CC approval on 5/13/03AGENDA REQUEST FORM COFPELL DEPT: Planning DATE: May 13, 2003 ITEM #: 15 1TEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Natches Trace Addition (Bank One), Lot 1, Block A, Minor Plat, to allow the construction of a one-story, 4,200 square-foot bank facility with a 1,500 square-foot drive-through on 1.217 acres of property located at the northeast coruer of Natches Trace and N. Denton Tap Road. GOAL(S): APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ABOVE DATE Motion to Approve M - York S - Brancheau Vote - 7-0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Date of P&Z Meeting: April 17, 2003 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (6-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Reese, Kittrell, McGahey, Dragon and Foreman voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: (CONDITION MET) Staff recommends approval. DIR. REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/02 FIN. REVIEW: CM REVIEW: ...... Document Name: ~ 2Natches Tr (BO) MP I-AR CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANN1NG DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT NATCHES TRACE ADDITION (BANK ONE)~ LOT IT BLOCK A MINOR PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: April 17, 2003 May 13, 2003 STAFF REP.: Andrea Roy, Economic Development Coordinator LOCATION: Northeast comer of Natches Trace and N. Denton Tap Road. SIZE OF AREA: 1.217 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: Page I of 3 C (Commercial) Minor Plat approval to allow the construction of a 4,200 square-foot banking facility with a 1,500 square-foot drive-through. Developer: Danny Buckner Bank One Corp. 8111 Preston Road, Suite 250 Dallas, TX 75225 Fax: (972) 285-0480 Phone: (214) 3604925 Applicant: Lilia Gonzales Merriman Associates 300 N. Field Street Dallas, TX 75202 Phone: (214) 987-1299 Fax: (214) 987-2138 Engineer: Michael Marx Brockette-Davis-Drake, Inc. 4144 N Central Expressway, suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75204 Phone: (214) 824-3647 Fax: (214) 824-7064 Item # 5 PACKET HISTORY: There is no site plan or platting history on the subject site. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a six-lane divided roadway, within an approximate 130' of right-of-way in front of the subject property, with a varied width along the length of the roadway. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant; HC (Highway Commercial) South -vacant; C (Commercial) future site of Champions School of Real Estate East ~ Coppell Middle School Noah & Denton Creek Elementary; SF-7 (Single Family) West - Magnolia Park Subdivision; PD-133-SF (Planned Development 133, Single Family) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for regional retail, which includes banking facilities. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting Minor Plat approval for the development of a 4,200 square-foot banking facility with a 1,500 square-foot drive-through on 1.2 acres of property. Bank One will occupy the proposed facility. The proposed plat establishes all necessary fire lane, mutual access, and utility easements. Because the noah property line runs through the middle of a shared drive, the off-site portion of the fire lane/access easement will be recorded via separate instrument Staff has only minor drafting comments that need to be addressed. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed Minor Plat for Bank One, subject to the following conditions: 1) Provision of curve radii data on all fire lane curves, including portions that are located off-site. (Fire) 2) Provision of a legal description of the 20' sanitary sewer easement. (Engineering) Item # 5 Page 2 of 3 ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Minor Plat Item # 5 Page 3 of 3 i,~!l,!,lJ,,tt,,,,l,lj: ,i :t