Special Warranty DeedGrantee s Mailing Address:
ABQ Development Corporation
P.O. Box 25625
625 Silver Southwest, Suite 200
Albu0uerque, New Mexico 87123
37.00 ~£ZD :"
THAT The Parks of Coppell Joint Venture II ("Grantor"), a
Texas joznt venture, acting by and through its duly authorized
venturers, for and in consideration of the sum of .~N AND
NO/!00 DOLLARS ($10.90) and other good and valuable
consideration paid to Grantor by ASQ Development Corporation
(-Grantee"), a New Mexico corporation, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and confessed, has
GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT,
SELL AND CONVEY unto Grantee, those certain tracts of land
situated in Dallas county, Texas, ~escribed in Exhibit A all
=~.~ hereto and incorporated herein by reference for
rposes (the "Land").
n a )..~ nd a urtenances thereto '
TO HAVE A~D TO HOLD the Land, together wit
s~n~ular the r~hts a P~ ..... n~ces ors and
bel nging unto Grantee_and ~i~.~=~,~-~f and Gran~r~2~
forever, ~u _~ o___ ~ WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFENU
succe?°rs_an=_~9~to~r~tee and Grantee's succ~sso~a_n~_
singular the ~ ...... ~,v~r lawfully claim~
assigns, against every ~c~u~ .............. nr under
to claim the same or any part thereof, Dy, through
Grantor but not otherwise, but with full substitution an~
subrogation of Grantee in and to all ccvanants of warranty by
others heretofore ~iven or made with respect to the
titles and interest~ being conveyed, or thy part thereof.
Notwithstanding anything tc the contrary contained herein,
this conveyance is made by Grantor and accepted by Grantee
subject to those encumbrances described in Exhibit B attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes
(the -Permitted Encumbrances') to the extent that the Permitted
Encumbrances are and remain in effect and affect all or
88103 2326
portions of the Land. ThiS conveyance is not intended and
shall not be construed to extend or spread any of the Permitted
Encumbrances to any portion of the Land not presently covered
Current ad valorem taxes against the Land have been
prorated between Grantor and Grantee as of the date hereof, and
Grantee hereby expressly assumes the payment of ad valorem
taxes levied or assessed against the Land for 1988 and
subsequent years. Grantee acknowledges that this conveyance is
made b~- Grantor and accepted hy Grantee subject to the lien for
property taxes for: (i) as to tract 1, thc v~ar 1988
subsequent years, and subsequent assessments for prior yea:s
due to change in ~and usage or ownership; and (ii) as to
Tract 2 and Tract 3, taxes for the year i986 and subsequent
years, and subsequent assessments for prior years due to change
in land b age or ownership. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Grantor has agreed to pay any additional ad valorem taxes
(including any penalties or interest thereon) levied or
assessed against the Land after the date hereof arising er
,-~ ~,~ from ~rantor'm utilization during time periods prier
to the date hereo~ o~ open land act or agricultural us~ ad
valorem tax relief provisions or resulting from the withdrawal
of agricultural use cr open land act exemptions from portions
of the Land insofar as any such withdrawal results in
additional 3d valorem taxes attributable to the period of time
prior to the date hereof (collectively, the .'Additional
Taxes'). The foregoing agreement of G~antor to pay the
Additional T~xes is a non-recourse obligation, and Grantee
agrees to loo~ solely to the security provided for the payment
of the Additional Taxmm as provided in that certain Development
Agreement of even date herewith bet~'een Granter and Grantee.
Without warranty, express or implied, this conveyance also
covers any right, title znd interest of Grantor in: (i) any
strips or gores of land between the boundary lines of the Land
and any adjacent public rights-of-way or easements; and
(ii) public rights-of-way or easements adjacent to thc ~"~
lines of the Land- ~' /~~
EXECUTED as of the d~7 of , 1988.
