CC min. PP & ROW Parkway Blvd.Minutes of June 14, 1983 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on Tuesday, June 14, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell I.S.D. Administration Building. The following members were present: Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor Orville Mayo, Mayor Pro Tem Bunny Thompson, Councilman Dale Ware, Councilman Glen White, Councilman Lou Duggan, Councilman Also present were City Manager Ron Ragland, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons and City Attorney Larry Jackson. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman White gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Mayor Pro Tem Mayo moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 4: Approval of Bills Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that the bills be approved as sub- mitted; Mayor Pro Tem Mayo seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 5: Dedication of proposed street and presentation of proclamation and certificate of appreciation to W. H. "Whitey" Plumley. Mayor Brown stated that the City of Coppell would like to recognize an outstand- ing citizen for his dedication, leadership, committment and loyalty to the City. This recognition is being done in the naming of a street to be called "Plumlee Place" in the Sherwood Park Subdivision of the City. Mayor Brown presented a replica of the street sign, a certificate of appreciation and a proclamation officially naming the street Piumlee Place. Following the presentation, Council- man White moved that the proclamation be approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the Mayor showing his approval. A copy of the proclamation is attached as a permanent part of these minutes. ITEM NO. 6: Discussion and approval of preliminary plats for General Homes and right-of-way for Parkway Blvd. .~-"~ ...... Mr. Glen Hinckley, representing Univest Corp., Mr. Sam Wyse, representing General Homes and Mr. Eddie Collins also representing General Homes made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Wyse stated that the preliminary plat for General Homes contained a total of 425 Single Family Detached lots and 264 Duplex Lots. The Single Family would be developed in 3 phases and the Two Family would be developed in 2 phases. The Subdivision would have alleys throughout with the front yard being sodded and a six-feet wooden fence being constructed in the rear. A brick entry way is proposed to be constructed at the entrance to the subdivision. All houses would be 70% masonry with two- car garages in the Single Family development. All utilities would be underground. The Single Family development would also be constructed so as to build 4~ units per acre with the Duplex phase being constructed of 7 units per acre. Build-out time is approximately 3!2 years. Mr. Wyse also stated that General Homes is prepared to pay the $75 park fee on the entire 689 lots during the summer 1983 rather than over the 3½year build-out time. Discussion was then held on the construction of carports in the Duplex portion of the development. Mr. Wyse agreed that they would deed restrict the construction requirements of the carports and that they would be offered as an optional package of the Duplex units. Following discussion, Councilman White moved that the preliminary plats of Sherwood Park and ?arkwoodas well as the right-of-way for Parkway Blvd. be approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 7: Discussion and approval of final plats on Phase I of Sherwood Park, Phase I of Parkwood and right-of-way for Parkway Blvd. Following clarification on the development of a 36 feet half street with a 50 feet right-of-way, Councilman White moved that the final plat of Phase I of Sherwood Park, Phase I of Parkwood and the right-of-way of Parkway Blvd b~,~, approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ? ~.~. ! A~