Revised LS tabulations85/87/2883 11:21 2148718545 smr laedeoape architects, Inc. PAGE AX TRANSMITTAL 01 TO; City of Coppall Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd., 2rid Floor Coppell, Texas 75019 ATTN: Marcia Diamond RE: Royal Park/Freeport Bums Tabulations DATE: PROJECT NO. PHONE: FAX: NO. OF PAGES: May 7, 2003 f9721 304-7092 2 TRANSMITTED AS FOLLOWS: [] AS REQUESTED O FOR COORDINATION [] FOR DISTRIBUTION [] FOR YOUR USE [] FOR REVIEW/COMMENT D OTHER [] FOR YOUR FILE r-I ;OR APPROVAL REMARKS: CC; Hi Marcie, Please find the attached landscape tabulations for the Royal Park project in Coppell at Freeport Parkway and Burns Street, per your request, If you have any further questions or Concerns please do call us at your earliest convenience at 214-871-0083. Thanks.. 81GNED: Donna J, Vohwinkel 1706 N. Griffin $~ee~ * D~I~, Texas 75202 · Tel 214 871 0083 · Fax 214 67 t 0545 · Emell smr~smr~a.corn 85/87/2883 11:21 2148718545 SME PAGE 82 LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PER{METER LANDSCAPE Requirements: Street Frontage shall contain a 15' landscape buffer with one (I) Ires, 3" cal. 12" above ground, per 58 Lf, and 30' hi. parking lot screen; hedge or berm. Perimeter landscape areas shall conlain a 10' landscape buffer along property IIr~es with one (1) 3" cal. 12" above grou nd, per 50 I.f, Burns Streel: (870 I.f.) Required (20) trees, 3" cal. Fmeporl Parkway; (360 I.f.) Required (8) trees, 3" cal. Provided (20) trees (6) ornamentals, 6' hr. (40) shrubs, 5 gal, (9)tmes (l$)orname~ala, 6'ht. (7) shnJbs, 5 gat. East Properly Line: (263 I.[) Required Provided (6) trees, 3" car. (6) trees South Property Line; (1,092 Lf.) Requln~d Provided (22) trees, 3" cai, (22) trees (21) ornamentals, 6' hr. (202) shrubs, 8 gal. Perimeter Landscape Provided 30,231 s.f. INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Requirements: 10% of gross parking ama to be landscape. One (1) tree per 400 a.f. of required landscape area. Parking Lot: 77,286 s.f. Parking Spaces; 142 Required Provided 7,729 s.f. (10%) 9,296 s.f. (12%) (20) trees (22) trees (8) shrubs. 5 gal. OPEN SPACE Requirements: 15% oiiot not covered by buildings to be landscape open space. One (1) {rea per 2500 s.f. of open apace. TOTAL LOT AREA; (Exclusive of building); 211,5~1 Required Provided 31,734 $.f. (15%) 59,785 s,f. (28%) (13) Trees (18) trees ,--- ~ ~-~ (26) ornamentals, 6' bt. SUMMARY v ~ Total frees roquimd: (sg) trees ~ Total trees provided; (97) trees '~ (es) ornamentals ~ 85/87/2883 11:21 2148718545 S~R LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PERIMETER LANDSCAPE Requirements: Street Frontage shall contain a 15' landscape buffer with one (1) tree. 3" cat. 12" above ground, per 50l[ and 30" ht parking lot scroen: hedge or berm. Perimeter landscape areas shall contain a 10' landscape buffer along property lines with one (1) tree, 3" cal. 12' above ground, per 50 I.f. Bums Streel: (970 I.f.) Required Provided (20) trees, 3" cal. (20) trees (9) ornamentals, 8' ht. (10) shrubs, 5gal. Freepolf Parkway: (360 I.f,) Required Provided (8) trees, 3' cal. (9) trees (14) ornamentals, 6' ht. East Property Line: (283 I.f.) Required Provided (6) trees. 3" cal. (8) trees South property Line: (1,092 I.f.) Required Provided (22) trees, 3" cai. (28) trees (32) ornamentals, 8' hi. (169) shrubs, 5 gel. Perimeter Landscape Provided 30,231 s.f. PAGE 83 INTERIOR LANDSCAPE Requirements: 10% of gross parking area to be landscape. One (1) tree per 400 s.[ of required landscape area. Parking Lot: 77,286 s.f. Parking Spaces: 142 Required Provided 7,729 s.f. (10%) 9,296 s.f. (12%) (20) trees (20) trees (8) shrubs, 5 gel. OPEN SPACE Require men/s: 15% of lot not covered by bulldlngs to b® landscape open space. One (1) tree per 2500 s.[ of open spscm. TOTAL LOT AREA: (Exclusive of building); 211,561 s.f. Required Provided 31,734 s.f. (15%) 5g,785 s.f. (28%) (13) Trees (16) trees, ~ ~ (56)ornamentals. 6 hi. SUM~RY ~ ~ Total trees required: (89) lines ~ ~ Total I~S p~vided: (99~ 'roes ~ ~ (11~) orna~ntals ]