LP attached to CC packet10/9/01 TABULATIONS 176 LF X 10 = 1760 SF 111 LF X 10 ,- t110 SF NORTH" t76 LF X 10 -- SF EAST '95 LF X 15 ,e ~F' 6,055 S.F. INTE~O~ 11,790 X t0 == 1t79 .~ON-VEHtCULAR smuCTu I~T SITE: SQ. F-r. TREES T~EES N~IDSCAPE UMMARY .~ 1760 SF 4 TREES 4 TREES -t110 SF '3 TREES' ¢ TREES . Sir ?2 -TREES 4,590 S.F. 15 TREES 14 PE~TE~ TOTAL SQ. FT. TREES TREES PROVIDED :: ~".: REOUtR~'~ .:,::~ PROVIDED 1,470 S:F. 3 31~E$ 3 ~I~EES SQ. FT. TREES : TREES · PROVIDED .. REC~JtRE~D PROVIDED 27,246 S.F. · ': ~¢,742 S,F. ' : ' ' ,.,'i:,~ ' ',:.' : "'22.504 S.F. · :~ .., ::' ;~.': .. X 15%' ,;; :'L:: ' :: ~ $,375 S.F. 4~ ,. 2 ~ .' SQ. FT. REQUIRED '6,055 S.F. 1,179 S.F. 3,375 10.609 S.F. SQ. FT. TREES TREES PROVIDED ' ,' REQUIRED PROVIDED 13 TREES 14 TREES 3 TEEES 3 TREES 2 TREES 2 TREES 17 TREES 19 TREES 4,590 S.F. 1,470 S.F. 4,492 S.F. 10.552 S.F. :'GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES · fl n~ grade and free from afl trash and debfls. · . 2. Ail trees are to be planted in pits twice the i~afttet~' .of ~e t~(ie 'ball and no deeper than the depth of the bail.~ Scarify afl t~ee pit , ~..:.. :~ldes prior' to planting. All tree~ are to be planted plumb and at 6¢ slightly above finish grade. Ail tree pits are to hove a ~ watering · Saucer formed around the perimeter of the pit. Alt tree pit5 are to be top dressed with a 2" layer of shredded hardwood mulch. Stoke :guy trees only at the dtreCtian of the landscape architect. .. :;~. Rotovate the existing soil of ail planting beds to o mint~ ~' of 6". Add o 3" .layer of premium compost os eupplied by Living Earth Techff6l.o~ly and tilt into the top 5" of the existing soil. tnstafl oil ~shrubs 1 above finish grade and fert~Ize with AgH-form slow*re, ease -:~ertlltzer 'tablets at the manufacturer's recommended rates of; : ~ppftcattOn. Top dress at! planting beds with a 2" Ioy~ of shreoNte~ hardwood mulch. 4..All planting bed~ ~Ot formL-~ b:y '~ ~te ctirb or M~ are' ~o edged with Ryerson Steel Edging (1/8"x4 ~ainted green) or on opprcrved. equal. Ail edging stake~ ore to be placed to the inside of the bed and the top of the edging is to be no less than 1" and no more than t.5" above proposed finish grade. 5. Ail turf areas are to be ~mdde~' ~ C~:;,F,~ b~' SadtaJd part, el to the contour of the land. All sod on slopes greater than t:4 is to be pinned with l"xl'x12" woode~ stokes. All sod is to be laid with tight joints and Mth oll jolnts stoggerd. Roll oil sod with o water ballast lawn roller upon installation and fertilize with o complete fertilizer (13-13-13) at the rate of 1.5# actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet. ~ater all ~od thoroughly. ,~ Iocai codes. Irrigation ~ee~ to be installed by licensed irrlg ' Contractor as per the plan. ?. All irrigation controllers are tO ha~e mini-click freeze and stats installed os per manufacturer's recommendations. 8. Alt irrigation sleeves to be by licensed irrigation co~traetor. All ~feeves to be PVC schedule 40' wlth 90 degree elbows on both with extensions protruding 18" above proposed finish grade. 9. All turf and planting,beds to be zoned separately. All plOnting bed heads to be on 12 poprup Hsers. All turf heads to be on ¢' pop-up risers. Ail valves to be plastic 'valves. All equipment to be Ralnbird or approved equal. 10. All mainline and lateral ttrfe" to h~"a-m~n~ of'12' of ~'aWd "tO be SDR class pipe. :~.~ :,. ,~U~ mr~4~ ' / ~ ' ' ~ · .., .: .,, ,,..: . :,.:- .'~"-- :. :.:/- ,,.,,: y . ... ,... , ".:/ ': , .. ,-. : ...:'., :' ,.;,:,.,.. ~, ,.:;-.:.:,' ;~:~:.- :'- ., .. ",~ :;; .. ~. ~ ': .; .:','.'.. ,-. , · , ~., - '.: ;'.: bi.' '~ ,,: ' :: ":"~'. .... ' ~': ....'... : . .]~. ~: ,..'.. , ~.~ : ...::.' . . . -- ,. .. -.,_. ' - '~: ":'; : ..:?.~ .... ~ :.~ L ~'~ ~, ,. ~. .: ,~ . ,, .. . .... ,~ :: , . . -. ... '.'~ ~.,;~, ',~v , ~ , '...~, ~. , ~ -', , ,, , '. . ..' ,.. ~.' ::, .. , :,~_ ~ . ~ ~ ~,. : , . - . ~'-':':- ' :- ' ,-". , - ' ~l'. ,.. : .;" '. .~?,-. WIDE CONC SIDEWALK NO. DATE:." I)I~WN BY: I CH~CKE'D BY: SHEET No. ,.