CC agenda approval on 2/11/03COPPELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM DEPT: Planning & Economic Development DATE: February 11, 2003 ITEM #: 17 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Product Support Services, Lot 2, Block 3, Freeport North, Site Plan, to allow the development of a 70,000 square-foot office/warehouse building on approximately 5.66 acres of property located at the southwest comer of Royal Lane and Gateview Blvd. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE GOAL(S): N~otion to Approve ~A - York S - Peters Vote - 7-0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: January 16, 2003 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (6-0) with Commissioners Reese, Kittrell, McGahey, Halsey, Dragon and Foreman voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: MET) 11~ ~ ~--~] .... +~ ......... (CONDITION MET) 3) 4) 5) 6) .... ~ ......, *~0.~ -,.:- ~, ..... : .....~.- .:*~ -1~.(CONDITION MET) reft ................. (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) Staff recommends approval. DIR. REVIEW:? .... ~,. Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/02 FIN. REVIEW: CM REVIEW: Document Name: (~TProductSSSP I-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Product Support Services, Lot 2, Block 3, Freeport North, Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: January 16, 2003 February 11, 2003 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director LOCATION: Southwest comer of Royal Lane & Gateview Boulevard. SIZE OF AREA: 5.66 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Site Plan approval to allow the development of a 70,000 square- foot office/warehouse building. APPLICANT: Applicant: T/E Freeport North Land II 10005 Technology Blvd. West Suite 151 Dallas, Texas 75220 214-904-9930 FAX: 214-904-9930 Architect: Ty Holcomb Azimuth Architecture 3809 Parry Ave//205 Dallas, Texas 75226 214-261-9060 FAX: 214-261-9049 HISTORY: Page 1 of 4 In 1984, the Final Plat for Freeport North was approved. This plat encompassed the land from Bethel Road to north of Northpoint Drive, contained 237_+ acres and provided for the extension of Royal Lane. In April 2001 City Council approved a site plan and replat on a 12-acre tract of property for a 167,000 square-foot office/warehouse for the Expo Group. This building was not Item//11 constructed and the replat was never filed; therefore, this plat has expired. The subject property is the eastern half of this site. TRANSPORTATION: Royal Lane is a C4D/6-four-lane divided thoroughfare in 110' of right-of-way (adequate for a six-lane divided thoroughfare). SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- existing office/warehouse; LI (Light Industrial) South - vacant; LI (Light Industrial) East - Lam Lee Furniture; LI (Light Industrial) West - Fellowship Church; LI (Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industrial/showroom uses. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 70,000 square foot build- to-suit for Product Support Services (PSS). This company desires to relocate their headquarters from the city of Grapevine to Coppell. PSS repairs and refurbishes telecommunication equipment and electronics and employs 200- 250 people. There will be two working shifts, with a maximum of 165 employees per shift. The site plan indicates 191 parking spaces, which exceeds zoning requirements and is sufficient for this user. However, the Data Table on the Site Plan states that there are 190 spaces and this needs to be corrected. This property is located at the southwest comer of Royal Lane and Gateview Boulevard. Along the southern property line is an existing flood plain area. The Engineering Department has determined that additional FEMA studies will not be necessary. However, staff is requesting that the flood plain area be more clearly delineated, and the drainage easement be realigned to reflect the actual flood plain elevation. A note has been added to the plans to assure that this flood plain area will be maintained, mowed and kept free of debris. Two driveways, one on Royal and one on Gateview, will provide access to this property. The driveway on Gateview is currently slightly offset from the existing driveway on the north side of this street. It is recommended by the Engineering Department that this driveway either align with the existing driveway or be offset a minimum of 125 feet. The Landscape Plan exceeds the requirements in terms of areas devoted to landscaping, as well as overall tree count. Most notably, along Royal Lane is a 30-foot-wide landscape buffer, which contains berming, low shrubs and Item# 11 Page 2 of 4 32 trees, approximately one-half of which are over-story trees and the remaining are a variety of ornamentals trees, including Austrian Pines, Crape Myrtles and Mexican Plum. The Gateview Boulevard frontage will contain a 15-foot-wide landscape buffer that will be further enhanced with 20 over-story and eight ornamental trees and shrubs which will screen the parking. In lieu of a screening wall, the loading area along the southern wall of the building, will be shielded from view by Eastern Red Cedar trees planted approximately seven feet on center along the southern property line and a row of Eastern Red Cedar trees will also be planted as an extension of the eastern wall of the building, parallel to Royal Lane. The most recent revision to the site plan reduced the number of parking spaces for this use. While this change is correctly illustrated on the landscape plan, the number of parking spaces and the amount of paving detailed in the Landscape Tabulations Table need to be revised to reflect this change. This building will be constructed of tilt-wall with an enhanced office entrance at the comer of Royal Lane and Gateview Boulevard. The warehouse portions of the building will be white, with the office area being a darker gray color. Given that approximately 60% of the frontage on Royal and 80% of the frontage on Gateview Blvd. is the warehouse portion of the building staff was concerned about the massing of this portion of the elevation. In response to staffs concem, the applicant has added an accent stripe of the same color as the office along the warehouse portions on both elevations, as well as vertical and horizontal reveals to break up the expanse of these elevations. Along Royal Lane, six Cedar Elm trees, planted 30 feet on center, have been added to further soften the appearance of this wall. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the site plan for Product Support Services, Lot 2, Block 3, of the Freeport North addition, subject to the following conditions: 1) The flood plain area be more clearly delineated, and the drainage easement be realigned to reflect the actual flood plain elevation on the site plan. 2) The Data Table on the site plan being revised to reflect the correct parking count. 3) Relocation of the driveway on Gateview to either align with, or be offset 125 feet from the existing driveway on the north side of Gateview Blvd. 4) Landscape Tabulations Table being revised to reflect the correct parking count and paving area. Item # 11 Page 3 of 4 ALTERNATIVES: 1) 2) 3) 4) Recommend approval of the request. Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Elevations Page 4 of 4 Item # 11 ROYAL LANE tll ] ROYAL I_ANE ~ CAll PSS Build to Suit ~> J Coppefl, Texas Build to Suit r-,ol)pell, Texas ( III I ~ll