CC minutes re item (2)Hinntes of October 27, ]987
The City Council of the City ot Coppell met in regular called sess,on on
!uesdav, October 27, 19~7 at 7:q0 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the
Coppell %own Center. The following members were present:
Lou Puggan, Mayor
Dan Stanton, Mayor Pro Tom
Dean Wilkerson, Councilman
Walter Pettiiohn, Councilman
Tom Morton, Councilman
Bill Smothermon, Councilman
Jim Cowr~an, Councilman '
Mark Wolfe, Councilman
present were City ManaRer Alan D. Ratliff, City Secretary Dorothy
Timmons, and City Attorney larry Jackson.
Mayor Duggan requested that Dorothy Wells, principal of Pinkerton
Elementary come forward to receive a Resolution declaring October 27,
1987 as '~Students in Covernment Day in Coppell". Also recognized were
Superintendent David Stanfield, School Board Irustee and CISD liaison to
the City Council Foy Layton, 5th grade teacher Mrs. Betty Nash, and all
the members of her class. Mayor Duggan them requested that those
students elected to the City Council and City Manager's position through
the election held in ~!rs. Nasb's 5tb grade classroom come forward to
take their respective places. As a part of their study of local
zovernment, the students will participate in the decision-making process
of tonight's meeting either untfl 8:30 p.m. or through Item Ro. 11,
whichever comes first. Those students and their Council counterparts
are as follows:
Jessica Winters, Mayor (Lou Duggan)
John Luppold, Mayor Pro Tem (Jim Cowman)
Jose Hernandez, Councilman (Dean Wflkerson)
MariaElena Murillo, Councilwoman (Walter Pettijohn)
Mitch Parrish, Councilman (Tom Morton)
Cindy Brenza, Councilwoman (Bill Smothermon)
Sam Jenes, Councilman (Mark Volfe)
Kati >~cCurdy, Councilwoman (Dan Stanton)
Michael Prozd, City Manager (Alan D. Ratliff)
Mayor Winters (Duggan) then called the meeting to order and asked
everyone to stand while Councflwoman McCurdy (Stanton) gave the
invocation. Pollowing the invocatfon. Mayor Winters (Duggsn) led those
present in the pledge of allegiance.
Item 1: Mayor's Report
Hayor Winters with the assistance of Mayor Duggan gave the following
A. Mayor Winters informed those present of the recent study of local
government that had been conducted by Mayor Duggan at their class. She
outlined the format used by the class for campaigning and electing of
the students participating in the Council meeting.
B. Mayor Duggan instructed any bidders who were present to submit bids
to be considered for the sale of Certiffcates of Obligation later in the
~fayor I)uggan asked if there were persons present who wished to speak in
favor of the proposed sale of Certificates of Obligation. Those persons
speaking w~re Mr. David Dreer of 641Briarglen, Mr. Paul Adams of Argyle
and representing the Ist Coppel] gank, and Mr. Howard Herrington of 618
bleadowview Drive. There being no other persons who wished to speak cn
this item, Mayer Duggan stated that the public session for comment would
be closed. Discussion was then held by the Council who stated their
objections and recommendations for the proposed sale of the
Certificates. Following discussion, Councilman Wolfe moved that
Ordinance No. 873§1 be approved with the low bid for the sale of the
Certificates of Obligation being awarded to YBank Capital Markets with a
gross interest cost of ~5,54~,]21.g0, a premium of $122,500.00, a net
interest cost of $5,668,621.8D, and an effective interest rate of
8.06371%; Councilman Cowman seconded and motion carried 4-3 with Mayor
Pro Tem Stanton and Councilmen Wilkerson, Covanan, and Wolfe voting in
favor of the motion and Councilmen Pettijohn, Morton, and gmothermon
voting against the motion.
Item 13: Consider approval of a final plat for Creekview Addition at
the request of Thompson Properties located on property east of Denton
Tap Road, south of Grapevine Creek, and north of the St. Louis and
Southwestern Railway.
City Engineer Wayne Ginn made the presentation to the Council on behalf
~ City staff. Mr. Ginn stated that it his recommendation that this
plat be denied without prejudice and that payment for any additional
fees when the plat is brought forward again be waived; Following
discussion, Councilman Smothermon moved that the plat be denied without
prejudice and the the requirement for payment of additional fees be
waived; Councilman Morton seconded and motion carried unanimously with
Mayor Pro Tem Stanton and Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton,
Smothermon, Co~gnan and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion.
Item 14: Consider approval of charges to the Mayor's mobile phone bill.
Councilman Wolfe moved that this request be approved; Councilman Co~,nan
seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton and
Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman and Wolfe
voting in favor of the motion.
(Closed co the Public)
Item 15C: Article 6252-I7, Section ? (g) discussion concerning
1) Board and Commission appointments.
Mayor Duggan then declared the meeting closed on October 27, I987 at
9:40 p.m. for an executive session as allowed under the above recited
article. Following the executive session, Mayor Duggan adjourned this
portion of the executive session on October 27, 1987 at 10:55 p.m. and
declared the meeting open to the public.
BOARD APPOINTMENTS (Open to the Public)
Mayor Duggan applauded the City Manager on the organization and planning
of the reception held prior to this Council meeting in order for Council
members to meet the approximately sixty-one (6l) board applicants.
Item 16: Discussion and consideration of appointing three (3)
applicants to the Economic and Development Board as stated in the City
Charter of the City of Coppell for a term of two (2) years which will
expire on October 1, 1989.