~jcha_l R. ion
Joint Venturer
- 2 -
Ul~n A. Hinc~ley
Joint Venturer
Ey: The Stacy Suzanne Allen
Special Trust,
Joint Venturer
M~chael R. A~len
By: The Chzistine Anne Allen
Special Trust,
Joint Venturer
",,( ~,' ~ , ,'/ ~, f?
'MiChael R. Allen
At tot n~¥-in-Fa~:t
By: The John Michael Allen
Special Trust,
Joint Venturer
By ~ i' I ,~.(i.,, ~
Attorney-in-Fact CD
TheDavid Crittenden
Special Trust,
joinL venturer
- 3 -
--~ J Start Strickman
Senior vice President
Thi~ instrument was acknowledged before me on l//~r// 3~/ ,
1988, by Michael R. Allen, a joint venturer in ~ge Parks of
Coppell Joint Venture II, a Texas joint venture, on behalf of
said joint venture.
GIVEN ~DER MY HANO AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the ?/,'/~(. day
of ~?/]?, , 1988.
Printed Name of Notary CD
- 4 -
This inst~ument ~.as acknowledged before me on /,7%;'~/ ,~</ ,
- · 4 'n~ venturer in ~e ~Parks of
~988, by Glen A. H~nckley, a jox -
Coppell Joint Venture II, a Texas joint venture, on behalf of
said joint ~enture.
of ~
~'. '~ Notary PuDlic in and for
~~~S ~tary
This instrument was ackaowledged before me on ~//;'~ ~?" ,
1988, b~ John B. Kidd, a ~oint venturer in The Parks of Copgell
Jcint Venture II, a Texas joint venture, on behalf of said
joint venture.
GIVEN ~NDER ~ ~ND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the 3'~/(~; day
o f ///M~ ' ~ 988.
Notary Publican a~d for the State
n~i-s s ion Expires
Printed Na:~e of Notary
- 5 -
This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~'_ 3// '
1988, by ~ichael R. Allen, as AttorneY-in-Fact of The ~-~cy
Suzanne Allen S~ecial T[ust, a joint venturer in The Parkb of
Coppell joint Venture II, a Texas joint venture, on behalf of
said joint venture.
' ,~',~ day
~{:I~I ~)~[l,a~[~(P~,3 ~ Notary Public i~ and for
(%~_.~/~,~ ~I~ILL~ ~ the State of Texas
My commission Expire :
Printed Name of Notary
This instru;uent was acknowledged before me on //~?//,-~'>' ,
1988, by Michael R. Allen, as Attorney-in-Fact of ~he Christine
Anne Allen Special Trust, a joint venturer in The Parks of
Coppe!l Joint Venture II, a Texas joint venture, cn behalf of
said joint venture.
GIVEN~NDER MY HAND AND SEAL O~ OFFICE, ~hi$ the ..2<'///~ day
o ~ //I///
DEBORAH J. SKINNER ~~ ~-'""' -- '
Printed Name of Not~ry
- 6 -
This instrument was acknowledged before me on //~/'~-----,
1988, by Michael R. Allen, as Attorney-in-Fact ~n
Michael Allen Special Trust, a joint venturer in The Parks of
Coppell Joint Venture II, a Texas joint venture, on behalf of
said joint venture.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the ,~'//~/', I day
of ~' 1988.
My commission Expires:
--'-------~'inted Name of Notary
This instrument was ackncwledged before me on ~ ,
1988, by Michael R. Allen, as Attorney-in-Fact 6f ~le D~-~d
Crittenden Allen Special Trust, a joint venturer in The Parks
of Coppell Joint venture II, a Texas joint venture, on bekalf
of said joint venture.
of ~, 1988. c~4
· . ~n and fo
' ' ' , the State of ~xas ~
My Commission Expires: CO
---------~te-~of Notary Name
- 7 -
This instrument was acknowledged before me on //~_ ,
1988, by Stan Strickman, Senior Vice Presider]t- of ~-~Q
Development Corporation, a New Mexico corporation, on behalf of
said corporation.
GIVEN U~p~R h"~ HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the ~' day
/~'/~7 _, ~8.
