FP, pg2, filed w/County 11/6/02OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS, GREEN¢¢AY-GRAPEVINE/COPPELL PARTNERS, L.P,, o Texas Limited Portnershlp, is the owner of o froot of land In the J. Gibson Survey, AOstraot No. 586, Torront County, Texas and the J. Gibson Survey, Abstrcct No. 1716, Dali,s County, Texas, sltuoted Tn the Cities of Crapevtne, Tarrcnt County, Texas or-id Coppe,I, Da;los County, Texas, end Oelng that tract described In Va!uae 96067, Page 3964 of D.R.D.O.T. emd fn Volume 12;67, Pege 122~ o~ Being o I6.13 acre tract Of land situated In the City of Grapevine, Torront County, Texas cmo Tn City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being a port of the J. Glbson Survey, Abstract No. 586 Torront County, Texas, and o port of the J. OiOson Survey, Abstrdct No. 1716 Col[as County, Texas, end being o part Of that certain tract of land descrfOed to Oreenwoy-OrepevTne/CoppelIPartners L.P.,os recorded in Volume 96097, Page 3964,0¢ toe Deed Records o¢ Col:os County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.).ond fn Volume 12~67, Pege 1221,o¢ the Deed Records o~ ToFrc~ County, Texas (O.R.T.C.T.), sold 16.1~ ~cre tract of land Doing more par~lculor{y described BEGINN~.NO ct o 1/2-Inch Iron rod with 0 red plastic cop stamped 'GRAHAM' tau,nd for the southeast corner of sold Oreenwmy-OropevTne/CoppellPartners L,P., tract, sold point being on the west line of Block 1, Lot lo Replot of a port of Freeport North, on Addition tO the City of Cogpe;las recorce:j In Volume 98193, Page 00031 D.R.D.C.T, said point being the northeast corner of Lot 2, ~'.ocx 1, o¢ the Fellowship of Lo5 OGlinG5 Addition, on oddltfon to t~e City o¢ Cappellas retorted In Volume Page 00027 O.R.D.C.T.; THENCE North 89 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds West, deporting said '¢~est line of Lot l, BIock 1 mhd along the north line of sold Lot 2, Block 1, mt o distance of 606.27 feet, passing the northwest corner of sold Lot 2, Block 1, and being the northeast corner of Lot 1R, Block 1, of cna*net FeIFowship of Los Cotlnos Addition, on oddltion to the City of Grapevine, os recorded fn CaOlnet A, Slide 3762, P.R.T.C.T., from which o found 1/2-Inch from rod with o red pies*lo cop Gears South 61 degrees 28 minutes 23 seconds West, o dlsta,nce of 0.1.3 feet, and continuing clang the north line of 8cid Lot IR, BlocK 1, fn oho totol d~st~mce of 1317.28 feet to a I/2-fncm 8et Iron rod ~ltb o ye',low plastic ccd stamped "HALFF ASSOC. INa." (meref~frer referred to os 'with cap')on the southeast right-of-way line of State Highway 121, (a vorfcb:e width right-of-way) sold point Doing on o non-tangent circular curve ¢o the right having o radius of 2.826.79 feet and whose c~ord Oeo.rs North 38 degrees 24 minutes ~6 seconds East, o distance of 436.~4 feet; THENCE Northeasterly, along sold southeast right-of-way line and olon.g sold curve to tt~e right, through o central angle of 08 degrees 51 minutes 11 seconds, on crc distance of 436.78 feet to a 1/2-inch set from rod with cop for the point of tongency; THENCE North 42 degrees 50 minutes 21 seconds East, continuing along sold southeast right-of- way line, a distance of 449.80 feet to o 1/2-Inch set Iron rod with cop for on angle point In sold THENCE North 42 degrees 55 minutes 27 seconds East, con,in.ulna clang sold so.Jthemst right-of- way line, o dlstcnce of 205.00 feet to o 1/2-Inciq set Iron rod with cap for corner In the southwest lTne of Northpolnt Drive (90.00 foot wide rrght-of-woy), os dedicated to the City of CoppeJlby deed recorded In Volume 97172, Poge 59:]O,O.R.O.C.T.; THENCE South 49 degrees 19 minutes 02 seconds East, departing said so.utt~eost right-of-way line and along sold southwest line of said Northpolnt Drive, o distance of 68.84 feet to the beginning of o non-to.mcan* circular Curve to the left, having o radius of 845.00 feet and whose chord bears South 69 degrees 29 minutes :]4 seconds Eost, o dlstonce of 583.00 feet; THENCE Southeasterly, continuing along sold southwest line and clang sold curve to the [eft, through o centrol ongle of 40 degrees 21 minutes 38 