOT 2R · ... 7. 572 ACRES The undersigned, the City Secrelary of the City of Coppell Texas hereby ........ LOT 2 ............ ~X~%X certifies that the foregoing rapiD, of the Gate,way Business Park No.?T, Lots ,.., ' IR and 2R, Block C to the City of Coppell wos s,ubmitted to the City Council on .X, '~. the day of , 2002, and the Coun.cil, by formal action, then ',e 5/8' IRF and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, , public places, and water and sewer lines as sho~wn and set forth in and upon said plat, ond said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the _ I ~......~.~ acceptance thereof by signing his nome as herei~nabove subscribed. / '. Witness my hand this .... day of , .A.D., 2002. ..'" ' ' I~' UNDERGRO~JND UTIL ITY EASEMEN!  '~~ VOL. 99104, PG. 106 ~ Ci ly Secrelary Oo. . ,, , m Recommended for Approval: 't. ,t'. -:* I I00 ~ ~ W u , C i ,y of Coppe, I, Texos '" I ~: o ,/" ~ I : ~.o100 0 I00 200 X . -- 0 I Approved and Accepted: - a_o II~1111 ?~.. {~ ~1 ~ >~ GRAPHIC SCALE FEET o m o Mayor 7,(~z. J O~ J~ City of Coppel I, Texas \ I ~ I I, Steve Miller, Registered Public Surveyor, do hereby certify that the plot J shown hereon accurately represents the property as determined by an on the ground survey, made under my direct supervision in June, 2002, ond that all corners are os shown hereon. BE AR ING N55° 13' 29"E D i STANCE 43.69' LENGTH DELTA CHORD 554.30' 76° 59' ;>95.00' $40 40' 15" ;;'90.52' CH. BEARING SS8° 12' 37"E S 17003' 00" E I/2" CtRF ST~ED *HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC.' \ \ Steve Miller Registered Public Surveyor Texas Registration No.4224 Date Floodplain Development Permit Application No._ .... City of Coppell floodplain administrator on (Floodplain Administrator ) has been filed with the , 2002. ( Date ) BE lNG State of Texas ) ) County of Dallas ) Whereas Catellus Development Corporation s sole owner of all of Lols I and 2, Block C, Gateway Business Park No.]:3:, an addition to the City of Coppell, situated in the Cordelia Bowen Survey, Abstract No. 56 as shown on the plat recorded in Volume 99104, Page 106, Plat Records, Dallas County, Texas. Said Block C is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a capless monument found in the northeasterly line of Interstate Highway 635 (Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway) and being the southwest corner of said Block C; Thence N 04 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds E, 6~?.84 feet to a I/~' iron with cap found, stamped *Halff Associates, Inc.', in the southerly line of Dividend Drive as shown on said plat of Gateway Business Park No. II; Thence with the southerly line of Dividend Drive the following calls: N 55 degrees 13 minutes 29 seconds E, 43.69 feet to a I/2' iron with cap found, stamped 'Halff Associates, Inc.', at the beginning of a curve to the right; with the arc of sold curve to the right 554.30 feel to a 5/8' iran with cap set, stamped "M.S.I.R.P.L.S. 4ZZ4', at the beginning of a curve to the left. Said curve to the right has a radius of 412.50 feet, a central angle of 76 degrees 59 minutes 29 seconds, and a long chord which bears S 38 degrees 12 minutes 37 seconds E, 513.53 feet; With the arc of said curve to the left, at 107. 15 feet pass a 5/8' iron found at the corr~x)n northeasterly corner of said Lots I and 2, and continue on with the arc of said curve to the left for a total distance of 295.00 feet to a 5/8' iron found. Said curve to the left has a radius of 487.50 feet, a central angle of 34 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds, and a long chord which bears S I? degrees 03 minutes O0 seconds E, 290.52 feet; S 34 degrees 23 minutes 08 seconds E, 366.57 feet to a 5/8' iron found; Thence SOI degrees 57 minutes II seconds W, 655.14 feet to a I/~* IrOn Wllh cap found, stamped 'Halff Associates, Inc.', in the northeasterly line of said Interstate Highway 655; Thence N 54 degrees 23 minutes 24 seconds W with the northeasterly llne of sold Inlerstate Highway 6~5, at 1,094.45 feet pass o I/~* Iron with cap found, stamped "Halff Associates, Inc.*, and continue on with the northeasterly line of said Interstate Highway 635 for a lolal dislance of I, 194.45 feel to the point of beginning and containing IZ. O27 acres of land. Now, therefore, know oil men by these presents; That, Catellus Development Corporation does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property os Lots IR and ZR, Block C, Gateway Business Park No. T T, on addition to the Ctly of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to public use forever all utility easements, drainage easements and streets as shown hereon. All and any public utility shall have the full right to remove and keep removed any or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement and all public utilities shall at all times have full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon said utillly easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstruction, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of Its respective system without lhe necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. Witness my hand this day of ......... 2002. Stephen L. Bryan, Agenl for Calellus Development Corp. State of Texas ) ) County of Dallas) Before me the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Stephen L. Bryan, agent for Catellus Development Corp. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and Jn lhe capacities therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this ......... day of Notary Public in and for the State-~-~; My con.hiss ion expires ........................... . 300 ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET REPL AT OF LOTS I R & 2R, GATEWAY BUS I NESS A REPLAT OF LOTS I & 2, BLOCK C, BLOCK PARK GATEWAY C AN AS AS BUS I NE SS PARK TEXAS 106, No. 56 No. TT ADD IT ION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, SHOWN ONTHE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 99104,PAGE PLAT RECORDS~ DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS SITUATEDINTHECORDEL IA BOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 12. 027 ACRES JULY, 2002 THIS PLAT FILED IN VOLUME , PAGE . II, IL L SLIf VE YING, /NC. 430 MID-CITIES BOULEVARD, HURST, TEXAS 76054 PHONE: METRO (817) 577-1052 FAX: METRO (817) 577-0972 DRAWN BY: CDM DATE: 06-13-02 JOG NO. :02044 PLOT FILE: 02044A REVISED: '7{