J. Harris ltr. re case postponmu8 c~Ju2 ~ r :klkJ th' f'4~l~Ht~LU JHLFUUN ~LLIq4 UBS 88~{3 TO 97~:3847063
g~ec'~ m*~ (214) 969°]
April 8, 2003
_Via Facsin~e
Robert E. Hager
Nichols Jackson Dillard Hag~ & Smith LLP
1800 Lincoln Plaza
500 Nora5 Akard Street
Dallas, TX 75201
Re: Self-Storage Matter
Dear Bob:
Thanks for calling me this morrdng and alerting me to the fact that the city council w~ll not
consider the above-referenced matter at its meeting th. is evening. Instead, the council will open the
public heating, but continue the taking of any comment to/ts April 22, 2003 meeting Based on this
development, neither I, nor the landowner, plan to attend tonight's metering because the issue is not
going to be considered by the council.
If you believe we need to be there, please contact me immediately.
Yo~Irs v~
cc: Jay Grogan
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