Landscape PlanLANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PERIMETER SOUTH 176 LF X 10 = 1760 SF 111 LF X 10 = 1110 SF 176 LF X 10 = 1760 SF 95 LF X 15 = 1425 SF SQ. FT. PROVIDED WEST NORTH EAST INTERIOR INTERIOR 11,790 TREES TREES REQUIRED PROVIDED 1760 SF 4 TREES 4 TREES 1110 SF 3 TREES 4 TREES 295 SF 4 TREES 2 TREES 1425 SF 2 TREES 4 TREES 6,055 S.F. 4,590 S.F. 13 TREES 14 TREES SQ. FT. TREES TREES PROVIDED REQUIRED PROVIDED X 10 = 1179 SF 1,470 S.F. 3 TREES 3 TREES / LOADING AREA: NON-VEHICULAR I SITE 27,246 S.F. STRUCTURE -4,742 S.F. NET SITE: 22,504 S.F. X 15% 3,375 S.F. LANDSCAPE SQ. FT. SUMMARY REQUIRED 11,790 S.F. SQ. FT. TREES TREES PROVIDED REQUIRED PROVIDED 4,492 S.F. SQ. FT. 2 TREES 2 TREES PROVIDED TREES TREES REQUIRED PROVIDED PERIMETER INTERIOR NON-VEHICULAR 6,055 S.F. 1,179 S.F. 3,375 S.F. TOTAL 10,609 S.F. 4,590 S.F. 15 TREES 14 TREES 1,470 S.F. 3 TREES 3 TREES 4,492 S.F. 2 TREES 2 TREES 10,552 S.F. 17 TREES 19 TREES GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES 1. All Iondscope oreos ore to be received within .1' of proposed finish Erode ond free from oil trosh ond debris. 2. All trees ore to be plonted in pits twice the diometer of the tree boll ond no deeper thon the depth of the boll. Scorify oil tree pit sides prior to plonting. All trees ore to be plonted plumsb'ond ot or slightly obove finish cjrode. All tree pits ore to hove o wotering soucer formed Ground the perimeter of the pit. All tree pits ore to 2" be top dressed with o Ioyer of shredded hordwood mulch. Stoke ond/or guy trees only ot the direction of the Iondscope orchitect. 3. Rotovote th%,existing soil of oil plonting beds to o minimum depth of 6". Add o Ioyer of premium compost os supplied by Living Eorth Technology ond till into the top 3" o~,the e.x, ist!ng s~oil. Install oll shrubs 1" obove finish Erode ond fertifize with Agri-form slow releose fertilizer toblets ot the monufocturer's recommended rotes of 2" opplicotion. Top dress oil plonting beds with o Ioyer of shredded hordwood mulch, by _o, cg, ncrete curb or sidewolk ore to 4. All plonting beds not formed edged with Ryerson Steel Edging (1/8 x4 pointed green) or on opproved equol. All edging stokes ore to be ploced tol,~he inside of the bed ond the top of the edging is to be no less thon ond no more thon 1.5" obove proposed finish Erode. 5. All turf oreos ore to be sodded with common berrnudo sod Ioid porollel to the contour of the Iond. All sod on slopes greoter thon 1:4 is to be pinned with l"xl"xl2" wooden stokes. All sod is to be Ioid with tight joints ond with oil joints stoggerd. Roll oil sod with o woter bollost lawn ro~ler upon instoliotion and fertilize with o complete fertilizer (13-13-13) ot the rote of 1.5# octuol nitrogen per 1000 squore feet. Woter o~1 sod thoroughly. 6. All irricjotion meter(s) ore to be by utility controctors os per Iocol codes. Irrigotion sleeves to be instolled by licensed irricjotion controctor os per the plon. 7. All irrigotion controllers ore to hove mini-click freeze ond roin stots instolled os per monufocturer's recommendotions. 8. All irrigotion sleeves to be by licensed irrigotion controctor. All sleeves to be PVC schedule 40 with 90 decjree elbows on both ends with extensions protruding 18" obove proposed finish Erode. 9. All turf ond plonting,,beds to be zoned seporotely. All plonting4,' bed heods to be on 12 pop-up risers. All turf heods to be on pop-up risers. All volves to be plostic volves. All equipment to be Roinbird or opproved equol. 10. All moinline ond Ioterol line to hove o minimum of 12" of cover ond to be SDR (doss 200) pipe. MAINTENANCE NOTE: THE OWNER, TENANT AND THEIR AGENT, IF ANY, SHALL BE JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION. ALL REQUIRED LANDSCAPING SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER AT ALL TIMES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE MOWING, EDGING, PRUNING, FERTILIZING, WATERING, WEEDING AND OTHER SUCH ACTIVITIES COMMON THE THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING. LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF TRASH, LITTER, WEEDS AND OTHER SUCH MATERIAL OR PLANTS NOT A PART OF THE LANDSCAPING. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY AND GROWING CONDITION AS IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON OF THE YEAR. PLANT MATERIALS WHICH DIE SHALL BE REPLACED WITH PLANT MATERIAL OF SIMILAR VARIETY AND SIZE. IRRIGATION HEADS WHICH ARE BROKEN AND FLOW WATER SHALL BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT THE WASTE OF WATER. PLANT QTY. 6 8 5 80 96 1392 LIST DESCRIPTION LIVE OAK / QUERCUS VIRGINIANA CEDAR ELM / ULMUS CRASSIFOLIA CHINESE PISTACHE / PISTACHIA CHINENSIS SEA GREEN dUNIPER / dUNIPERUS SPP. 'SEA GREEN' DWARF BURFORD HOLLY / ILEX CORNUTA BURFORDII ASIAN JASMINE / TRACHELOSPERUM ASIATICUM 'NANA' REMARKS 5" CAL. / 12' HT. 5" CAL. / 12' HT. / 6' SPREAD / 6' SPREAD .5" CAL. / 12' HT. / 6' SPREAD 5 GAL. CONTAINER / 50" O.C. 5 GAL. CONTAINER / 30" O.C. 4" POTS / 12" O.C. I~.~2 ~ TU~~= .D-CE~,4I~ .~..Pf/,9" C41J_, O-LIVE O~"C,4L I.~ LF E, ID~IIV~ Block A Wynnpa9e Volume 92001, Page D.R.D.C.T. ZONED SF-7, I~' L,4NI:::,~:::,4FE t~FE~ 2952 PD-115 o 0 I 0 Z O N I~ LF 5TEEL ED~IAI~ ~_2' O0"W 1 15' Alley Right-of-Woy 14~2 ~ ~ ,4~,~ I I C~EEN 2.~-Li~' LOT 1 ,~,O-,4~IAN J,4gt"IIAIE 5' WIDE CONC SIDEWALK · ,'. ~'., .%:,-".' ~' ' .D-Cl.-lINE,GE F~IE~TAC'IqE/D" C,4I.., I~4 ~: I-CEI.:D,4~ 2~,-E/E,4 C~tI~E~ Jt.~IF'E~"OC. 8 Z N 00°22'00''w 597.17' f / / / / / / / OCK A / I I I I I I I I I / / t / / / / / / /-. /-~ ,? lb / I / / / / / / / / / = 20'-0" ZONED C-COMMERcIAL 20 10 0 Ill SCALE: 2O 1" = 20' 4O 0 0 REVISIONS I No. iDATE PROJ. No. DRAWN BY: BY: JI~ ISSUE DATE SHEET No.