3/5/03 memo re history of prop.I Andrea Roy- Lot 1 R, BIk A Creek View Ph II From: To: Date: Subject: Andrea Roy jimwalker@sbcglobal.net 3/5/03 5:11 PM Lot 1 R, Btk A Creek View Ph II Mr. Walker: Per your request, I have reviewed the Lot 1 R, BIk A, Creek View Phase II Replat file and have found no plat that shows an attempt to plat the property into Lots lA and lB. Once an item is approved, the file is cleaned and only the City Council approved copy (and in the case of a plat, the recorded copy) of any plan is kept. Staff comments through the review process are kept for historical reference only. If you have any other questions regarding this lot, please let me know. Sincerely, Andrea L, Roy Economic Development Coordinator City of Coppetl 972-304-3677 Direct 972-304~7092 Fax arov~ci.coooell.tx.us CC: Gary Sieb 8~?-685-9233 p.1 box 185 e~less, tx 76039 (817) 991-1875 f~x (817) 685-9233 jlmwalke~@sbcglobal~et facsimile To: Andrea Roy Fax: 972-304-7092 From: Jim W. Walker Date: 2/25/03 Re; Creek View Phase II Page~: 2 CC: [] For Review [] Please Comment [] For you~ Files Ms. Roy: During my research in the replat of Lot 1 Blk A, Creek View Phase II, I have discovered that there was an attempt to plat the property into Lots IA and lB (see attached). I must assume that this was effort was negated and a replat submitted indicating only one lot (Lot i~R) approved in August 2002. Please review your files and if the plat referenced is available, please let me know and I will come by to view it. Thank you Jim Walker Development Rede~ Commt~e¢ Commcnt~ Creekview Addition~ Phase 11~ Lots lA and lB ~ Reolat - Salon on the Creek DRC Dote'. April 25 & M~ 2, 2~ P¼unhe ,e, Zonin~ Commi~Jlfln M,.e~ln¢: M~y i6. 2002 Council Meeting: June I J, :~002 /5.' /6. /~. Indicate th~ proper~ owner(s) of the subject property. Whale we ~re aware that thc conO~;t purchaser is requesting ~he approve, ~he c~nl o~er(s) sho~d be oozed. · PIc~ pro~dc st~ ~ ~i~en uutho~on from ~c c~cnt propc~ indica6n8 ~ei~ ~owledge of ~e ~bje~ spplicstion. ~evisc ~c Replat lo in~cs~ ~l c~c ~dii of pm~scd fire l~c ~scment. Prairie a Floodpl~n si~mrc bloc~ ~ appropda~ I~age. (See a~hed Enst~e a~l ~tes in~ca~ the cor~c~ ye~-~O02. Re,se ]~a~ in City Se~e~ per ~he anached s~ple ~d co~c~ly i~dicate the ~ of plat ~ing ~qucsting-~ Repine. (Sec Co~lete all bl~ks where ~e ~e afdc su~iv~sio~ is ~qu~d. ]fldJca~e t~ n~c of~ sub~sion ~ r~ording i~o~a~on for ~ ~he south. EIi~ no~on on pint ~o~ng 30' ~ont y~d 5e~k along public way. Provide appear,1 signature blocks for the following utility companies: · Vedzon (Telephone) · ancot (Elec~ic a.~d · AT&T Broadband C. Please revise plats, site plates, lan&cape p/ans, end building elevatronS based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments plta~e provide retuonS why staff recommendatJon$ should not be followed w3en you attend the May 2" Development Review Committee (DRC) rneeJtng. ~aclt applicant.will bring two new Se~ of revt~etl plats and ptotu ~o the May 2~ DttC meeting. ~pplicaM; will b~ asl~ed to ~how. explain, and defend any revi~'ion. ,d regre$~ntative for thi$ ~,roject is requ~red to at'tend the mee#ng. ,4ppl~caot wtll have tell noon ruesdtty, Ma), 7' to resubmtt fou~,te, en ~l,l} folde cot~i~t o/ rev~ed plans, three (.~.) reduced paper copies ~ ]/2 X I O and on~ legible J~EG, TII': PDF or PowerPoint Slide of each ~thi6lt to the Planning Det~arttnent.