1/2/03 DRC comments T H t= C~ I T Y 0 F CO?P LL Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 PROJECT: PSS, Freeport North, Lot 2, Block 3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Marcie Diamond DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3676 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: December 26, 2002 TO: Ty Holcomb FAX: Cc: FAX: PAGES: 214-261-9049 Items Transmitted: 1. Agenda for the January 2, 2003 DRC Meeting 2. DRC Comments Remarks: Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the January 2, 2003 Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the January 2, 2003 DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. A representative of the project is required to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, January 7th to resubmit twelve (12) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG ,TIF OR SIMILAR ELECTRONIC FORMAT of each exhibit to the Planning Department. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 972-304- 3676 or e-mail at mdiamond(~ci.coppell.tx.us COPFELL ProjectlD: SPA-02-0027 445 S RoyalLn CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Name: COFPELL PSS, Freeport North, Block 3, Lot 2 Project Type: Application Date: Case Manager: Project Description: Site Plan Approval 12/18/O2 Marcie Diamond to allow the development of a 70,000 square foot office building on approximately 5.66 acres Aflency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering Fire Administration Parks and Recreation Planning Department 1 of 4 Comments No comments received Site plan acceptable 1. Submit additional elevation/runoff information for the SE corner of the property. We typically do not allow drain grates to be located at a Iow point inlet. The driveway to Royal Lane may need to be relocated. 2. Provide more elevation information near the flume in the SE corner of the property. It appears that water may flow to the street rather than to the flume. 3. Verify the location of the sanitary sewer and easement along the southern portion of the properly. The plans sheets are not consistent. 4. The fire line is to be private. 5. There may be some visibility issues at the west driveway onto Gateview. Verify sight triangles with the landscaping plans. 1. Inadequate fire lanes submitted. All portions of the structure are to be within 150 feet of a fire lane. Royal Lane and Gateview can not be utilized as fire lanes. 2. Insufficient amount of fire hydrants submitted. Maximum spacing on fire hydrants is 300 feet on center as measured along the fire lanes. 3. Fire lanes to have minimum 30 feet inside radius and 54 feet outside radius. Minimum width of fire lane to be 24 feet. 4. Fire line to be a private system. Relocate double detector checks. No Comments Site Plan Date of Action 12/26/02 12/26/02 12/26/02 12/19/02 12/23/02 Reviewed By Daniel Colman Teresa Turner Travis Crump John Elias Marcie Diamond COPPELL ProjectlD: SPA-02-0027 445 S Royal Ln CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Name: COPPELL PSS, Freeport North, Block 3, Lot 2 Project Type: Application Date: Case Manager: Project Description: Site Plan Approval 12/18/02 Marcie Diamond to allow the development of a 70,000 square foot office building on approximately 5.66 acres Agency 2 of 4 Comments 1. Verify the size of the lot, the replat indicates the acreage as 5.66 acres while the site plan and landscape plan indicate 5.59 acres. 2. Add the following to the title block "Lot 2, Block 3 of the Freeport North Addition" 3. Dimension ail property lines. 4. The four parking islands adjacent to the southern wall of the building need to be enlarged to have a minimum width of 9 feet, contain a minimum of 150 square feet, with one tree. 5. indicate the limits of the Flood Plain on the site plan. 6. Provide a note on the site plan that defines maintenance of the flood plain area, such as mowing, trash/debris removal, and general upkeep of the area. 7. If a monument sign is proposed, include the size, location, materials, etc. Refer to Article 29 of the Zoning Ordinance for requirements. 8. Need to show the location of the driveways on the north side of Gateview. 9. Per Sec. 12-31-6.18 Parking requirements based on use, parking is required as follows: "One parking space for each employee on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith, but not less than one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area". It appears that there will be sufficient parking, however, please state the maximum number of employees per working shift. 10. Indicate all setback lines and easments on the site plan. 11. Brick paver bands are required on all Date of Action Reviewed By COPPELL Project ID: SPA-02-0027 445 S Royal Ln CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT COPPELL Name: PSS, Freeport North, Block 3, Lot 2 Project Type: Application Date: Case Manager: Project Description: Site Plan Approval 12/18/02 Marcie Diamond to allow the development of a 70,000 square foot office building on approximately 5.66 acres Agency Comments driveways. 3 of 4 Date of Action Reviewed By Landscape Plan. 1. The four parking islands adjacent to the southern wall of the building need to be enlarged to have a minimum width of 9 feet, contain a minimum of 150 square feet with one overstory tree. 2. Continue the Dwarf Texas Sage hedge, parallel to Royal Lane, to screen the remainder of the parking. 3. Dimension all property lines. 4. Indicate the limits of the Flood Plain on the landscape plan. 5. Provide a note on the Landscape Plan that defines maintenance of the flood plain area, such as mowing, trash/debris removal, and general upkeep of the area. 6. Verify the number of trees provided. 7. In the Landscape Tabulations, differentiate between the ornamentals and the overstory trees to assure that the required overstory tree requirements are being met. 8. Rectify the differences in the tabulations of the Total Number of Trees Provided, and the total number of trees in the Plant List. Elevations 1. Add the manufacturer's color specification on the elevations. Without knowing colors or having a color board it is difficult to review the elevations, however; Sec. 12-25-5.2 Type of Construction of the Zoning Ordinance requires that: "Where walls exceed 100 feet in length, additional architectural accents must be COPPELL ProjectlD: SPA-02-0027 445 S RoyalLn CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Name: COPPELL PSS, Freeport North, Block 3, Lot 2 Project Type: Application Date: Case Manager: Project Description: Site Plan Approval 12/18/02 Marcie Diamond to allow the development of a 70,000 square foot office building on approximately 5.66 acres Agency 4 of 4 Comments included to break up the expanse of the wall. These may include items such as reveals, windows, and wall articulations, among others." It is suggested that, at a minimum, a color band of one of the accent colors be included along all elevations of the building, other building articulations are also recommended. 2. Submit a color board on, or before the January 2, 2002 DRC meeting. Date of Action Reviewed By COFPELL ProjectlD: RP-02-0028 445 S RoyalLn CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Name: COFFELL PSS, Freeport North, Block 3, Lot 2 Project Type: Application Date: Case Manager: Project Description: Replat 12/18/02 Marcie Diamond to allow the development of a 70,000 square foot office building on approximately 5.66 acres Agency Building Inspection Electric and Gas Engineering Fire Administration Parks and Recreation 1 of 2 Comments No comments received Contact David Dean for easement requirements 972-323-8907 1. Remove all easements associated with the private fire line. 2. Confirm the location of the sanitary sewer and easement along the south property line. If existing without an easement, one needs to be provided. 3. Show the fire lane easements. 1. Fire lanes do not meet minimum requirements. All portions of the structure are to be within 150 feet of a fire lane. Royal Lane and Gateview can not be utilized as fire lanes, 2, Plat all fire lanes as easements. 3. Include curve data on plat. 4. Remove water line easement. Fire line to be a private system. Add easements for double detector check valve boxes, No Comments Date of Action 12/26/02 12/26/O2 12/26/02 12/19/02 Reviewed By Daniel Colman Teresa Turner Travis Crump John Elias