Printed Name of Notary
The Land
NUMBER 164180
TP~.CT 1:
BEING a 1,29.7022 acre tract of land situated in the Clarinda Squires Survey,
Aostract Ne. 1327, the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Survey, Abstract No. 1430 and the George
W. Jack Su~,ey, Abstract No. 964, i~- the County of Dallas, Texas, ap~J being a
portion of that certain tract of land as described in deed from Good Financial
Corp. to M. Douglas A~kin~, Trustee, aa recorded in Volume 70188, Page 2355, in
the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly describeu as
BEGINNING at an iron rod on the -west R.O.W. line of Denton %ap Road Ca ,,ariable
width R.O.W.) said iron rod being the northeast corner of a trac~ &f la,n~ deeded
to Clifton K. McGraw, in Volume 66944, Page 1705, in the Deed keenrds of Dallas
County, Texas;
TH~4CE South 89 degrees 34 minutes 53 seconds West. along the north line of said
McGraw tract and leaving the said west R.O.W, line of said Denton Tap R~d for a
distance of 219.83 feet to an iron rod a~ the northwest corner of s~,id McGraw
'CHENCE~ South 00 degrees 19 minutes 41 seconds We~t ~_long tlc west line of said
M~Graw tract for a distance of 209.88 f~et to an iron rod at the southwest corner
of said tract, said iron rod lying in the north line of the B~l!y k. ~u~ton tract
as recorded in Volume 72154, Fage 2355 in the Deed Records of Dallas Ccunty,
T~ENCE South 87 degrees 40 minutes 10 ~econds West along said north line of said
Houston tract for a distance of 179.85 feet to an iron rod at the northwest corner
of said Houston tract;
THENCE South O0 degree~ !0 minute~ 02 seconds East along the west line of said
Houston tract for a distance of 104.35 ~eet to an iron rod in the north line of
Mills Lane;
'fHENCE South 88 degrees 17 minutes 45 seconds West along said .orth line of Mills
Lane for a distance of 589.46 feet to an iron rod on the east line of future Lot
~, Block "A" of unrecorded Coppell High School Additior:
THENCE No~h 01 degrees 44 minute~ 45 seconds West along the east line of s~id
future L~t l, Block "A" of unrecorded Coppell High School Addition for a distance
of 1295.81 feet to an iron rod at the northeast corner of said future Lot I, Block
"A" of unrecorded Coppell Righ School A~dition;
%q4ENCE South 88 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds West along the north line of said
future Lot 1, Block "A" of unrecorded Coppell High School Addition for a distance
of 282.50 feet tc an iron rod;
Page I of 7.
NUMBE P. 164180
TPbrNCE North 87 degrees 17 minutes 27 seconds West continuing along said north
line of said tract for a distance of i352.42 feet to an iron rod at the northwest
corner of said futwre Lot i, Block "A" of unrecorded Coppeli High School Add{tion,
said iron rod also lying on the east line of Section II Village at Cottonwood
Creek, as recorded in Volu~e 85237, Page 5014, in th~'~ Deed RecordF. of ~llas
County, Texas, said east line also being the abstract llne separating said
Abstracts ].430 and 1227 from .".he T.L. H~olland Survey, Abstract )1o. 624;
THENCE North 0~ degrees !5 minutes 51 seconds West along said east line of gection
II Village at Cottonwood Creek and said abstrax, line for a disC_ante of 25~2.23
feet to an iron rod at the southwes~ corner of a tract ~f land deeded to Lena
Schreiber in Volume 1005, Page 642, in the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas
said corner also l'.'ing on the cen'erline of Denton Creek;
THENCE along the south line of the said Lena Schreiber tract and said centerline
of 5~nton Creek the following six (6) courses and distances:
THENCE South 67 degrees 02 minutes 03 seconds East for 8 distance of 29.31 feet
to an iron rod.'.