seconds, on arc distance of 595.23 feet to 1/2-inch set rron rod with cop for the end of sold curve and being the southeast corner of sold Northpolnt Drive dedlcotlon, also being on the west line of sow Lot 1, Block 1 of sold Replot of o port of Freeport North AddltTon; THENCE South 0.0 degrees 14 minutes 35 seconds East, deporting sold southwest line and clang sold west Ilne of Freeport North Addition, o dlstonce of 578.36 feet to THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 702,416 sque.re feet or 16.13 cores of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT GREENWAY-GRAPE¥1NE/COPPELL PARTNERS, L.P., o Texas Limited Partnership, does hereby adopt thls pict of Northpoint AdditTon, on oddltlon to the Ct,les of Groper(ne, Tartan, County, Texas, and Coppel~,Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedlcote to the pubJlo use forever the rlglat-of-woy and easements shown hereon. The easements 5mown hereon ore hereby reserved for toe purposes os indicated. The utility easements shall bo open for oil City or fron.cnlsed punic utliJtles for each portfcuWr use. The maintenance of po/lng on the De constructed, reconstructed, oF pl~ced upon, over, or across the easements 08 s~own. Sold easements be~nO ~ereDy reserved tar the mutumluse mhd mccommodm~fon of cH puDllc using, oF desiring to use ¢ome. Any City or fronc~l¢ed utility 8.hall hove toe furl Fight to remove and keep removed oil oF ports of any fences, trees, shrubs, or other Improvements or which In any way endanger or ~nterrere wI~h the constructlon, mofn~enonco, or ee~fcfency respective rye*em on the easements and oll Clty or franchised utilities snail ct o~1 ~mes hove the full right of ingress and egress to mhd from and upon said easements for tf~e purpose of construotlno, reconstructing, Inspecting, potrollinO, maintaining, and adding ¢o or removing oil or anyone, This plat approved ~uOJect to aLI ptottfng ordinance~, rule~, regulations and resolutions of CItWs of Grapevine, Texas and Coppetl, Texas. ~Itne~a my hcnd tnla t~e 4~ day of ~ ~dE~¢(~ ,2001. Owner: Greenwoy-Orapevine/Coppeil Partners. L.P. By: Greenway-Nort,~l~olnt, ln.c, lt's CeneralPartner BEFORE ME, o Notary Public, on tnls day personally oppeore~(Yx % known to me to De the person whose nome fs subscrlbed to the foregoing Instrument and oaknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes cnd consWerotIon therein expressed. Glv~{ office thls NO'fi, THEREFORE, KNON ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ·dOy of 1 ~ ,A.D.,2001. That GREEN¢¢AY-O.RAPEVINE/COPPELL PARTNERS, L.P.,o Texas limited partnership, acting herein by oind through Its duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plot, designating ttae herein above described property os Lot 1, 81OC.K 1, Nortiapolnt Addition, on oddltlon to ttme City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and the Clty of Grapevine, To,front County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, In fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets on.d alleys shown thereon. The street8 and choys ore dedlcoteO for street purposes. The easement8 on.d pubtlc use areas, as shown, ore dedlcoted to the puD[fo use forever for the purpose8 Indlcated on this plot. No buildings, fences, frogs, 5h.rub8 or other lm.pFovement8 oF g.Fowt~5 5h~llDe constructed or ptoced upon, over o¢ across t~e easements os shown, except t~ot landscape Improvements may be placed In [dndscope easements, If ap.proved by the City of Coppel.lond t~e Clty of Oropevine. In Gddltion, utility easement8 may o1~o be used for the mutuol u~e and accommodation of oil public utilities desiring to use or using t~e some un,ess the easement Ilmif~ t~o USG tO portlcutor utltltles, sold use Dy public utlIItres Doing 5uDordrnote to the public's and Clty of Oop.pell'¢ and OIty o¢ O.ropevlne'8 use t~ereo~. The City of Ooppel4 t~e Clry o¢ Oropev~ne and public ufWty entff~es s~oll~ove the rl~t to remove o~d Keep removed or port8 o¢ any bu~ldfn~8,¢ences,~rees, shru~s or o~er fmprovement~ or ~rowtn~, may In any ~oy, endo~ger or interfere w~tn t~e cons*fur,lan, maintenance