June e-mails re HOA LS concernsAndrea Roy- Re; Fw: Salon On The Creek & Creekvie~w H~O_A ...................... ] - ....... ~?_e_~ From: To: Date: Subject: "Claudia Adams" <cadams@us.ibm.com> "John Spiars" <johni~spiarsengineering.com> 6~26~02 9:33AM Re: Fw: Salon On The Creek & Creekview HOA Would a 2' ht. berm be a possibility? The goal is the slight added height to block the parked cars from view. The owner has more parking spots being built than required from the city, so Lynn Norris is hoping for continued growth of her business, which would result in full parking lots. Claudia Adams Americas Alliance Manager i2 Global Client Exec EXE Developer Relations i2 Technologies ISA Code = 111, EXE Technologies = 11L 1507 LBJ Frwy 7th FI, Dallas TX 75234 972-280-1045, Fax: 972-280-6622, T/L: 542-1045 469-357-8248 email: cadams@us, ibm.com i2 office: "John Spiars" <john@spiarsengin To: Claudia Adams/Dallas/IBM@lBMUS eering.com> cc: "Andrea Roy" <aroy~ci.coppelLtx.us> Subject: Fw: Salon On The Creek & Creekview HOA 06/25/2002 02:05 PM Ms. Adams: Attached please find responses from the landscape architect. It sounds like he is okay with replacing a portion of the red oak with live oak, but a would be difficult. I will have him proceed with addressing the HOA's concerns as noted below when I have discussed the issue with the owner. Please feet free to call if you have any questions. Thanks. John ---- Original Message From: "Ron Stewart" <ron.carol@mindspring.com> TO: "John Spiars" <john~spiarsengineering.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 1:27 PM Subject: Re: Salon On The Creek & Creekview HOA > John, Andrea Roy ' Re: FW: Salon On The Creek & Creek¥iew HOA page~2_] > I have reviewed your recent e-mail with a sketch of the median and this > e-mail and have addressed each issue below. > 1. A note will be added to the drawings regarding the median as follows: > Remove and replace pavestone on east side of median to reflect new 15' > additional median cut, Remove one and possibly two crapemyrtles. Salvage > all shrubs and groundcover within affected area. Transplant within median. > Revamp irrigation system and electrical to insure t00% coverage of > redesigned median. · 2. I don't feel that berms will work in this application. It takes minimum · 21' to install a 3' hr. berm. We do not have this much buffer width. The · 21' feet of width is based on a 3:1 side slope which is the maximum for · mowing. A 4:1 slope is more maintenance friendly and this would require a · 27' buffer. · 3. I hesitate to switch all the trees to Live Oak because of bio-diversity. · If a blight or disease come along all the trees would be wiped out. However · we can switch the Live Oak and Red Oak to have (9) Live Oak and (4) Red Oak. · Ron Stewart · Landscape Architect, TX #791 · --- Original Message .... · From: John Splats <john@spiarsengineering.com> · To: Ron Stewart <ren.cerol(~mindspring.com> > Cc: Lyne Norris <lnorrisO01 @yahoo.corn> · Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:20 AM · Subject: Fw: Salon On The Creek & Creekview HOA · · Mr. Stewart: · · Please review and call to discuss at your earliest convenience. I would · · like to review these comments with the owner. Thanks. · · John · · ..... Original Message .... > > From: "Claudia Adams" <cadams(~us.ibm.com> · · To: "John Splats" <john@spiarsengineering.com> · · Cc: "Andrea Roy" <aroy(~ci.coppell.tx.us>; · <Lori. Sullivan@morgankeegan.com>; · · <bcendkci~hotmail.com>; <KimHart@averydennison.com>; · · <lynn_keelergreen@merck.com>; <patterw@nmac.cem> · > Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 9:59 AM Andrea F ov - FI : Fw: Salon On & Om kview HOA .................. P__~e > > Subject: Re: Salon On The Creek & Creekview HOA > > > i apologize about the tack of recent communication, since I had thought > > > someone else on the board would contact you about our concerns. I > · · give you a cell on Tuesday to discuss other ideas that the HOA had. We · · · appreciate that you have been working with Wayne Patterson and continue · to · · · inform us of what is occurring. · · · The HOA is concerned about two areas. · · · 1) Median. Wayne Patterson is the representative from the board that · can · · · discuss our concerns. He has the most knowledge about the recent · · · landscaping that we paid for, plus the location of sprinklers and · · · electrical wiring. Michael Robe was the landscaping firm that we hired > · · last year to update our median landscaping. Wayne has sent to you a · · diagram · · · of the area and how we would like to area to be replaced with brick · · · pavestones and landscaping similar to what is current there. · · · 2) The HOA would like to offer suggestions on the landscaping of Salon · On · · · the Creek, no matter who is selected as the landscaping firm. If Mr. · · Rohe · · · does not win the business, would you allow the HOA to contact the · · · landscaper who will be performing the work? Concerns include: · · · - replace red oak trees with live oak trees. Live Oaks keep their > leaves > > · in the winter season and greenery in the fall/winter season will · · · improve the appearance of the property. · > > - build a berm/mound on the land between the street and the property. > · Have · · · the Drawl Burford Hollies planted on the top of the berm area. · · The > > > HOA is concerned about having the parking lot so close to Bethel Road. >A · · · small mounds will help hide the vehicles parked at the salon. > · · Many other commercial buildings in Coppell have followed this · landscaping · · · technique. · · · We have taken pictures of other Coppell locations and would be · glad · · · to send them to you. > · > - how far does the sidewalk go? It is difficult to identify the · sidewalk > > > in the diagrams that you provided. > · > - where will the Salon on the Creek monument be place? Once again, · > · couldn't tell for sure from the diagrams > > · thanks > > > Claudia Adams > · > Americas Alliance Manager i2 · > > Global Client Exec EXE > · · Developer Relations · > · i2 Technologies ISA Code = 111, EXE Technologies = 11L > · > t507 LBJ Frwy 7th FI, Dallas TX 75234 · · · 972-280-1045, Fax: 972-280-6622, T/L: 542-1045 i2 office: · · · 469-357-8248 · > · email: cadams(~usJbm,com · > · "John Spiars" · · · <john~spiarsengin · · Adams/DaIlas/IBM~IBMUS · · · eering.com> · · <aroy@ci,coppell.~.us> · · Creek · · · Ms, Adams: To: Claudia cc: "Andrea Roy" Subject: Salon On The 06/24/2002 02:14 PM · · · I have had correspondence with Mr. Wayne Patterson regarding the median · · · work, but have received no comments on anything else from yourself or · > · other, Therefore, I'm assuming the median work is the HOA's main · concern > · · and that there are no additional issues to discuss. In addition, I have · · > referred Mr. Rohe to the general contractor so that he may bid the site · · · landscape work as discussed with Mr. Patterson. · · · We received City comments late last week and are in the process of · · · addressing them and resubmitting for approval. Please let me know as · soon > · > as possible if the HOA has any additional comments. Thanks.