THENCE South 81 degrees 23 minutes 23 astor, da East fer a distance of 55.70 feet
to an ires rod;
THENCE South 57 degrees 31 minutes 53 second~ East for a distance of 89.60 feet
to an iron rod;
THENCE South 35 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds East for a distance of 101.30
feeg to an iron rod;
~out,~ 72 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds East for a distance of 160.70
feet to an iron rod;
THENCE South 82 degrees 26 minutes 23 seconds East for a distance of 69.71)
feet ~o an iron rod at the southeast corner of said Lepta Schreiber tract, also (~D
being the southwest corner of a tract of la~d deeded to H.A. Thiede, aa recorded
in Volum~ 504, Page 680, in ~he D~0~- Records of Dallas County, Texas~ said iron CO
rod also lying in the ~aid centerline of Denton Creek;
THENCE .:!ong the south line of the said H.A. Thiede tract and continuing along the
said centerline of Den=on Creek the following two (2) courses and distances:
THENCE South 65 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds East ~or ~ distance of 262.00
feet to a,~ iron rod; CO
Page 2 of 7.
hq3HB~ R 1641~0
I~NCE South 89 degrees 39 minutes 23 seconds East for a distance of 184.73
feet to an iron rod at the northwest corner of a t:'act of land deeded to the City
of Coppeli as recorded in Volume 83005, Page 3562 and Volume 83005, Page 3569
the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas;
THENCE South 31 degrees 10 minutes 5l seconds East leaving said centerline of said
Dec.~on Creek and along the west line of the .~-id City of Copp~.ll tract for a
distance of 1466.96 feet to an iron rod;
~ENCE South 41 degrees l0 minutes 5I seconds East continuing along said west line
of said City ~f Coppell tract for a distance of 115.77 feet to an iron rod;
THENCE South 04 degrees 43 minutes ~2 seconds East continuing along said west line
of said City of Cgppell tract for a distance of 536.17 feet to an iron rod;
THENCE South 35 degrees 29 minutes 46 seconds £mst continuing along said west
of said City of Coppell tract for a distance of 198.08 fmet to an iron rod;
THENCE South Ol degrees 11 minutes 53 seconds Fast, ccntinuing along said
line of said City of Coppell tract for m dl.-tanc~ of $4.43 feet to an iron rod at
the southwea~ corner of said City 3f Coppell
THENCE North 67 degrees 24 minutes 35 seconds East along the south line of said
City of Coppell tract for a distance of 902.06 feet to an iron rod at the
southeast corner of said City of Coppell tract, s~id iron rod also lying on the
said west R.O.W. llne of said Denton Tap Road;
THENCE South O1 degrees O0 minutes 58 second~ East along said west line of said.
Denton Tap R~ad for a d/stance of 1452.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING =nd
containing 4,778,626.09 square feet or 109.7022 acres of land.
BEING a 27.5650 acre tract of land s~tuated in the S. A. & M. G. R. R. Survey,
Abstract No. 147~ and the Clarinda S~uires Survey, Abstract No. 1327 in ihs County
of Dallas, Texas, and being a partita of that certain tract of land as described
in deea from Good Ft~.~ctal Corp. to M. ~uglas Adkins, Trustee, as recorded in
Values 76188, Page 2355 in the Deed Records of Dallas Count'/; Texas, and being
more particularly described sa follows:
Page 3 of 7.
