Concerns of res. across MacArthREQUEST FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM: CITY SECRETARY DEPARTMENT PLEASE PROMPTLY RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO CITY SECRETARY The Director of Responsive Department to reply below: Documents Attached No Documents ~xlat Documents ready to view. Notify responsive department of appointment dote and time so file(s) can be delivered to City Secretary Departmeat for viewing. Need Clarification of Item # Item # too broad in nature. Request for an Attorney General Ruling. Response consists of over fifty pages - or is in off-site storage~ estimated number of copies included in response. estimated boars spent to locate and copy documents Number of copies made for redacting purposes Other: PLEASE NOTE - VERY IMPORTANT In order Go determine the manhonrs spent in processing this request, please note below the number of hours each employee used in compiling th~a information. N~ne o~'Emp~oyee S~aff Hours Forms Disk From: To: Date: Subject: <rpi@ci.coppell.tx.us> <rpi@ci.coppell.tx.us> Fri, Dec 6, 2002 9:43 AM Request for Public Information City of Coppeil request for information: Name: Mark Phone: Bradley Email_Address: astralplane6@starband.net Address: 643 Lake Park Drive City: Coppell State: Texas Zip: 75019 CommentsSpecial Instructions: I need a copy of the architectural plans for the development at the site on MacA~thur Blvd across from Waterford Park....I need this ASAP....as decisions are being made on December 10.....I already have a call into the Mayor...and 1 member of the city council.....Thanks. RECEIVED BEC 8 2002 CITY SECRETARY CITY OF COPPELL ~ry Sieb - Request for Information, MacArthur Vista Center Page From: To: Date: SubJect: Gary Sieb astralplane6@starbrand.net 12/6/02 12:43PM Request for Information, MacArthur Vista Center Your request for information has been for~arded to me for response. The site plan, elevations, and color board for the above referenced subject may be reviewed in the office of the Planning Depadment, 255 Parkway Blvd. between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday. 3ary Sieb - Attention All City Council Members RE: MacArthor Land Development Page 1 I From: To: Date: Subject: <Ronssarason@aol.com> <citycouncil@ci.coppelLtx.us> 1215/02 8:09PM Attention All City Council Members RE: MaoArthor Land Development Deac Council Member: As a homeowner, living in Waterford at Lake Park, I am very concerned about the plans that have already been approved by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission for the property accross from our subdivision's main entrance on MacArthor. At the commission meeting held on November 21 st the development was listed as an "office building," but the site plans indicate that the developemnt is not an office building. The plans clearly show that the development is to be a strip center building, with a retail look. It has a plain facade and is out of charactor with the area. I request that the council return this item to the Planning and Zoning Commission and require that the proper notice be given, so concerns of the adjacent homeowners and home builders can be shared with the commission and the developer. Thank you in advance for your consideration Ronald Sarason 619 Lake Park Drive Coppell, TX 75019 214-729-9229 November 26, 2002 Honorable Mayor Candy Sheehan and City Council Members, On 10 Dec 2002 a site plan for the MacArthur Vista Center will be brought before the City Council for approval. The notice in the Citizen Advocate and the Agenda Item for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting listed this development as an office building. In reviewing the site plan it is evident that the development is not an office building. The plans indicate the proposed uses for the building as retail, office and medical. The plans clearly show this development to be a strip shopping center building having a very retail look with a linear design and storefront doors and windows. From my perspective, there is nothing office-like about *his structure. I feel very strongly that the Planning and Zoning notices on this development where misleading as they stated "office building" rather than a mix of retail and office space. I ask the council to return this item to the Planning and Zoning Commission and require that proper notice be given so that the concerns of adjacent homeowners can be shared with the commission and the developer. There have been several unsuccessful attempts by city staffto rezone this parcel as residential. And while I supported these attempts past councils were unable to approve the change. My interest in this matter is not to stop the development of this land. My interest is to see that this development compliments the residential neighborhoods that surround it. My neighbors and I have accepted the fact the some kind of nonresidential use would likely occupy this site. Given the small size of the site and the adjoining residential use we believe an office building to be the appropriate use for the site. Being familiar with the quality of recent office building developments in Coppell I was pleased when I read the notice in the Citizen's Advocate that an office building was being considered for this site. Upon reviewing the plans I became very disappointed at the total lack of consideration the developer has given to the surrounding land use and to the mass, density and building style of the surrounding structures. The linear arrangement of the building with the long expanse of standing seam metal roof is out of character with the area. The building lines need to be broken up more and the roof material needs to be changed to a composition shingle to match the roofs in the surrounding developments. The building fagade is very plain and not shown on the plans is the commercial signage that will undoubtedly be placed on the front of retail shops. The building must shed its strip center fagade by doing away with the storefi'ont doors and windows and incorporating more inspired brickwork and other architectural features. The plans must clearly show the size and location of the tenants' signage. Also, since there is no other commercial type building in this residential area the screening of the parking lot is a critical item. The screening plants shown in the plans are rarely maintained at the proper height and density to adequately soften the view of parked vehicles. A more appropriate method would be the use ora landscaped berm. I also believe the plans are deficiem in that as a retail center there is no rear service drive and no place to accommodate delivery trucks. As designed delivery tracks would have to park in the access drives. The parking design is deficient in that one of the spaces is within the lO0-year flood plain and several other spaces at the north end of the lot and at the south end of the building do not have an area to back a vehicle out of the space and mm it around. This condition will require vehicles to travel in reverse for an excess distance. A total of four spaces should be removed from the plan. Thank you for your time in considering this matter and I look forward to working with the City Planning staff, and the Planning and Zoning Commission to make MacArthur Vista Center compliment the attractiveness of the MacArthur gateway in to Coppell. Sincerely, righ~ 663 Glen Lakes Dr Coppell, Texas 75019 972-745-4684 cc: City Planning Dept, Gang Sieb FROM : FAX NO, : 9724710655 Dec. 06 2002 10:30AM Pl m to w ~tcr~ora Is m~ I~ ~1 ~ pmn~ nay~ an r~y ~ appmv~ be me I ........ ou. vu*maamon me~ nma on 21 Novemb~ h{~ ~s delimit ~ ~ "offi~ ul~ ~I101~. the pl~8 inmmte ~ m~i~_ The pl~ d~w · ~ ,~uung omc~H~e a~ou[,t~s ~m m~, roort~t is out ofc~ ~he~. -- . _ _~ }~ re. mrs ma~ not m ~p ~e d~lopm~t of t~nd. ~V i~ ts m see ~t ~ ~opm~t ~mpliments the ~id~tial nei~ds ~t s~und it. I ~ve wrlt~ m the Mayor ~d Co,oil Membm ~sing my ~lief~ ~d Zoffing Meefin~ notices on bmld~ ~er ~ a mx ofretml itm to the P~ni~ ~d ZoNng Cmmission ~d require ~t pmp~ ~t the con~s of adjacent hom~ can be sh~ wi~ the mm~s~on ~d devolop~_ If you are distutbad about the development of this property as a strip c~mter I encourage you to COntact the Mayor or City Council members and voice your concerns_ Since this item is not going before the council as a public hearing there will h'kely not be a chance for the public to speak at the Council Meeting on Dec I0~. Therefore contacting Council Membem before the meeting may be your only chance to be heard. Ple~e feel See to comact me if you desire additional information. Dear Neighbors, ~ As you may know the land across MacAnhur Boulevard'l~li~/i, main entrance in to Waterford is zoned for retail use. On December 10, 2002 a site plan for the development on this tract of land will be brought before the City Council for approval. The plans have all ready been approved be the Planning and Zoning Commission. The notice in the Citizen Advocate and the Agenda Item for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held on 21 November listed this development as an "office building". However, in reviewing the site plan it is evident that the development is not an office building. The plans indicate the proposed uses for the building as retail, office and medical. The plans clearly show this development to be a strip center building having a very retail look with storefront doors and windows. From my perspective, there is nothing office-like about this structure and no consideration has been given to the surrounding land use and to the mass, density and building style of the surrounding structures. The building has a linear arrangement with a very plain fagade and a standing seam metal roof that is out of character with the area. My interest in this matter is not to stop the development of this land. My interest is to see that the development compliments the residential neighborhoods that surround it. I have written to the Mayor and Council Members expressing my belief that the Planning and Zoning Meeting notices on this development where misleading as they stated "office building" rather than a mix of retail and office space. I requested the council return this item to the Planning and Zoning Commission and require that proper notice be given so that the concerns of adjacent homeowners can be shared with the commission and the developer. ffyou are disturbed about the development of this property as a strip center I encourage you to contact the Mayor or City Council members and voice your concerns. Since this item is not going before the council as a public hearing there will likely not be · . . th r a chance for the pubhc to speak at the Council Meeting on Dec 10 . Therefo e contacting Council Members before the meeting may be your only chance to be heard. Please feel free to contact me if you desire additional information. Steve Wright 663 Glen Lakes Dr 972-745-4684 12/D5/2882 12:58 9?23043840 JE~Y & GAIL HFAD PAGE December 5 2002 To Mayer Sheehan and Coppell Cit~ Council Members. My husband and I live in Waterford subdivision and we have just learned that the development of the property across MacAr~hur Bird could be a strip mall. This is not how it was characterized to the public We are adamantly opposed to this use of property surrounded by residential homes and feel we should have had the opportunity to express our views to the Planning and Zoning Commission belbre any decisions were made Therefore we request that the Council keep our objections in mind during the December I0"' Council Meeting We would not object to the use of the property as office space with a discreet design I thank you tbr your attemion Sincerely, Gail& Jer~' Head d- c 05 Your time and attention is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Jean and Don Ashenfelter 672 West Peninsula 972-462-1735 From: To: Date: Subject: Jean Ashenfelter <jean@jadesignsolutions.com> <citycouncil@ci.coppell.tx.us> 12/9/02 9:09AM Retail Development TO: The Honorable Mayor Candy Sheehan And Council Members: Doug Stover Tim Brancheau Jayne Peters Diana Raines Marsha Tunnell Dave Herring Bill York City Manager: Jim Witt City Attorney: Robert Hagar RE: Retail Development of Vista Center located on North MacArthur Boulevard, Coppell, Texas Attention to all listed, I have been a Coppell resident since 1982 and own two properties here--one at 253 Heartz Road and the other at 672 West Peninsula. I am writing to you because of a concern I have regarding the development of the property mentioned above. This development appears to fall short of complementing the character of the surrounding residential properties. One thing I have witnessed over the past 20 years here in Coppell is the consistent and prudent application of strict building codes which has aided in the steady increase of property values and yielded a prime tax rate for our city from those properties. I believe the above mentioned retail development is counter to this progress. The aesthetics of the surrounding areas will be negatively impacted should you allow this to proceed without re-addressing the appearance of this retail strip. I realize the zoning issue is closed, however, the announcement in the local papers was misleading--stating this property would be targeted for office/medical use. This is clearly not the case. Short of re-addressing the use of this property, perhaps we could at least make certain any development does not look as this one currently does. It will cast a negative influence over our neighborhoods, cause the homes to become less desirable, and therefore eventually result in devalued property and loss of tax revenues. Please reconsider allowing this development to continue in its current state.