Resolution #2002-0924.2A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. ~.t..O_L~" 0 c~2'~. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SELL CERTAIN NARROW STRIP OF LAND OWNED BY THE CITY OF COPPELL WHICH IS CONTIGUOUS AND ADJACENT TO LOT 3, BLOCK A, OF THE DUKE FREEPORT ADDITION AND THE ABANDONED PORTION OF WEST RUBY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO LOT 1, BLOCK A OF THE DUKE FREEPORT ADDITION AS DEPICTED ON EXHIBIT "A", WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Coppell owns an irregular piece of property which is adjacent to Lot 3 of Block A of the Duke Freeport Addition and the abandoned portion of West Ruby Road right-of-way adjacent to Lot 1, Block A of the Duke Freeport Addition; and WHEREAS, the City no longer desires to maintain or utilized the property for public benefit and the Texas Dugan Limited Partnership, by Its Agent, Duke Realty Services, by Its General Parmer, Duke Services, Inc., which is the abutting property owner desires to purchase the same; and WHEREAS, the TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE requires that certain procedures and methods be followed in order to sell property owned by a municipality; and WHEREAS, in accordance with § 272.001Co) of the TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, the City has obtained the fair market value of such property and has provided the same to the abutting property owner; and WHEREAS, Texas Dugan Limited Partnership, by Its Agent, Duke Realty Services, by Its General Partner, Duke Serxdces, Inc., desires to pay such amount and the City desires to sell said property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to undertake the necessary and statutory requirements in order to sell to Texas Dugan Limited Partnership, by Its Agent, Duke Realty Services, by Its General Partner, Duke Services, Inc., for fair market value public land identified as a certain tract of publicly owned land which is contiguous and adjacent to I 50689 Lot 3 of Block A of the Duke Freeport Addition and the abandoned portion of West Ruby Road right-of-way adjacent to Lot 1, Block A of the Duke Freeport Addition as depicted on Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. That the City Manager, or his designee, acting on behalf of the City of Coppell is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, and execute ail documents and contracts necessary relating to the sell of the property described herein to Texas Dugan Limited Partnership, by Its Agent, Duke Reaity Services, by Its General Partner, Duke Services, Inc., for fair market value of the same. SECTION 3. That this Resolution shail take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the~/~__~___ day of t~l~, 2002. APPROVED: t ,/7 /7 CANDY SHEEH,~lq'TFvlAYOR ATTEST: LIBBY BAI~IT-Y SECRETARY 2 50689 S73"-"-"51 '12'W 0 100 200 4.00 421.23' I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Cl*fY OF COPPELL (VOL 2000242, PG. 06802) 1.281 ACRES (55,796 sQ. FT.) PO/Hr ag'~ COMII~NCEMENT PART OF LOT 1, BLK. A DUKE-FREEPORT ADDITION (VOL 2001065. PC. 00037) LOT 3, BLK. A DUKE-FREEPORT ADDI'nON 2001065. PG. 00037) i'12"W 515.9~ Re underslgned, Reglstered Professional Land BEARING SYSTEM BASED ON THE Surveyor. hereby certifies that this plot of FINAL PLAT OF THE DUKE- survey accurately sets out the metes and FREEPORT ADDISON, AN ADDITION the easement tract described. TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RECORDED IN VOLUME 2001065, PAGE 037 OF THE DEED RECORDS ,.. eau,,.,. ~'JAMES A. KOCH. J~.'~ Cmes A. Foch Date ~ ~ Professlonal Land Sur,~yor 1.281 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE CITY OF COPPFII, TEXAS AND BE]NC OUT OF THE JOHN VEST SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1508 1,281 ACRE TRACT OF LAND Vest Survey, Abstract No. 1508, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas; DESCRIPTION, of a 1.281 acre tract of land situated in the John Vest Survey, Abstract No. 1508, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas; said tract being a portion of the same tract of land described in deed to the City of Coppell, Texas recorded in Volume 2000242, Page 6802 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; said 1.281 acre tract being more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING, at a point in the south east corner of the intersection of the east line of Freeport Parkway and the south right of way line of Ruby Road as dedicated by the Duke-Freeport Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 2001065, Page 37 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; said point also being the north west comer of Lot 1, Block A of the said Duke-Freeport Addition; THENCE, South 89 degrees, 32 minutes, 47 seconds East, departing the said east line of Freeport Parkway and along the proposed south line of Ruby Road, a distance of 128.45 feet to an angle point; THENCE, South 89 degrees, 06 minutes, 00 seconds East, continuing along the proposed south line of Ruby Road, a distance of 64.05 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with "Pacheco Koch" cap set for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, South 89 degrees, 06 minutes, 00 seconds East, along the said proposed south right- of-way line of Ruby Road, a distance of 903.70 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with "Pacheco Koch" cap set for corner in the existing north right-of-way line of said Ruby Road; THENCE, South 73 degrees, 51 minutes, 12 seconds West, departing the said proposed south line of Ruby Road and along the said existing north line of Ruby Road, a distance of 421.23 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE, North 75 degrees, 15 minutes, 12 seconds West, along the said existing north line of Ruby Road, passing at a distance of 65.87 feet the east corner of Lot 3, Block A, of said Duke- Freeport Addition; continuing along the north line of said Lot 3 and in a south line of the said City of Coppell Tract, passing at a distance of 396.51 feet the west corner of said Lot 3, continuing in all a distance of 515.97 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING, 55,796 square feet or 1.281 acres of land, more or less. mes A. t~och, Jr. Date .L.S. I~o. 4688 eco ~och Consulting Engineers, Inc. 83'50...~entral Expwy, # 1000, Dallas TX 75206 (972) 235-3031 2052-261