BEGINNING at an iron rod at the intersection of the east line of Denton Tap PyJad
(a variable width R.O.W.) with the north line of Parkway Boulevard (88 feet wide)
as recorded in Volume .~4040, PaRc 3023 ~f the Deed Records cf Da!!a~ County,
Texas: said point being the beginning of a curve to the righ~ whose chord bears
North 0I degrees 50 minutes 56 seconds East for a distance of ~3,35 feet;
THENCE in a northerly direction along said curve to the right having a radius of
5679.70, a central angle of 0 degrees 20 minutes ~! second~, a tangen= length of
16.67 feet and an arc length of 33.35 feet to an iron rod at the end cf said curve
to the right;
THENCE North 02 degrees 01 minutes 02 seconds East, continuing alorg the east line
of said Denton Tap Road, a distance of 248.40 feet to an iron rod for angle
poi nt;
THENCE North 07 degrees 43 minutes 40 seconds ga~t for a distance of 100.50 f~et
to an iron rod for angle point;
THENCE North 02 degrees Ol minutes 02 ~¢cond~ ga~t a distance of 163.64 feet to an
iron rod for corner; ~aid po£nt also boim~ th~ l~eginning of a curve to the left
whose chord bears North 74 degree~ 52 mminutea 43 seconds East for a distance of
157.88 feet;
%~HENCE in a northeasterly direction along said curve to the left having s radius
of 600.00 feet, a c~ntral angle of 18 degrees O0 minutes 54 seconds, a tangent
length of 95.11 feet and an arc length of [88.65 feet to an iron rod at the end of
said curve to the left;
THENCE Mx~rth 65 degrees 52 mlnutea 16 seconds East a distance of 885.24 feet to an
iron rod at the beginning of a curve to the right;
THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said curve to the right having a radius
of 3~42.11 feet, a centr~l angle of 7 degrees 57 minutes 25 seconds, a tangent
length of 232.44 fe~t and a,~ arc length cc 464.14 feet to an iron rod at the end
of curve to the right;
IHEN~ South 27 degrees 52 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 666.40 feet to an
iron rod for corner in the northerly line of said ~arkway Boulevard; said point
also bein~ the beginning of a curve t~ the left whose chord bears South 60 degrees
23 minute~ 04 seconds West for a distance of 136.07 fe~t;
q'HE~qCE in a southwesterly direction along ~he northerly Ii,~e of said Parkway
Boulevard and said curve ~o the left having a radius of 2244.00 feet, a central
angle of 3 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds, a tangent length of 68.07 feet and an
arc length of !36.10 feet to an iron rod at the end of said curve to the
THENCE South 58 degree~ 38 minutes 49 seconds West, continuing along the northerly
lin~ oL said Parkway Boulevard, a distance of 578.14 feet to an iron rod at the
beginning of a curve to the right;
Page 4 of 7.
NUMBER 16.4180
%].{ENCE in a southwesterly and westerly dir~.ction along the northerly line of said
Parkway Boulevard and said curve to the right havi,'qt a radius of i006.00 feet, a
central angle of 30 degrees 20 minutes 13 second-~, a tangent length of 272.73 feet
and an arc length of 532.66 feet to an iron rod at the end of said curve to thc
THENCE South 88 degrees 59 minutes 02 seconds West, continuin~ along the northerly
line of said Parkway Boulevard, a distance of 647.83 fee~' to the POINT OF
BEGINNING and containing 1,200,729 square feet, or 27.5650 acres of land.