or erf~cfency tnelr respective systems In 8old easements. T~e altV of Coppell, t~e Clty of Grapevine Qind puelfC uflffty entitle8 s~ollot OIl~mes ~ove the fullrig~f Of in~res~ and e~ress fo from thelr rasPer*lye easement8 for fha purpose of constructing, TnspeotTng, potrolllng, mofntofnin¢,readlng meters and ~ddfng to or reraov~r~o al'lot ports of their respective system8 without the necessity ct any time of procuring peFmlsslon from alt Y ,,,, !u,A Ti'$N I~EL. EASE CiTY OF GRAPEVINE That the undersigned do hereby covenant and c~ree t~ot shollconstruct upon the flro lone easements, os Cedlcated cnd s~o~n ~eraon. o ~ord surfcce cnd that they snailmo[nto!n free etd c:ecr of any strucrures, fences, trees, s~ru~s, or other improvements or obstruction, !nclud[ng but not I;m[ted to parking of motor ve~Tc:es, trcllers, Soots or other impediments fire lane easements ls t~e responsIDll[ty of tho owner, and plcces a:ong such *;re :ones, stating 'Fire Lane, No Porting'. Tho police or n!s duly autnonlzed representative Ts hereby cuthorlzed to cause such flre Icnes end utility easements to De maintained free cnd unoDstructeC ct o:ltTme5 for fire deportment cnd emergency use. The undersigned do covencnt and agree that t~e Access Easements may be ut!~lzed Dy cny person or tho generolpuD~lo ~o¢ 'nGres$ Grid egress to other reolproperty, cnd for the purpose of OeneraIPu~l;C venfru:ar and ~edestrfcn use and cccess, cnd for F;re Department and emergency use rn, clong, u~on Grid aCrOSS sold premises, with the right ona ~rlv[lege ct C;ITlme$ Of the Clty Of Coppell, Its agents, employees, worKMen and rGpresentQTlYe$ bGvfng Ingress, ogress, and re~ress in, a:ong, upon cnd across soTd premises. This plat approved suojeot to Git plot,lng ordinances, rules, regu',etlons, and resolutions of the City . f Coppell, Texas. htTNESS OUR HANDS, this tee dGy of NORFhPC,~TLT~AC, DIT~CN ,/~ ' NOTARY FOR NORTHPOLNT AODITION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF t [,q <~-- § BEFORE ME, o Notary Pub¢c,.on tnls day personclly who name 18 subscribed to the above ~nd foregoing instrument, ~nd acknowledged to me that he executed the 5omo for tho purpose5 and considerot~on expressed and In t~e cop~clty t~ere[n stated. 0 .o74 Tho undersigned, the Clty Secretary of tho Clty of Coppe!l, Texas, hereOy certlfles pre.Tm.nary p.ct of Nort.mpof~t AdOItIOn. Lot 1, B~ock l, o SuDdl~i~,on or ~ 2001, and ¢~o Counc'.l, Dy formcl Gctfon, then and t~ere approved rna predmfnoFy plot separate motlon designated the Planning and Zoning CommlssTon ¢o Oe the MunlolpolAuthoFTty responsible for rna approval of ¢~o Flncl Su~cfvfsfo~ P~ot of SuCh ~GNd G~d tho Final Subdivision Pla¢ of such fond need not Oe brought bOCK for f'.nolopprovoto~ ¢~e City Councllun'.ess, inaction on t~e port of tho PlonnTng and Zoning Commission, such Flnal SuDdlvls!on deemed approved Dy tho Planning and Zoning CommFss!on ~or faf:ute to cc$ whhT~ tho perlod required Dy Flnol~uOdlvlslon Plat approved Oy formal or,lan of the Plonn',,n.g and Zonlng Cammlss!on on the pub,fo places, and ~Q*~r and 5ewer'.Tnes, Q5 5~o~n Grid 5o¢ fort~ fn and upon 5old plot, and suDscrlW' / Chaf~'m~a, P[annTng and Zoning Commission City Of CODDe/I, TOXQS Attest: Date: e a y, fonlng Commission D te: City of Copped, l~¢xas FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTE: FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. i~iL~ HAS BEEN FILEO WITH THE CITY OF COPPELL FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR ON FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR ~ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED VER1ZON TXU ELECTRIC/OAS PARAGON CABLE BY: T~E STATE CF TEXAS ,',HEREAS, OREEN,'iAY-GRAPEVNE/COPPELL PARTNERS, L,P,,a Texas Lfmlted Partnershfp, P. erefnofter col*ed t~e 'O~ner' (.,,heft. er one or more)Ts tho owner of ?hQ* ccrto'.