DRC commentsCOP?ELL
Project ID 8PR-03-0034
Address 590 S Denton Tap Rd
Project Name
First Baptist Church Coppell
Proiect Type
Application Date
Case Manager
Project Description
Site Plan Amendment (Revision)
Marcie Diamond
, to allow an 30,863 square foot expansion to the existing 32,697 square foot church facility and to increase the parking by
104 spaces,
Building Inspection
Electric and Gas
Fire Administration
1 of 3
Reviewed By Review Date
Greg Jones 1/29/03
Daniel Colman 1/30/03
Teresa Turner 1/29/03
No floor plan information furnished.
New construction most likely will be a different type than
existing construction. Applicant is cautioned that fire
protection of exterior walls and openings, fire
separations between buildings and automatic sprinkler
systems will be required.
Items not included or shown in DRC review packet will
be reviewed upon permit application.
Applicant advised to meet with appropriate authority
prior to beginning construction document preparation.
Site Plan Acceptable
Site Plan
1. Indicate the proposed finished floor elevation of the
new building.
Utility Plan
1. If you currently have irrigation or are proposing to
install a new system, show the size and location of the
2. To avoid having to cut the street and install a
manhole, investigate the possibility of tying into the 12"
sanitary sewer that runs along the west side of Denton
Tap. Our grid map shows an existing manhole directly
across from this property.
3, How will the existing building have water service if
the current 2" water line is abandoned?
4. How will the storm water runoff be handled in the
proposed parking addition on the east side of the
5. Tie into the 16" waterline with a single tap, The
domestic and irrigation meters (if proposed) can be
taken off of the tap prior to the fire vault.
Travis Crump 1/30/03 1. Code specific conditions will be reviewed during
permit application process.
Parks and Recreation
Planning Department
Reviewed By
John Elias
Marcie Diamond
Review Date
Cannot determine tree mitigation with the information
on the tree survey. Hackberry is only protected if it is 10"
or greater. Crape Myrtle is not a protected tree. Need to
know total inches of protected trees on site, total inches
of protected trees to be removed. Need to review the
tree ordinance, and re-submit tree survey & mitigation
Site Plan
1. What type of screening is planned between the
expanded parking lot and the existing single family? No
screening is currently shown. Sec. 12-33-1. Location
of required screening of the Zoning Ordinance requires
the following:
"Where the side, rear, or service side of an apartment,
or the side, rear, or service side of a non-residential use
is adjacent to a single-family or two-family residential
district, a screening wall not less than six feet in height
shall be erected separating the use from the adjacent
residential district. In addition, a perimeter landscape
area at least ten feet wide shall adjoin the screening
wall. The perimeter landscape area shall contain trees
spaced no less than 40 feet apart...All screening walls
shall conform to 12-33-1.8.
2. What uses will be in the addition? Will it be
classrooms, sanctuary and/or accessory uses?
3. Per requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, parking
for church or other place of worship is based on one
parking space for each three seats in the main
auditorium. Provide the number of seats in the main
4. Provide a detailed tabulation of: the number of
existing parking spaces; deleted spaces; new spaces;
and total number of parking spaces provided on-site, it
is assumed that the off-site spaces are those shared
with the office/retail building to the nor[h, illustrate those
spaces on the site plan.
5. Revise the front yard setback line to 60 feet as
required in the "C" District.
6. Indicate that the eastern most 20 feet of the property
is zoned SF-9 PD 106
Landscape Plan
1. Revise the front yard setback line to 60 feet as
required in the "C" District.
2. Need to define the tree species on the landscape
3. Complete the Plant List table with the quantities of
trees, both proposed and existing. Note that only 3"
caliper may be used to fulfill the over-story tree
4. Additional berming or planting is required along
Denton Tap Road, per the following requirement:
"Section 12-34-8(C)Perimeter Landscaping: A
landscape buffer shall be provided along all property
lines. All off-street parking, loading and vehicular use
areas, including driveway pavement, shall also be
screened from all abutting properties and/or public
rights-of-way by a wall, fence, hedge, berm or other
Reviewed By
Review Date
0urable landscape barrier. Plants and materials used in
li¥in9 barriers shall be at least 30 inchas in height at
tho time of plantin9 and shall be of a htpe and species
that will attain a minimum height of throe feet one year
after plantin9. Any landscape barrier not ¢ontainin§
plants or trees shall be a minimum of thraa feet in
height at time of installation."
5. To calculate Non-vehicular Open Space for the
addition, staff recommends the followin§:
· Define the site area of the addition to encompass the
new building footprint and abutting parking to the north
and south, the landscaped area to the east and extend
to Denton Tap Road to the west. Staff preliminarily
calculated this area to be approximately 85,050 square
feet. (this number needs to be verified by CAD)
· Subtract the foot print of the building addition (25,295
square feet) and multiply by .15, which equals
approximately 8,963 sq. ft. of required non-vehicular
open space, 22 trees are also required.
It appears that this requirement can be met with the
landscaped areas adjacent to the building, however,
these areas need to be calculated.
First Baptist Church of Coppell, Lot 1, Block A, Site Plan Amendment, to
allow a 30,863 square-foot expansion to the existing 32,697 square-foot
church facility and to increase the parking by 104 spaces on 5.161 acres of
property located at 590 S. Denton Tap Road, at the request of Craig
Hoenes, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond Project ID# SPR-03-0034
DRC DA TE: January 30, 2003 and February 6, 2003
CONTACT: Teresa M. Turner, E.I.T., Graduate Engineer (972)304-3681
COMMENT STATUS: n~rr r~rnr a vv ,,/FINAL
No Comments.
I. Drainage along the proposed parking addition on the east side of the property will continue to
be evaluated during engineering review.