TRACT 3 .. :
Being a 66.6453 acre cract of land situated in the Clarinda Squires Survey,
Abstract No. 1327, the S. A. & M.G.R.R. Survey, Abstract No. 1430 and the Sibered
Hendermon Survey, Abstract No. 629 in the County of Dallas, Texas, and bei~g a
portion of that certain tract of lan~ as described in deed from Good Financial
Corp. to M. DauglZs Adkins, Trustee, as recorded in Volume 76188. Page 2355 ia the
Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more paL. ticul]rly dascribed as
COMiMENCING at the southwest corner of a tract of land deeded to Ruth Perkins as
recorded in Vo!u~-e 69241, Pa~e 459 of the Deed Records of Dallas Co~nty, Texas,
said corner being on the north lime of Sandy Lake Road (a variable width R.O.W.);
THYNCE North 01 degrees 22 minutes 49 secouds West, along the west line of said
Perkins trac~, a distance of 620.89 feet to the Point of Beginning;
THENCE North Ol degrees 22 minutes ~9 seconds West, a distance of 2084.13 feet to
an iron rod at the beginning of a curve to the left;
THENCE in a n~rthweaterly direction along said curve to the left havir, g a radius
of 209.09 feet, a central angle of 29 degrees 58 minutes 22 se-_onds, a tangent
length of 55.97 feet, and an arc length' of ~0c~.38 feet to an ir-'~ rod at the end
Of-~aid curve to the left, said point being on the southe.,ly line of Parkway
Boulevard (an 88 foot R.O.W.) as recorded in V~lume 84040, Page 3023 of the Deed
Record~ cf Da!Ia~ County, Texas;
TRENCE North 58 degrees 38 minutes 49 seconds E~st, along the northerly line of
said Parkway Boulevard, a distanc~ of 422.54 feet to an iron rod at the beginning
of a curve to the right;
THENCE in a northeasterly and easterly direction along the southerly line of said
Parkway ~oulevard and said curve to the right having a radius 2156.00 feet, a
central angle of 30 degrees 35 minutes 31 seconds, a tangent length o~ 589.65 feet
and sm arc length of 1151.15 feet to sn iron rod at the ~nd of said curve to the
right, s~id point being the no~'thweat corner of the future unrecorded Parkview
P, ge 5 of ~. T~COR TITLE/,-.~
NL'MBE R 164180
T~N~ ~uth OO degrees 56 minute~ 25 seco~s ~st, ~ong the we~t line of said
future unrecorded Parkview Additio.~ for a distance of 646.78 feet to an iron rod
at the ~st westerly sou~hwes~ corner of said future unrecorded Parkview ~dition;
T~N~ ~rth g9 degree~ 03 minutes 35 seconds East, along tbs south boundary line
of said Future Parkvtew ~dition for a distance of 2~0.00 feet to an iron r~ at
the ~gtnning of a curve to the right %avtng a central a~le of 14 degrees 29
minutes 32 seconds, a radius of 435.00 feet a~ a t~ngcnt length of 55.31 fee~;
~EN~ Southeasterly, continuing along said south bounda~ line ~f said future
unrecorded f'arkvieW ~di:fon and along said curve for an arc length of 110.03 fee~
to an iron rod at a point of reverse curvature to the left, said curve having a
central a~le of 05 degrees 49 minute~ 42 seconds, a radius of 665.00 feet a~ a
tangent length of 33.85 feet;
~ ~u~heasterly, continuing alo~ said ~ou~h bounda~ line of gatd future
unrecorded parkvlew ~dltton a~ along said curve for an arc length of 67.65 feet
~o ma tron r~ a: the e~ of said curve;
~ ~u=h O0 degrees 56 minute& 25 seroUS Ems: for a distance of 22.59 feet to
mn trom r~ aC the ~st southerly ~uthw~t corner of said future ~recorded
parkvl~ ~dttton, said iron r~ also ly~ o~ the abstract line separatt~ said
abstract 1327 from said abstract 629, said ~b~tr~ct line also ~Inf th= mor=,h llne
of a tract of land deeded to J & g ~mpmn~, ~c., as recorded i~ Vclume 79009,
Page 0433 in the Deed Records of ~l~l ~untf, Texas.
T~N~ ~uth 89 degrees 03 minutes 35 seco~ West along said abstrac~ line a~
said north li~ of said J & E ~mpany tract a distance of I148.91 feet to an iron
r~ at the northwesC corner of said J & E ~mpany tract;
~NCE ~uth Ol degrees 04 minutes 16 seconds East !earing said abstract line a~
along the wes~ li~ of said J & E ~mpany tract for a distance of 1419.83 feet to
an iron r~ at the southwest corner of said J & E ~mpany tract;
THEN~ ~rth 88 degrees 34 utnuc~s 54 serous East along the south line of said J
& E ~any t:mct for a distance of 638.39 feet to an iron r~ at the northwes~
cor~er of c tract of h~ deeded to Johns H, ~rns, Jr. &s recorded In Vclu~ 2[43, !exas;
Page ~.5 In =ha ~ed P~cord~ of ~lla~ County,
~ South O0 degrees 51 ~nuces 03 seconds West alo~ the west line of said
Burn~ tract for ~ dfsCamcc of 1153.29 fect to an iron rod on the north R.O.W, line
of S~n~y ~ke Ro~ (a variable width R.O.W.);
~ South 88 degfee~ 28 minu~e~ 22 seconds We~t a!o~ enid north R.O.W. line of
~fd Slay ~ke ~ad a distance of 677.68 feet to an iron r~ at ~he ~outhea~t
corner of · tract of 1~ deeded to Shfr!ey ~rpold a~ recorded in Volume 77116,
Pigs 627 in the Deed Record~ ~f Dalla~ ~unty, Texa~;
P~ze 6 of 7.
