Preliminary Grading Plan4 _ I 4 / 30~ EX} E:x 21' R~ -% ), E× !8" RCP BURNS STREET (aa' now) 24' F1REF_.ANE-- - ContrQctor Shall Connect 18' RCP to 2~" RCP FL = 50~..ql BENCH MARK Bench Mark T.B.M. Temporary Bench Mark Single W?ngwalls 512 ,' 0 ~. i 0 10 20 40 80 120 SCALE: 1" = 40' Grading Notes 1. Contractor shall verify all dimensions on the ground prior to construction and notify architect and engineer :mmediately of any discrepancies 2. Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and inspections by permit:lng entitles for construction and any costs for such permits and inspections shall be paid for by the contractor 3. Contractor shall provide all necessary safety 'devices and traffic control measures for the orotection of the public durlng the construction period 4. Ail proposed contours and spot elevations are to fln[shed grade NOTE: 1. ALL EARTHWORK TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ~EOTECHN,CAL !N~ESTGAT~ON PSS OFFICE/WAREHOUSE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF GATEVIEW BOULEVARD AND ROYAL LANE COPPELL, TEXAS" PREPARED BY: REED ENGINEERING, PROJECT NO. 95,39, ,JANUARY 200.3 WARNING TO CONTRACTOR: CALL 1-800-344-8377 OR OTHER UTILITY LOCATING SERVICES 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. JONES & CARTER, INC. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING ALL EXISTING UTILITIES OR DEPICTING EXACT LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES ON DRAWINGS. GENERAL 'UTILITY NOTE All existlng ut!lit/ data is provided for information only. Although this data is shown as accurately as possible, the contractor is cautioned that the owner and the engineer neither assumes nor implies any responsibility for the ~ccuracy of this date. It shail be the contractor's responsibility to contact the utility affected and verify these locations and elevations prior to construction. City' of Coppel/ LONE STAR GAS ONCOR ENERGY SERV1CES Southwestern E~el! Teiephone Co. (972) 471-2251 (800) 8~7-8090 (800) 546-.35,3.3 (972) 2,34-7028 5yr. To 1 CAUTiON-NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND WHERE POSSIBLE MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BElNG EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. Pre Developed Post Developed Area (acres) 1.5 Area (acres) 6.35 Tc (min) 10 Tc (min) 10 I 3.56 1(100) 8.88 C 07 C 0.73 O (100) 3.74 Q (100) 41.16 Storm Duration Intensity Peak Flow Inflow Outflow Storage 10 8.88 41.16 24698 2243 22,455 15 7.56 35.04 31540 2804 28,736 I 20 I 6.90 31.98 38382 3364 35,018 30 5.80 26.89 48395 4486 43,909 40 4.90 22.71 54513 5607 48,906 50 4.40 20.40 61189 6728 54,460 60 3.96 18.36 66084 7850 58,234 70 3.60 16.69 70089 8971 61,118 80 3,25 15.07 72314 10093 62,221 90 2.90 13.44 72592 11214 61,378 Design Storm in Bold DETENTION SUPPLIED = 68,125 FT3 EXIST1NG LEGEND PROPOSED x 517.00 9C PC WATERLINE W/TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE SANITARY SEWER W/MANHOLE CONTOURS STORM SEWER w/ MANHOLE STORM SEWER w/ iNLET \ TOP OF CURB ELEFATiON z~ 4/'18/05 SUJ3MITED FOR P&Z HEARING TMS 5/19/05 SUBMITED FOR DRC REVIEW TMS NO. DATE REVISIONS APP. PRITCHARD ASSOCIATES 2501 STATE STREET DALLAS, TX 75201-2031 LOT 1R BLOCK 3-COPPELL COMMERCE CENTER PRELIMINARY GRADING Plan JE ~fONES & CARTER, INC. Cons~t~ng £ng~.neers 3030 I~B~' Freeway, Sm~ 910 Da~.a~, Texas 75~34 (97:8) 488-3880 SCALE: 1" = 40' DON. BY: BAJ DATE: MARCH 2005 DWN. BY: MAR JOB NO. D076-002 DWG. NO. - INTERIM REV1EW Not intended for constructio,r~, bidding or permit purposes. Engineer: THOMAS M. STROH, P.E SHEET NO. P.E. Serial No.: 81145 i Dote: MARCH 20'0.3 I ~ i OF 3