LS att. to CC 2/11/03 pkt.I Bi/ VISIBILITY ' I J J GATEVIEW BLVD. 2"-0' MULCH BED OVERHANG 10' HIGH COVERED PATIO, PAINTED TO MA]'CH.~B UJLD IfqG, PER ~,C'¢H IT ECTU RAL J BRICK PAVERS PER CITY OF COPPELL STANDARDS TYP. AT ALL DRIVES J _1 I PROPOSED BUILDING 70,000 S.F. LOT 2, BLOCK 3 FREEPORT NORTH ADDITION 5.66 AC. GROSS / / V IS I BtL I~ TRIAN'G,LE ~ LIMIT O.F HYDROMULCH ;~P =- - ~ ~' B ERMUDAGRASS ..: '2'.~ MULCHBEI LO PAVERS PER.' OF COi STANDA~ Ac A~O~tl'VE S 8951'45' W LANDSCAPE PLAN 1".-3 0'-0~ 0 15 255,iO' IIIIII I II 1 / 30 60 PROPOSED BERM 36"HT, LU PROPOSED 36" HT, M~,N, ViSIBiLITY ' TR lAN G LE ,v! VtSIB!LITY / J LANDSCAPE NOTES Contractor shall verify all existing and proposed site elements arid notify Architect of any discrepancies, Survey data of existing co.nditJons was supplied by others. Contractor shall locate all existing underg,round utilities and nofJ~ Architect of any conflicts. Contractor shall exercise caution when working in the vicinity of underground utilities, 3. Contractor is responsible for obtaining alt required la:ndscape and irdgatJo,n permits, 4. Contractor to provide a mi,nimu,m 2% slope away from all structures, All planting beds and lawn areas to be separated by steel edging. No steel to be installed adjacent to sidewalks or curbs, All landscape areas to be 100% irrigated with an unden:jround automatic irrigation system and shall include rain and freeze sensors. 7. All lawn areas to be Hydro,mulch Be,rmudagrass, unless otherwise noted on the drawings. MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. The Owner, tenant and their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscape, All landscape shall be maintained in a neat and ordedy manner at all times, This shall include mowing, edging, pruntc~j, fertilizing, watering, weeding and other such activities common to landscape maintenance. 3, All landscape areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such matedal or plants not part of this plan, 4. All plant matedal shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the veer, 5, Alt plant mateda,I whf,c:h dies shall be replaced with plant matedat of equal or better value. 6. Contractor shall provide separate bid proposal for one year's maintenance to begin after final acceptance, GENERAL LAWN NOTES 1. Fine grade areas to achieve final contours indicated on civil plans, Adjust contours to achieve positive drainage away from buildings. Provide uniform rounding at top and bottom of slopes and other breaks in grade. Correct irregularities and areas where water may stand, All Fawn areas t,o receive solid sod shall be left in a maxi,mum of 1" below final finish grade, Contractor to coordinate operations with on-site Construction Manager. 4. Contractor shall provide (2') two inches of imported topsoil on all areas t.o receive lawn, ADD ALTERNATE, Imported topsoil shall bo natural, friable soil from the region, known as bottom land soit, free from lumps, clay, toxic substances, roots, debris, vegetation, stones, containing no salt and black to brown in color. All lawn areas t.o bo fine graded, irrigation trenches completely settled, and finish grade approved by the Owner's Const~ction Manager or Architect prior to installation. All rocks 3/4" diameter and larger, dirt clods, sticks, concrete spoils, otc. shall be removed prior to placing topsoil and any lawn installation, LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS P ERIM ET'ER LANDSCAPE Requirements: Street Frontage shall cereals a tandscape buffer with one (1) tree. 3' col 12' above grou~, per 50 I,f. and 30' hr. parking iot screen: hedge or berm, Perimeter landscape areas shatl cor~atn a 10' landscape buffer along property llnes with ore (1) tree, 3' cai, 12" above ground, per 50 Gatevtew Boulevard: (405 Req,ulred Provided (g) trees (14) trees Royal Lane: (5969 iff,) Required Provided (12) trees (12) tree~ West Property Uno: (568.2 If,) Required Prov~l (12) trees (12) trees Sooth Property Line: (407,3 I,f.) Required Provided (9) trees (10) ~ Perimeter Landscape Provided 22.392 s,f, INTERJOR LANDSCAPE Requi)roments: 10 % of gross parking ama to be landscape, One (1) tree per 400 a.f. uf requtred landscape area. Parking Lot: 85,270 s,f. Parking Spaces; 185 Required Provided 8,527 s,f. (10%) 