TI~.ACT 3 CgN'T:
I~IENCE North 01 degreeo 54 minute~ 52 seconds ~s~ leaving said north line of
Sandy ~:ke Road, alon~ the eamt line of gaid ~rpold t~'act for a distance of
~64.07 feet to an iron rod at the northeast corner of s~!d ..a~pold tract;
THEt;CE ~uth 89 degrees 51 ninuteS 14 seconds West, along the north line of said
Harpo!a t~act and the notch Line of said Perkin~ tract, for a ~istance of 630.05
feet to th~ Point of Bc~lnninZ ;md c,mtain~g 7,90~,07I ~'~qua-e feet, or 66.6453
acres of land.
Page 7 o£ 7.
TI~GR TITL~/~.~:~
, EXH~BI'r B
Permitted Exceptions
1. Ordinances, codes, laws and other governmental rules
and regulations affecting the Land.
2. Easement for sewer line purposes to thc Coooell
Municipal utility District No. 1, recorded in Volume 75!q2,
page ~372 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (affects
Tracts 1 and 2).
3. Easement for utility purposes to the City of Coppell.
-]xas, recorded in Volume 79074, page 75 of the Deed Records of
Dallas County, Texas (affects TYact 1).
4. Easement for utility purposes to the City of Coppell,
Texas, recorded in Volume 79074, page 99 of the Deed Records of
Dallas County, Texas (affects Tract i).
5. Easement for electric transmissi°n/dis~ributi°t line
purposes to Texas Power & Light Company, recorded in
Volume 2109, page 467 of the Deed Records of Dallas County,
Texas (affects Tract 1).
6. Easement for utility transmission/distribution line
purposes to Texas F~wer & Light Company, recorded in
Volume 2013, page 602 cf the Deed Recnrds of Dallas County,
Texas (affects Tract 1).
7. Easement for Denton tap line to the City of Coppell,
Texas, recorded in Volume 85070, page 2970 of the Deed Records
of Dallas County, Texas (affects Tract 2).
8. Easement for utility purposes to the City of Coppell,
Texas, recorded in Volume 81239, page i515 of the Deed Records
of Dallas county, Texas (affects '£racts 2 and 3).
9. Ease~..ant fox electric distribution line purposes tO
Texas p~wer & Light Co~pany, recorded i~ Vn]l~e ~61~9,
page 6609 of the Deed Records cf Dallas County, Tezas (affects
Tract 3).
10. Agricultural Lease, dated December 31, 1986, by and
between Parks of Coppell Joint Venture I and II, as lessor, and
Troy McCar!ey, as lessee (affects Tracts 1, 2 and 3 and other
.~ - ~eement dated Webruarv 6, 1986, between
]1. L_tter oq .... · -~- ~a ~ Powe~ & Light
Company ' ~ ' ,~' · ~ ~-:- ^f ~a-J to connect a pcwer Line
fifteen foot (15.) ~ce s..~jp~.~ ~ '~,,ni~inal Building for the
to provide electrical serv~c~ uo ~,=- ,- .... =
Cin¥ of Coppell, Texas (affects Tract ~).
4559S C~
P,~OVISION$ CONTAINEO 1N AI'IY DOC 'f.~r,~? .........