~ ~OrCelO~ fgnd slruoted '.n the City 0~ ,NOel THEREFORE, fn consfderot!on of *,he sum of ONE AND 00/100 ($1,00) COLLAR and other Goad and valuable consideration, t~e receipt and sufficiency of which Ts nere~y fu:Jy GCK~Owredged Qfld confessed, Owner does hereby wc~ve, re:ease, remfse and nero;not*er col:er 'C~t~es", for rna uso and beneflt of erie Dub~ic end ~ts cgencles, any and c~o;ms for dcmcges of any aTnd to persons or ~roperry t~ot Owner may suffer Dy reoson of the restr~c¢IOn 05 pre3ently estc~[fs~ed Dy Ordfncnce No, 73-50 for the Cfty of Crc~evfne, Xno~n cs TnTs instrument does not release tlqe o'~ners or cperctors of ctrcroft from rloD;llty for Cam. cae or Tn jury to person or property roused Dy ¢o;:lng aTrcroft or fo4Tng pnys',ccloD]ects from It Is cgreed that this Release shall De D~r,d',ng upon sold Owner and his matts and ass:gns, and successors In interest to scfd property;and It ;s further agreed that this instrument snc;il:e o covenant runn;ng wTtn the Icnd, and snail be recorded Tn the Deed Records of tho county ar counties ~n which toe property !s situated. ~ EXECUTED at ,Texas, t~fS ~doy O~ () ~X ~~,' 2001. Owner: Green'~ay-Grapev'.ne/Coppe[I Portners, L,P. By: Grernway-Nor)t~lp~fnt, lnc, lt's GenoralPartner Tom, ray Pfrg,?,oe-P??ent NOT RY FOR NORTHPOiNT ADDITION STATE OF TEXAS § BEFORE ME, o Notary Public, on thls day personally ~no name Is suOscrfOed--¢~e~to Dovo o.nd foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed tho some for the purposes and consideration expressed ~Rd fn t~e cop~city there~n s~oted. GIV,~N UNrER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on thls the dOy of No,cry Pu Ill{~Stol;~ofd~exYos SURVEYOR'S CERTIFLCATE This ls to certlfy that I, Raul¢/ong, dr,, o Registered ?rc, fessTonolLand Survoyor Tn tho State of Texas, havo plotted the abovo subdivision from on aotual survey on tho ground; and tinct cji lot corners, oing!e path,s, and points of curvo shall be properly marked on the ground pr!or to reaordTng finolplot, cnd ,not tn;s p'.et correctly repre3ents TROt survey m~de by me, or under my supervision. .,a/--',, / · / / ,' reul ',rang, )r.! RPLS / ,/" REG,~ERE~PRCFESS!,~ffAL LAND SURVEYOR ...Z.~~]~.. X TEXAS N~. 2958 ...~WONO, j~, ~ ..~ 2~ .~.' NOTARY FOR NORTHPO:NT ADCITION %/' BEFCRE ME, o Notary Public, on thls day personally ~ppeored RoulWong, Jr., RPLS Known to me to be the person '.no name ls subscribed to the abovo and foregoing *ns*tureens, and acknowledged to me that he executed the som, o for the purposes and conslCeratton expressed cnd In the rapcclty therein stated. GIVEN bNDER MY HAND ANg SEAL OF OFFICE on t~F5 rna ~~ doy Of ,2001 Notary P~tlc, StotO Of Texas FLOODPLAIN OR0I,NANCE NOTES: 1. By grophlcolplottlng, the porceldescribed maroon Ilos wlthln 'ZONE X'(unstaoded) and 'ZONE C' (unslaoded). 'ZONE X' (unshaded)Ts deflned os 'crees determined to De outslde the 500-year floodplain'and 'ZONE C'ls dofined cs 'areas of mlnTmalfloodfng.' 2, Flood Ploln informotlon shown (ZONE 'X'unshoded) as doiTneoted on the City of Coppell, Texas, Deltas and Denton Countleso Flood I.nsuronce Roto Mop, Communlty-PcnelNumber 480170 0.010 E, doted AprlllS, 1994, as publlshed Oy the Federal Emergency Management Agency. And flood Information shown (ZONE "C')o5 delineated on tho Clty of Grapevine, Texcs, Tartan* and DCllfOS Countles, Flood Insurcnce Rote MOp, Com,munlty-PonelNumDer 480598 0010 B, doted NovemDor 17, 1982. The ~urveyoF utlllzed the oOove roferenced flood plain Tnformotlon for thl8 determination and the surveyor does not certify that revlsed fl,ocd blain TnformotTon has OF has not Deem published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or rome other 5ource; Approved: Chairmen: Secretory: GRAPEVINE PLANNING & ZONING COMN~ISS[ON: 0RAPEVINE CITY COUNCIL; [3Qte Approved: ]XZ/A; ~ FINAL PLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 NORTHPOINT ADDITION BEING 1 .13 ACRES ONE LOT OUT OF T~E J, 01BSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 171 CITY OF C0PPELL, DALLAS COUNTY , AN[:) TkE J. GIBSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 586 CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY TEXAS BY JACKSON-SHAWCOMPAN FOR GR6E AY-G EVI COPPELL PARTNERS, L.P. PRF_..PAR~D BY: HALFF ASSOCIATES, L",,GINEERS & SURVEYORS 8~16 NORTHWEST PLAZA ~RI'¢-7..,DALLAS, TEXAS '75225 PHC.~E: $CALE~'=60' AVO 1912~ ~AY, 2001