8,878 s.f, (11%) (22) trees (23) trees, gms~ parking OPEN SPACE Requirements: 15 % of lot r~t covered by buildings to be landscape open space. One (1) tree ,~er 2500 s,f, of open space. TOTAL LOT AREA: (ExclusNe of building): 176,549 s I. Required Provided 26,482 s.f. (15%) 48,709 s.f. (28 %) (11) Trees (22) trees SUMMARY Total trees required: (75) trees Total ~ees provided:: (93) trees, 3" cai. (88) ornamentals, 6'-.8' hr. NOTE: No exJsttr~j trees ~ site HYDROMULCH NOTES 1, All lawn areas to be HydromuI,ch B.ermudgrass, unless noted otherwise o,n drawi,ngs. 2. Contractor shall scarify, dp, loosen all areas to be hydromulched to a minimum depth of 4" prior to topsoil and hyd,romulch installation, Bermudagrass seed s.hail be extra hulled and treated lawn type and shah be delivered to the site in its o,dginal unopened container, and shall meet Texas State Law requi,rements, Fiber: Shall be one h,undred (100 %) percent Wood Celtubse Fi:be:, delivered to the site in its original unopened container, 'Conweb' or equal, Fi;be: Tack: Shall be delivered to the site in its odginal unopened container, and shall be 'Ts:re-Tack one', as manufactured by Growers, fnc,, or equal, Hydromulch with Bermudagrass seed at a rate of two (2) pounds per one thousand (1000) square foot. 7, Use a 4'x8' batter board against all beds areas, if installation occurs between September 1 and Apdl 1, all hydromulch areas to be Winter Ryegrass, at a rate of four (4) pounds per one thousand (1000) square feet, Contractor shall be required to re-hydrom,uich with Be:mud.ag:ass the following growing season, 9, All lawn areas to be hydromul,ched, shall have one hu,ndred (I00 %) percent coverage prior to final acceptance, 10, Contractor shall maintain all lawn areas until final acceptance, This shall inctude but not be limited to: mowing, watering, weeding, cultivating, cleaning, and replacing dead or bare areas to keep plants in a vigorous, healthy condition, 11. Co,ntra,ctor shall guarantee establishment of an acceptable turf area and shall provide replacement from local supply as necessary, PLANT LIST TREES BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY, SIZE PLANT LEGEND JQUANTITY PLANT TYPE t SYMBOL PLANT TYPE AP Austrian Pine CE Cedar Elm CM Crepe Myr~e CP Chinese Pistache DB.H Dwarf Burford Holly DTS Dwarf Texas Sage ERC Eastern Red Cedar LO Uve Oak MP Mexican Plum Re Red Oak REMARKS Junipe.rus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar 48 6' ht. Lagerstroemia indica 'Red' Crepe M'yrtb 16 8' bt. Pin,us nigra Austrian Pine 14 6' hL Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache 12 3" cat, Prun,us mexicana Mexi,can Plum 10 8" ht. Qiuerous s.h,umardii Red Oak 37 3" cai, Q,uercus virgin:iana Live Oak 33 3' cai, Ulmus crassifolia Cedar Elm 11 3" col, B.&B, full to base, 4' spread B.&B, 3 trunk min., 4' spread, matching B&B, 4' spread, full to base B&B, 12' ht., 4' spread, 4' b,ranching ht., matching B&B, 4' spread min., 2" cai, min, B&B, 12' hL, 4' spread, 4' branching ht., matching container grown, 12' ht., 4' spread, 4' branching ht., matching B&B, 12' ht., 4' spread, 4' branching hr., matching NOTE: ALL TREES TO HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHING W1THIN VARIETIES S HRU BSIGROU N DCOVE R BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY, SIZE REMARKS Ilex comuta 'Burfordii' B.urford Holly 271 5 gal. Leucophyli,um frutescens 'Compactum' Dwarf Texas Sage 169 5 gal, container, full, 20" spread, 30" o,c, container, full, 20" spread, 30" o,c, NOTE: Plant list is an aid to bidders only. Contractor shall verify all quantities on plan, All heights and spreads are minimums. Alt ptant material shall meet or exceed remarks as indicated, J smr landscape architecture STEVEN M, RAHN, INC. 1708 N, G,dff~ Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Tel 214,871,0083 Fax 214,871,0545 Email star@star-la,corn 3809 Parry Avenue Suite 205 Dallas, Texas 75226 214.261,9060 214.261,9049 Fax X 0 0 8O49 1 11.19,02 Site Plan 2 12,13,02 Owner Review 3 12,16.02 City Submittal 4 01.02.03 DRC Review 5 01.07,03 City Submittal 6 01,22.03 Owner Review 7 01,28,03 City Submittal Z SEAL VALID ONLY IF SIGNEO AND DATED SHEET CONTENTS: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: SHEET: Januaw 7,2003 L1.1