Signage re Brinks MEMORANDUM TO: Greg Jones, Building Official DATE: November 20, 2002 The attached letter from Steve Bryan outlines the concern he has with his allowed signage along Dividend Drive. In reviewing the site plan that allowed this development, it appears that one entry feature was to have signage, the other feature none. Rather than place two signs on one of the indicated entry monuments, I would request you allow one sign on each monument. In that manner, signage would be balanced, a more aesthetic look would result and overall signage would not be increased. In discussing this with you and Mike yesterday, I understand you wanted this written request before allowing the proposed signage. Mr. Bryan understands all other provisions of the sign code must be complied with relative to number, size, etc. If any additional information is needed, please advise me at your convenience. October 28, 2002 Mr. Jim Witt City Manager 255 Parkway, P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 CATELLUS NOV -- ' i Dear Jim: As a follow up to my voice mail last week, I wanted to request your feedback on two items dealing with Catellus' office building located at 555 Dividend Drive. First, I want to thank you for your August 29th letter in which you wrote to clarify the issue regarding PID reimbursement in the event that Washington Mutual expands on or before October I, 2006. Based on correspondence from Washington Mutual, they are requesting one change to the letter, which they believe is a typo. The addendum states that "Catellus and/or its successors in the city of Coppell shall cooperate...." with regard to assumption. Washington Mutual believes it should read "and the city". The other item deals with city sales tax abatement for new construction on behalf of Catellus, which was originally addressed in your March 19m correspondence stamped "Draft". As I recall, our discussions dealt with establishing a development district that would include the remaining office property that Catellus owns along Freeport Parkway. The total area represents about 49 acres and is essentially the land located south of the Avaya building and south of Wrangler Road. While not stated in your March letter, I believe our discussions also provided that the sales tax abatement would expire on October 1, 2006 as well. Washington Mutual is requesting that the August letter be modified to include the revised language above as well as reference to the sales tax abatement. Lastly, Brinks is hot under the collar relative to the existing monument sign fronting Dividend Drive. Attached is a site plan that illustrates the two (2) concrete walls that were constructed along Dividend. Washington Mutual has placed its sign on the top half of the wall designated for signage, leaving the bottom half for Brinks. Brinks is complaining that their sign will not be as visible and prominent if placed at ground level and is requesting permission to put their sign on the top half of the other wall. As I understand it, the city ordinance only allows for one (1) monument sign along a street, and as a result, only one wall was designated for signage on our plat. Given the fact that Catellus has actually removed billboards from its property, we too are very focused on managing sign "pollution". However, in this particular situation, I do not believe that 5720 LBJ FREE,X'.aS. Sc ~TS 190. DaI_l_.~.s TEx.,,s 75240 (972) 41%1900 Fax (972) 419-1922 having signage on both walls would violate the City and Catellus' pursuit of image and quality. I support this due to the fact that the walls are curved and signage on each would only be visible from one direction, in lieu of a typical double-faced monument sign with lettering on two sides (an example would be the Avaya sign along Freeport Parkway). I would appreciate your thoughts on the possibility of offering the top of the other wall for Brink's signage. In consideration of being allowed to utilize the other wall, Catellus is willing to agree to a limit of one (1) sign per wall (as opposed to two signs on one wall), thereby not increasing the number of signs at this location. I appreciate all that you have done to secure both of these tenants within our project in an extremely competitive environment, and look forward to discussing the above at your convenience. Sincerely, Stephen L. Bryan Senior Vice President