List of conditions if CC appr'lSecurlock Conditions
In the event that City Council approves this case, staff recommends that the following
conditions be met:
Staff recommends that the website address be eliminated from the attached
sign, as this type of advertising is not supported by staff and does not meet
the spirit and intent of the Sign Ordinance.
Eliminate the wording "Warehouse" from the elevation descriptions on
Sheet A3.3
Eliminate cross-hatching over storage units on Landscape Sheets.
Ensure that all interior elevations comply with Section 12-25-5 Light
Industrial District Type of Construction, which requires 80 percent
masonry materials. As designed, it appears that the presence of the
prefinished panel header and metal panels exceed the maximum 20
Comply with Section 12-34-8 (B.3), which states that "Planting islands
shall be located at each terminus of each single row of parking...
Planting islands shall contain at least one tree."