DRC commentsC-OPPELL Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3678 Fax: 972-304-7092 PROJECT: Coppell Commerce Center, Lot 1R, Block 3, Site Plan and Replat PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Marcie Diamond DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3676 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: March 28, 2003 TO: John Taylor, Azimuth Brian Jaffee, Jones and Carter Items Transmitted: 1. Agenda for the April 3, 2003 DRC Meeting 2. DRC Comments PAGES: '_0 FAX: 214-261-9049 972-488-3882 Remarks: Please revise site plan, landscape plan, elevation and plat based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the April 3, 2003 Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plans and plats to the April 3, 2003 DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. A representative of the project is required to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, April 8th to submit three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and JPEG, TIF OR SIMILAR ELECTRONIC FORMAT of each exhibit to the Planning Department. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 972-304- 3676 or e-mail at mdiamond(~o4,ci.coppell.tx.us. COPPELL Project ID SPA-03-0043 Address 694 Bums St CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name COPPELL Coppell Comerce Center (Royal-Park Coppell) Project Type Application Date Case Manager Project Description Site Plan Approval 3/18/03 Marcie Diamond to allow an approximately 106,000 square-foot building office/warehouse building on approximately 7.3 acres of property located at the southeast corner of Freeport Parkway and Burns, Agency Building inspection Electric and Gas Engineering Fire Administration Parks and Recreation 1 of 2 Reviewed By Review Date Greg Jones 3/26/03 Daniel Colman 3/27/03 Teresa Turner 3/28/03 Travis Crump 3/27/03 John Elias 3/26/03 Comments No floor plan, occupancy or construction detail information received. No Inspection comments could be made Site Plan Acceptable 1. Show all existing driveway adjacent and opposite to this property. All opposing driveways must either align or be a minimum of 125' offset. 2. The western driveway on Burns Street is too close to Freeport Parkway. 3. Minimize the number of taps to the water main. If the lifeline completely loops the development, only two fire vaults and two taps to the main will be needed. 4. More detailed drainage calculations and detention pond information is needed. 5. While sidewalks are not required at this time, ADA ramps must be constructed at the driveways and street intersections. 6. The fireline should remain private internal to the site. 7. Check the lateral separation of the domestic water line and the 4" sanitary sewer service. 1. An additional fire hydrant is required along the fire lane on the North side of the project. Place hydrant between 3 - 6 feet from a fire lane. 2. The Fire Department Connection (FDC) can not be located on the structure. Place the FDC between 3 - 6 feet from the fire lane, within 50 feet of a hydrant and on the same side of the fire lane as the hydrant. Suggest changing the screening material on both sides of truck bays from Foster Holly to Nellie R. Stevens Hollies. Although Foster Holly is on the city plant plaette, Nellie R. Stevens is much more durable and drought tolerant. COPPELL Agency Planning Department Reviewed By Marcie Diamond CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Review Date 3/26/03 COPPELL Comments Site Plan 1. The name of the project may remain as Royal Park-Coppell, however, the legal description needs to be "Coppell Commerce Center, LotlR, Block 3". 2. The parking parallel to Freeport Parkway contains 11 spaces, but is noted as 10. Please revise the parking count on this parking run as well as in the Data Table. 3. The parking on the east side of the building, both proposed and future, does not meet requirement that "that planting islands within a single row of parking shall be separated by no more than 15 parking spsces". 4. It appears that several of the landscape islands in the parking areas are less than the required width of 9 feet and 150 square feet in area. 5. Provide an elevation of the proposed screening wall parallel to Freeport Parkway, including materials and colors. It is recommended that wing walls be added perpendicular to the building to further screen the loading areas from Freeport Parkway. 6. The proposed driveway 35 feet from Freeport Parkway is not acceptable, either is the off-set of driveway from Burns. 7. Label Hammond Street. Landscape Plan 1. Indicate proposed landscape screening around the proposed transformer. 2. Several landscape islands in the parking areas appear to be less than the required width of 9 feet and 150 square feet in area, and are missing the required overstory tree. 3. The parking on the east side of the building, both proposed and future, does not meet requirement that "that planting islands within a single row of parking shall be separated by no more than 15 parking spaces". 4. Along southern property line, 22 trees are required, to fulfill the requirements of perimeter landscaping, and only 21 trees are shown. 5. The symbol for Elaegnus needs to be added to the Plant Legend. ELEVATIONS: 1. Need to provide a color board at the April 3rd. Electronic copies of colored elevations are also reccommended. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Coppell Commerce Center, Lot 1R, Block 3, Site Plan, to allow the construction of an approximate 106,000 square-foot office/warehouse building on approximately 7.3 acres of property located at the southeast corner of Burns and Freeport Parkway, at the request of John Taylor, Azimuth Architecture, Inc. Project ID # SPA-03-0043 STAFF REP: Marcie Diamond DRC DA TE: March 27, 2003 and April 3, 2003 CONTA CT: Teresa M. Turner, E.I.T., Graduate Engineer (972)304-3681 COMMENT STATUS: D~rr ~,rr~r~ vv '/FINAL While sidewalks are not required at this time, ADA ramps must be constructed at the driveways and street intersections. ,~ APR -9 2003