Plat Map Recording Sheet DALLAS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CYNTHIA FIGUEROA CALHOUN OB/OI/OZ 24.$4-631 PLAT MAP RECORDING SHEET LEGAL DESCRIPTION (INCLUDING CITY): FILE DATE the descdbe~ real properl!t ~.~ ~ ~'~ ~,~ and un~fo~e STATE DF T~S COU~ OF DAL~g I hereby c~.~ls M~t ~ ~l~ ~ ~e ~te and Ume stamp~ h~eon by me and was duly rem~ In the volume and ~age of ~e n~ r~r~ of DalIii Count, T~ as ~m~ 0391-3 VOLUME & PAGE OF RECORDED PLAT MAP 509 Main Street, 2"d floor Dallas, Texas 75202 (214) 653-7099